
Showing posts from June, 2012
Have you ever noticed that it seems when you Pray and Speak the Word over mountains in you life, its like all the forces of hell come against you, I started recognizing this would happen, So now whenever I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to stand in faith about something, I use my God given authority over satan and his cohorts. I use the Word of God to keep things in order. Keep Peace in my atomsphere...  This happened the other day, I was speaking the Word over debt and lack in my house, It was an amazing time with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I loosed ministering Angels to go forth. When I was done I felt like such a conqueror. Like things shifted in the Spirit Realm and I believed with everything in me I was going to see God's Word manifest in our lives.  I truly believe all of Heaven was working on our behalf...but I did something I should have never done, I got into offense in otherwords I stepped out of the realm of the Spirit, I got up out of my seat in heavenly p...
8 And when He comes, He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God) and about judgment: 9 About sin, because they do not believe in Me [trust in, rely on, and adhere to Me]; 10 About righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God), because I go to My Father, and you will see Me no longer; 11 About judgment, because the ruler (evil genius, prince) of this world [Satan] is judged and condemned and sentence already is passed upon him. John 16:8-11 Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit. I find it interesting that is verse 9 it says the Holy Spirit will reveal to us about sin, then instead of listing everything that religion thinks as sin, He says our only sin is not trusting Him, if you read through the Gospel when Jesus was on this earth as man, when the Word became flesh and dwelled among us, not once did Jesus say to His disciples look over there d...
/ Speaking the Word Only is like a hammer that crushes everything in our lives pertaining to the curse. To crush means to pulverize into powder, pulverize means to demolish or crush completely. Oh that we get revelation of Speaking the Word only and not talking about our problems, speak to them, apply the Word to them and watch God's Word pulverize them. Just in case you might not understand what I mean about Speaking the Word means, The Word of God has an answer to every problem in life, So find a verse in the Bible that pertains to your problem and speak that verse until you see the problem pulverized, the key is though you cant speak the verse then look at the problem and start speaking about it in a negative way. Words are things and we will have what we say. Life and Death are in the power of the tongue... Here are some verses I speak all the time in my life... I always say, my children remember their Creator and they say of worldy pleasures ...
If am looking up to heaven, I am not in the Position Jesus accomplished for me to have. He has seated me in the Heavenlies right beside Him, far above all principalities and powers of the enemy. If I stay seated in my having already conquered all stance, then the enemy or circumstances cannot touch me. So if under any circumstance I am not looking down on my situation, I am not where Jesus wants me to be. He wants me to overcome everything by His Blood and the Word of my testimony. so if your not feeling Victory, or like an Overcomer, ask the Holy Spirit to help you get in the right position, to receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation of all Jesus accomplished for us. its time for the church to stop belittling all Jesus accomplished for us, and walk in light of the whole salvation package He already bought and paid for us. Dont live from Earth to Heaven just acting and living life, instead live Heaven to Earth above the circumstance, dictating and creating how you want it to be....

Faith or Fear???

Does not my WORD burn like fire?” says the Lord . “Is it not like a mighty hammer t hat smashes a Mountain of circumstances to pieces? Jer 23:29 Speak the Word only and watch that mountain in your life crumble at feet!!! Speaking the Word Only!!! I refuse to speak the Word in fear. For God has not given me a spirit of fear But of power, love and a sound mind. Kenneth Copeland's book the Blessing of the Lord, he talks about Job and how he worried about his children, developed a terror that his kids were sinning against God, so thus continually he offered sacrifices for his children, he thought if he worried about his children he was being a responsible parent. But in reality he was just opening the door to satan by failing to Trust God. He wasnt making his sacrifices in faith. he was making them in fear and unbelief.  That is what we do today, we get concerned our family circumstances, we try to speak the word only, but when satan tells us lies contra...
Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.    It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].   It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.   Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].   Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. 1 Cor 13 4-8 Love God's Love in us is every ready to Believe the Bes...
Feeling Overwhelmed by the Love of God today, I think one reason I depend on God so much, is because I had a wonderful "Dad" who always set the example of how God loves, forgives, extends mercy and grace even when we dont deserve it. I was reminded of that last nite driving home with my daughter and my son's girlfriend, we were talking about a recent car accident they were in, and our Son totalled our car. Praise Jesus they were alright, protected by Angels (Psalms 91) anyway I was telling the girls, of a nite when I let a 15yr old drive my car on a back road, we drove into a ditch, and it tore the whole muffler,converter thing off my car, I told my parents what had happened, my Dad just said dont ever let it happen again, then took my car to the muffler shop, had the car fixed. I was even 18yrs old and working a part time job at the time, and he didnt even make me pay for it. He extended his mercy and grace on his child. Thats exactly what God do...
Dont fight in an attempt to obtain all the promises of God, Fight to defend the promises of God. (Andrew Wommack) There is a fight...Its knowing all Jesus already accomplished for you, then dont let satan take/steal what belongs to you in Jesus. satan has kept the church deceived in thinking that have to "get" the promises of God, when the truth of the Word says, all the Promises of God are YES and Amen. they are already ours. I remember I would read Romans 10:11, saying those who put there trust in You would never be put to shame or disappointed, well at a time in my life I was honestly feelin major disappointment, I spoke to the Lord about it, I read the verse to the Lord sayin God this is what Your Word says, and I believe Your Word, but God I am feelin very disappointed right now. Please help me to understand, cause I know Your not missing it, please give me the Spirit of Wisdom to understand where my disappointment is coming from. I read the verse again it Says No Man w...
I am Free I am Free!!! Whom the Son Free is Free indeed...Jesus said I already took debt and lack, I became poor that you might be abundantly supplied. He removed my chains of debt, that has for so many years held me imprisoned, but because of Jesus and all He accomplished for me. I walk in the fullness of all He purchased for me. I receive my inheritance. Halleujah I am Free debt and Lack have no hold on me... Galatians 5:1, 3:13-29. Ephesians 1: 1-3, Eph 2. 2Cor 8:9 2 Cor 9:8
Believers should not be continally talking about the devil & what he is trying to doin their lives, they should be talking about what God has already provided for them in Jesus. Kenneth E Hagin. Stop giving so much credit to the devil, he is powerless to even touch you. Colossian 2:15 says God disarmed (past Tense) the principalities and powers that were ranged against us, and made a bold display of them in triumphing over them in Jesus in the cross. but if we keep talking about the enemy and his power over us, giving him the glory, by speaking what he is doing in our lives, our speaking and talking about "it" keeps giving life to the problem. when he attacks your mind, with a thought that lies against God and His Word, then you say your thoughts then it opens the door, you yourself invite him in to mess with your life, even just thinking on the thoughts like, Im so sick, we cant afford that, nobody loves me, im so alone etc. your trusting rely...
Tis so sweet to Trust in Jesus just to take Him at His Word, just to rest upon His Promise just to know Thus saith the Lord...Faith is simply taking God at His word! What do I believe? Do I believe God? or satan? Do I believe the Word? or circumstances? Do I believe God supplies all my needs? or Lack? Do I speak Blessing? or the Curse? Do I say Sweet Words? or Bitter? I choose today to BELIEVE GOD, HIS WORD!!! I chose LIFE!!! I SPEAK HIS WORD ONLY!!!
Faith is Simply Taking God at His Word! God's Word is Final Authority in my life!!!
Homeschooling my kids this year, I was looking through one if their books, it was talking about Past,Present and Future Tense. The tense of a verb (action Word) shows when something happens. Past tense verbs end in -ed, shows action that has already happened. Present tense verb ends in -s or -es shows action that happens NOW! Future tense verb shows action that will or is going to happen. Holy Spirit revealed some things to me about this, Jesus has already accomplished, has already done everything. the salvation package is forgiveness, healing and prosperity. I cant do anything more than confess forgiveness of sin (which I fully believe our only SIN in unbelief/worry,despite what some might think sin is drinking,smoking,drugs, sexual sins,etc. I had major revelation on that in the past few months according to John 16:8-11 our only sin is unbelief, doubting and not trusting God and His Word, but that is another day another blog post) So anyway as I ...
Jesus never spoke what was, He only spoke what He wanted to be ... How often do we start the day out speaking the Word, saying this is what the word says, Wealth and Riches are in my house. Prosperity cometh today. then the mail comes with the bills, our kids want something from the store, we then say well we can't afford that, or how in the world can I pay that bill. That my friends is what James calls a double minded (double confession) man, being tossed too and fro... in other words if Jesus walked into the room He would say just like He did to His disciples on several occasions "OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH" ouchy!!!  but we for some reason feel the need to talk about our problem, our circumstance. well here's the thing as long as we TALK about it, it the problem is going to remain. Jesus SPOKE the WORD ONLY. He didnt double confess. If we want 100% WORD results we have to AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY no matter what, have to be like Jesus ...
Do not therefore fling away your fearless confidence for it carries great and glorious compensation of reward. for you have need of patience and endurance...lets stop here for a minute patience isn't sayin ok God help me hang on give me strength to get through this circumstance give me the patience to wait on You God. No patience and endurance is remaining the same, standing firm on the Word not being moved off of it. Speaking the Word only!!! I shall not be moved...
Spent the morning in the Heavenly Courtroom, that accuser of the brethen, lying thief, has been brought before the Almighty Judge its time for him to pay for everything he has stolen from this Family of the Most High God. So he has been sentenced the Judge ruled in our favor, he has to repay everything. Thank You Jesus! My God is Good!!! We overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the utterence (vocal expression) of our testimony (speaking God's Word only) Revelation 12:11
All is Well...God's Word is True. We apply the Word to every disagreeing circumstance, and it has to line up with the WORD Of GOD!!!
 The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm                 tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a                 cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible].  Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the                 courts of our God.  [Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old                 age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] and [rich in the] verdure [of                 trust, love, and contentment].  [They are living memorials] to show that the Lord is ...
One day I said to the Lord "Im so tired of fighting this battle" His response was then stop fighting it. I already fought and won it for you, so stop trying to do something Ive already done. Wow! you see I would read Eph 6 about putting on my full armor, thinking I had to keep fighting satan to win battles. but the truth of the matter is satan is already defeated Jesus gave us back all of authority that satan stolen from Adam and Eve in the garden. satan knows we have power and authority over him, but if he can keep us thinking we have to do battle against him, he keeps us in a defeated position. So instead of putting your armor on to fight satan, put your armor on, grab up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, put your helmet of salvation make sure the face mask is down so when you start speaking the Word satan wont know if its you or Jesus Himself talking. Your breastplate of Righteousness which is knowing who you are in Christ, have your loins which in your...
Peace... freedom from distress that is experienced as a result of sin...sin is unbelief failure to trust and fully rely on all Jesus accomplished for us. 
I am a mother of 3 children I have had my kids in the public school system for years, however this past year my husband and I decided to do the Florida Virtual School, mostly because we love having our kids home with us, but also for the reason we didn’t like the way the school system has set certain levels of learning for our kids.     Back when we were in school starting out in kindergarten we had to know our ABCs and 8 basic colors, our address. Now they have them learning to read by the end of the kindergarten year.   One of my children has struggled from the time he started school, I personally believe its because they are requiring too much of him, the state says this is where he should be and because he’s not at the level they require of him, he must have a learning disability or ADD or ADHD. To a mother of Faith and who trusts Gods word, He has the mind of Christ, and he has wisdom in all things because that is what the Word says. I refuse to belie...
Fear,worship,love God, knowing that He is, take possession of His Word for this is the whole of man,the full purpose of His creation,the object of Gods manifestation of His divine care, His character,His goodness, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment of bringing something in agreement with His Word to anything in our lives that is disagreeing circumstance. Ecc 12:13