8 And when He comes, He will convict and convince the world and bring demonstration to it about sin and about righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God) and about judgment:
9 About sin, because they do not believe in Me [trust in, rely on, and adhere to Me];
10 About righteousness (uprightness of heart and right standing with God), because I go to My Father, and you will see Me no longer;
11 About judgment, because the ruler (evil genius, prince) of this world [Satan] is judged and condemned and sentence already is passed upon him. John 16:8-11

Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit. I find it interesting that is verse 9 it says the Holy Spirit will reveal to us about sin, then instead of listing everything that religion thinks as sin, He says our only sin is not trusting Him, if you read through the Gospel when Jesus was on this earth as man, when the Word became flesh and dwelled among us, not once did Jesus say to His disciples look over there do you see what that person is doing, he's drinking wine, he is stealing money, shes having premarital sex with all kinds of men. No. He never did that, one thing He did do, was always point out is UNBELIEF, countless times he got on His disciples for unbelief, doubt, Lack of Faith. I totally believe that if Jesus walked this earth today, He would do the same. He wouldnt walk up into churches and say WOW just look at all the sin out there, I was in the mall and saw homosexuals, I saw some guy smoking pot, and went to dinner at so and so house the other night and you would not believe the movies and video games they had in their house. I cant believe all this sin. this world is an aweful place. Not for one second, do I think Jesus who died, and carried everyone of those weakness' would say that. I do however believe He would walk up into our churches and say Why arent you doing my Greater Works (John 14:12) that I commissioned you to do.
The other day at work a man came in, in a wheel chair, he had no legs. I thought in my spirit, Jesus you have legs for him, then the thought came to me, why dont you go over there and pray for him, my only excuse was unbelief, I said to God, Do I dare say that when I dont rise up in the power of Jesus in the greater works, that I am sinning against You God and Your Word. Because of my lack of Faith.
For years the Church has pointed out what we call "sin" when the TRUTH of the matter is, we are the Unbelievers, our lack of faith and trust in God's word. by not doing what His Word has told us to do, we are in disobedience. Church this should not be so. I will be the first to admit of this sin/unbelief, I am guilty! For yrs I went to church and shunned all kinds of "sin" and a few mths ago God started revealing to me this revelation I am sharing with you. Before you get your religious suit on and start saying who does this Girl think she is...People shouldnt do all these things listed above, I agree However if the Church was doing its job, I think people wouldnt do those things, come on now if the church was raising peeps from the dead, growing out arms and legs, taking authority over the winds and rains, People would be drawn to that, Friday and Saturday nite the bars wouldnt be full, the Churches would be, saying did you hear what has been going on at the Church, I have go check it out, and instead of walking in hearing a Pastor give a little sermon about Jesus and his love, feeling ok I want to know this Jesus who loved me enough to die for me. receive salvation, but before there even saved for a minute, the religious law kicks in Oh and by the way here is a list of things you cant do now cause you live for Jesus, whack them upside the head with the law. then they figure theyll never be good enough so why even try. Instead the Church should be doing the greater works, getting people saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and power, then Give them the Word and say Speak this into your own life. And then step back and watch the Holy Spirit to do His job.
The Church for far to long has been playing Holy Spirit Jr. and Peeps this is not our job. By no means am I trying to condemn the Church, for we know that there is no no condemation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but its time for the church to stop condemning and judging what we call "sin" Jesus said He didnt even come to judge or condemn the world, so if Jesus already took the nails for all of our weakness'. and unless you can show me a scar in your hand that gives you a right to judge someone. stop playing Holy Spirit Jr.  Jesus even carried my weakness of unbelief. So Step into who You are in Christ and start doing what He has called and created you to do. I am ready to see the Triumphant Church rise up. I want to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and do the Greater Works God has called me too. I want to stop being a unbeliever! and Rise Up and do Mark 16:14-20, John 14:12. To be a Believer! and to be a Doer of the Word!!! Come on Church Lets Rise Up Show How Great is our God!!! stop reading about the greater works and start doing them...
Jesus also said the only thing will be judge for is the words we speak, we will have to give account for every idle inoperative nonworking word we speak. Speak the Word only...Speak Life and all Jesus already accomplished for us...
Matt 12:34-37, John 16:8-15, John 14:12, Mark 16:14-20, Rev 21:6-8


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