Jesus never spoke what was, He only spoke what He wanted to be...
How often do we start the day out speaking the Word, saying this is what the word says, Wealth and Riches are in my house. Prosperity cometh today. then the mail comes with the bills, our kids want something from the store, we then say well we can't afford that, or how in the world can I pay that bill. That my friends is what James calls a double minded (double confession) man, being tossed too and fro... in other words if Jesus walked into the room He would say just like He did to His disciples on several occasions "OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH" ouchy!!! but we for some reason feel the need to talk about our problem, our circumstance. well here's the thing as long as we TALK about it, it the problem is going to remain. Jesus SPOKE the WORD ONLY. He didnt double confess. If we want 100% WORD results we have to AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY no matter what, have to be like Jesus and speak what result we want, not speak what's going on...Above all else Speak the Word only!!!
this is what the Spirit has been saying to me, if you want 100% word results I have to speak the Word life use to be 90% spoke the problem plus 10% Word=90%problem still there only by God's Grace did I get the 10% Word.
80% Problem 20% Word
60% Problem 40% Word
100% Word 100% Word equals 100% good life that Jesus purchased for me to have...
and just for all those out there reading this thinking well even Jesus said we would have trials and tribulations, please read the whole verse, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, BE CONFIDENT, CERTAIN, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD I HAVE ALREADY PAST TENSE DEPRIVED IT OF POWER TO HARM YOU AND HAVE ALREADY CONQUERED IT FOR YOU....100% of the time SPEAK THE WORD ONLY....
obviously in the natural, y'all can see I dont have 100% Word results but it's just become in the past few mths a complete revelation,a truly life changing experience for me. Im closer than I have ever been before. I am watching and setting guard by my mouth to speak only what I want to come to pass in my life and the life of my family. I have 100% Word results in my life, In Jesus Name!!!
How often do we start the day out speaking the Word, saying this is what the word says, Wealth and Riches are in my house. Prosperity cometh today. then the mail comes with the bills, our kids want something from the store, we then say well we can't afford that, or how in the world can I pay that bill. That my friends is what James calls a double minded (double confession) man, being tossed too and fro... in other words if Jesus walked into the room He would say just like He did to His disciples on several occasions "OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH" ouchy!!! but we for some reason feel the need to talk about our problem, our circumstance. well here's the thing as long as we TALK about it, it the problem is going to remain. Jesus SPOKE the WORD ONLY. He didnt double confess. If we want 100% WORD results we have to AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY no matter what, have to be like Jesus and speak what result we want, not speak what's going on...Above all else Speak the Word only!!!
this is what the Spirit has been saying to me, if you want 100% word results I have to speak the Word life use to be 90% spoke the problem plus 10% Word=90%problem still there only by God's Grace did I get the 10% Word.
80% Problem 20% Word
60% Problem 40% Word
100% Word 100% Word equals 100% good life that Jesus purchased for me to have...
and just for all those out there reading this thinking well even Jesus said we would have trials and tribulations, please read the whole verse, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, BE CONFIDENT, CERTAIN, FOR I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD I HAVE ALREADY PAST TENSE DEPRIVED IT OF POWER TO HARM YOU AND HAVE ALREADY CONQUERED IT FOR YOU....100% of the time SPEAK THE WORD ONLY....
obviously in the natural, y'all can see I dont have 100% Word results but it's just become in the past few mths a complete revelation,a truly life changing experience for me. Im closer than I have ever been before. I am watching and setting guard by my mouth to speak only what I want to come to pass in my life and the life of my family. I have 100% Word results in my life, In Jesus Name!!!
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