Believers should not be continally talking about the devil & what he is trying to doin their lives, they should be talking about what God has already provided for them in Jesus. Kenneth E Hagin.
Stop giving so much credit to the devil, he is powerless to even touch you. Colossian 2:15 says God disarmed (past Tense) the principalities and powers that were ranged against us, and made a bold display of them in triumphing over them in Jesus in the cross.
but if we keep talking about the enemy and his power over us, giving him the glory, by speaking what he is doing in our lives, our speaking and talking about "it" keeps giving life to the problem.
when he attacks your mind, with a thought that lies against God and His Word, then you say your thoughts then it opens the door, you yourself invite him in to mess with your life, even just thinking on the thoughts like, Im so sick, we cant afford that, nobody loves me, im so alone etc. your trusting relying and putting your belief in satan instead of God and His word.
Every word I speak is what I am believing, its got my believing behind it. Gloria Copeland
Instead take every thought, every word, and every loose emotion into what God and His Word says about you, God's Word say He will keep in perfect PEACE whose mind in stayed on Jesus. PEACE is freedom from all distress that is experienced as a result of sin, remember our only and the biggest sin is UNBELIEF our failure to trust, fully rely, and believe God and His Word. Peace is security, safety, prosperity,health, wholeness the complete salvation package.
Dont give the devil anything to work with. Gloria Copeland teaching The Powerhouse of Faith, awesome teaching was so life changing for me...she said Whatever is happening in your life today is what you have spoken in the past...Wow! that is powerful! it is definately a feather ruffling, toes stepping statement. This is something in my own life the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, as much as its easier for me to question God, why? or even blaming the devil...He has reveal to me the importance of Speaking His Word Only. If I want to walk in all Jesus accomplished for me, I have got to say and get into full agreement with Him and His Word.
Stop giving so much credit to the devil, he is powerless to even touch you. Colossian 2:15 says God disarmed (past Tense) the principalities and powers that were ranged against us, and made a bold display of them in triumphing over them in Jesus in the cross.
but if we keep talking about the enemy and his power over us, giving him the glory, by speaking what he is doing in our lives, our speaking and talking about "it" keeps giving life to the problem.
when he attacks your mind, with a thought that lies against God and His Word, then you say your thoughts then it opens the door, you yourself invite him in to mess with your life, even just thinking on the thoughts like, Im so sick, we cant afford that, nobody loves me, im so alone etc. your trusting relying and putting your belief in satan instead of God and His word.
Every word I speak is what I am believing, its got my believing behind it. Gloria Copeland
Instead take every thought, every word, and every loose emotion into what God and His Word says about you, God's Word say He will keep in perfect PEACE whose mind in stayed on Jesus. PEACE is freedom from all distress that is experienced as a result of sin, remember our only and the biggest sin is UNBELIEF our failure to trust, fully rely, and believe God and His Word. Peace is security, safety, prosperity,health, wholeness the complete salvation package.
Dont give the devil anything to work with. Gloria Copeland teaching The Powerhouse of Faith, awesome teaching was so life changing for me...she said Whatever is happening in your life today is what you have spoken in the past...Wow! that is powerful! it is definately a feather ruffling, toes stepping statement. This is something in my own life the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, as much as its easier for me to question God, why? or even blaming the devil...He has reveal to me the importance of Speaking His Word Only. If I want to walk in all Jesus accomplished for me, I have got to say and get into full agreement with Him and His Word.
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