I am a mother of 3 children I have had my kids in the public school system for years, however this past year my husband and I decided to do the Florida Virtual School, mostly because we love having our kids home with us, but also for the reason we didn’t like the way the school system has set certain levels of learning for our kids.

    Back when we were in school starting out in kindergarten we had to know our ABCs and 8 basic colors, our address. Now they have them learning to read by the end of the kindergarten year.

 One of my children has struggled from the time he started school, I personally believe its because they are requiring too much of him, the state says this is where he should be and because he’s not at the level they require of him, he must have a learning disability or ADD or ADHD.

To a mother of Faith and who trusts Gods word, He has the mind of Christ, and he has wisdom in all things because that is what the Word says. I refuse to believe anything but the word. Come on now let God be true and every man be a liar.

 Now in the 5th grade they teach Algebra, Lattice Multiplication, Stem and Leaf Plot methods of math. What parent out there hasn’t wanted to throw homework textbooks out the window or seriously want to write the teacher a note saying the dog really did eat the homework. And then it’s not enough after being in school all day, they send them home with so much homework, I don’t know about you but after I work all day the last thing I feel like doing is my job again.

 My whole point in writing this is, if we really studied American History we would see why education/schools even started to begin with, Our Godly Founding Fathers of America passed The Ole Deluder satan law, to teach our kids to read so they could fight off satan, by teaching them to read the WORD of God.

 In an attempt to preclude such repetitions America, in 1642, those settlers passed “The

Old Deluder Satan Act” -- the first public school law in America. That law declared:

It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the

Knowledge of the Scriptures, as in former time…

This law acknowledged the fact that a primary intent of Satan was to keep people

Ignorant of the Scriptures; to prevent this, American students would have a sound

Education based on God’s Word.

Interestingly, colleges and universities then--just like now--not only had general

Educational objectives, they also had specific student requirements. For example, at

Harvard (the school selected by John Adams, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and other

Founding Fathers), its declared educational purpose was clear:

Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the

Main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus, which is eternal life, (Jn

17:3), and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound

Knowledge and learning.

To help students attain this general goal, Harvard instituted specific practices. For


Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account of his proficiency in them.

At Harvard, all academic endeavors were built upon the foundation of Biblical principles:

the primary educational objective was to know God and Jesus Christ and each student

therefore was to know and study the Scriptures.

Yale was another popular school of the day, attended by William Samuel Johnson,

William Livingston, Noah Webster, and other prominent Founders. Yale, which declared

itself a college “for the religious and liberal education of suitable youth,” had specific

requirements for its students:

Seeing God is the giver of all wisdom, every scholar, besides private or secret

prayer … shall be present morning and evening at public prayer … shall be

present morning and evening at public prayer.

Yale’s philosophy of education was openly religious, placing a strong emphasis on

student prayer--private as well as public!

Princeton produced more of the two hundred-plus Founding Fathers than any other single

school; its alumni included men like President James Madison and signers of the

Declaration Benjamin Rush, Richard Stockton, and John wither spoon. The educational

philosophy of Princeton University (founded in 1746) was made clear by its first

president, Jonathan Dickinson, who declared:

Cursed be all that learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ!

 So tell me why I do I have to teach my kids all of these state required subjects, when originally schools were set up to teach kids how to read the Word so they would have revelation of the wiles of satan. If we would study the Word more we would find out what our true purpose of life on this earth, we would find out what God original intend is for our lives, We would know satan came to kill, steal, and destroy but Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly to the full till it overflows. John 10:10

 And isn’t that what satan has done.

 We have all these ‘College Educated Grads” with their degrees and because they’re so smart, they voted to take prayer out of schools, and then wonder why we have school shootings, bombings. Satan is killing and destroying families, he has these so called SMART educated people passing laws saying kids need to be in school all day and then both parents work so they can pay for the kids college education, they never have time together to sit around and read the Word of God.

 So why not go back to the basics of teaching our kids the Word of God and watch this next generation of kids rise up in the Word and change this world for the Glory of God.

The Educational System of the United States

--It’s Nature, History and Aims

Fr. Bill McCarthy, MSA


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