Faith or Fear???

Does not my WORD burn like fire?”
says the Lord.“Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a Mountain of circumstances to pieces? Jer 23:29 Speak the Word only and watch that mountain in your life crumble at feet!!!
Speaking the Word Only!!! I refuse to speak the Word in fear. For God has not given me a spirit of fear But of power, love and a sound mind.
Kenneth Copeland's book the Blessing of the Lord, he talks about Job and how he worried about his children, developed a terror that his kids were sinning against God, so thus continually he offered sacrifices for his children, he thought if he worried about his children he was being a responsible parent. But in reality he was just opening the door to satan by failing to Trust God. He wasnt making his sacrifices in faith. he was making them in fear and unbelief.
 That is what we do today, we get concerned our family circumstances, we try to speak the word only, but when satan tells us lies contrary to the Word, we start moving in fear, then we see friends, or family members we talk about what our circumstances are. whats happening in our life, instead of speaking the Word only we begin to talk doubt and unbelief words, instead of laying a strong faith foundation of faith filled words. We lay a fear foundation opening the door for satan to come in and bring our own words to pass.
Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing (faith or fear based words)These things ought not be so. Does a fountain send forth fresh water and bitter? James 3:10-11


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