Homeschooling my kids this year, I was looking through one if their books, it was talking about Past,Present and Future Tense. The tense of a verb (action Word) shows when something happens.
Past tense verbs end in -ed, shows action that has already happened.
Present tense verb ends in -s or -es shows action that happens NOW!
Future tense verb shows action that will or is going to happen.
Holy Spirit revealed some things to me about this, Jesus has already accomplished, has already done everything. the salvation package is forgiveness, healing and prosperity. I cant do anything more than confess forgiveness of sin (which I fully believe our only SIN in unbelief/worry,despite what some might think sin is drinking,smoking,drugs, sexual sins,etc. I had major revelation on that in the past few months according to John 16:8-11 our only sin is unbelief, doubting and not trusting God and His Word, but that is another day another blog post) So anyway as I was saying I cant do anything more for forgiveness than I can for healing, except ask for Jesus to be Lord of my life. then take His word and apply it to everything in my life not lining up with what His word says. Jesus already bore all my weakness', so if in the natural my body, my mind, my loose emotions arent being obedient to what Jesus already accomplished for me, all I have to do is say ok, these symtoms, or circumstances are saying this, but Jesus according to your Word it says I have already been made whole, that you Jesus are my Joy therefore I dont need to put anything into my body that onlys brings me temporary happiness/joy. I trust your Word and I believe it above all else, I call those things that be not... according to Your Word, I believe Your Word is above all else. Its already done. By Faith I receive forgiveness, I receive healing. So this is what I have been pondering (Selah) if thats how it works for healing and forgiveness, and prosperity is apart of the Salvation Package then I need to Speak the Word only about money. Wealth and Riches are in my house today. God takes pleasure in my prosperity, notice riches and takes both are present tense verbs, present tense means happens now, NOW means without delay, immediately, at once. In other words Already Done! Jesus already purchased it for me, here is what the Spirit was saying to me, quit saying tomorrow, or when it comes to pass, when this or that happens, then it will be done. When says, when something takes place, if I keep talking future tense I keep putting "IT" what I want to come to pass, into the future, always saying tomorrow, so tomorrow is where it stays! Proverbs 13:12 says hope deferred makes the heart sick. (alot of peeps use an adjective here instead of a verb which makes a huge difference, adjective which means postponed or delayed making you think something is holding it up but verb form of deferred is to put it off into the future) what that verse is saying is this my hope my expectation, that is the result I am wanting to see, when it is deferred (in verb form) means I put it off into the future it makes me distress mentally. but when my heart's desire is fulfilled meaning it comes to pass its because I have revelation knowledge of, Now is the day of Salvation, Now Faith is the substance the physical manifestion of what Jesus has already accomplished for me, is evident in my life for all to see!
one last thing to say to all you spectics out there thinking you dont really have what you say and confession doesnt really work, well if all I have to do is CONFESS with MY Mouth Jesus is Lord and it keeps me from a burning Hell, then confessing with my mouth brings my Healing and my Prosperity. so in Jesus name according to the Word, Send NOW Oh Lord my Prosperity! Today I am a living memorial the God is faithful to His Promises, and His Word is True!!!


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