/ Speaking the Word Only is like a hammer that crushes everything in our lives pertaining to the curse.
To crush means to pulverize into powder, pulverize means to demolish or crush completely.
Oh that we get revelation of Speaking the Word only and not talking about our problems, speak to them, apply the Word to them and watch God's Word pulverize them.
Just in case you might not understand what I mean about Speaking the Word only...it means, The Word of God has an answer to every problem in life, So find a verse in the Bible that pertains to your problem and speak that verse until you see the problem pulverized, the key is though you cant speak the verse then look at the problem and start speaking about it in a negative way. Words are things and we will have what we say. Life and Death are in the power of the tongue...
Here are some verses I speak all the time in my life...
I always say, my children remember their Creator and they say of worldy pleasures I have no enjoyment in them. Ecc 12:1
No weapon formed against us will prosper and every tongue that rises up against us will be proved to be in the wrong. This peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition is our heritage, it belongs to us. Is 54:17
If God is for us who or what can come against us. Rom 8:31
Our Family is built on the Rock and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. Matt 16:18
Speak the Word...Pulverize your circumstnces with the Word!!!


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