
Showing posts from January, 2024

Separating the wheat and tares. The Righteous Remain. Matthew 13

 I was lead to share a video on my Rumble Channel Spirit and Truth with the King’s Daughter. Matthew 13 is all about the sowing seeds for the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness. The earth/world is the field. We are the Righteous Ones who plant righteous seeds WHEAT Good Seeds, Sons and Daughters of Jesus Son of Man or the wicked ones tares” bad seed planted by the evil one aka satan.  When we speak 🗣️ words, our words are seeds” that will be harvested by Father/Jesus and His Angels or will be harvested by satan wicked one and the Death Reaper angels. But Humans plant the seeds. Some receive 100, 60 or 30 fold results. If you’re Speaking the Word of God 30% of the time and the other 70% speaking like a foolish Man/Woman. The amount of good or bad Harvest you receive depends on the % you’re speaking.  Matthew 12:36-37 says we will give account for every idle word. O...

One Blast of His Nostrils…

 The Nations are about to have a “Come to Jesus” encounter. A “where were you, Job?!” When I created the Heavens and the Earth. 🌍 Job 38-40 A “Get thee behind Me, Peter” moment. Matthew 16 With One Blast of HIS Nostrils, the waters gathered together, flooding water stood up like a Mound and He blew the wind and the waters covered them and they drowned. Exodus 15:8 Then ALL will SEE and Know there is Only One True Living God, He is Lord God Almighty!  The Righteous Ones will know Freedom like never before! Great Victory and Great Praise will ring across our Nation. A True “Let My People Go”  Lord God is bringing judgement into the Earth. Remember when Lucifer fell and took a 1/3 of the angels. Now it’s time for Lord God to burn 🔥 up a the wicked. The Lord God will expose all, He will bring the Whole Truth. Revealing and exposing all the lies.  Let God arise and His Enemies be scattered. Numbers 10:35  Psalm 68:1 All Arise. Oh wicked Judges stand down, The Heave...

What church do you attend?!

As we are coming into the New Year, asking the Father for a Word for 2024! Command- that was my Word it means to have authority over, to give an order to with direct authority. To control a position, mandate, authority to command. Power to control by position the post where a person in command is stationed.  Jesus said I give you all power and authority! Matt 10: Luke 10 Mark 16 and John 14 15 and 16 Genesis 1:26-28 God said let us make Man in our Image and give them dominion.  Psalm 8: what is Man that You are mindful of them, You gave them dominion over the work of Your Hands!  I was raised in an “if it be thy will church”, then attended a Word of Faith Bible School and after lots of church hurt, I stepped away “ saying Father reveal to me, who You really are! So many mixed messages left me very emotionally ruled and even tho I was filled Holy Spirit. My emotions and unsaved tongue 😜 kept me living a very defeated Christian Life!  Until one day reading in my Grand...

Heaven’s Song

 Behold the Open Door, the ONE seated at His Right Hand. With Strong and mighty Angels and 24 Elders singing 🎶 around the Throne. Pick Up the Scroll 📜 in Heaven; who is the Worthy One??! the Elders say “stop weeping” The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David, the Righteous Branch has already overcome and conquered therefore He can open the scroll 📜  **** Chorus**** Behold the Ancient of Days, Lord God Almighty, the Righteous Judge of the Nations, Bringing Justice to Our Land.  Behold the Majesty of King Jesus with power in the Blood 🩸 Victory in His Name and the Holes in His Hands 🙌 that conquered and defeated all of hell and the one who deceived us all.  Behold the Power 💥 Of the Holy Spirit pouring out tongues of Fire 🔥 and Power 💥 of His Spoken 🗣️ Word.  Behold that day of Glory when YOU shall become all in all again.  ******* Yea; Verily the 4 Horses 🐎 of Judgement are coming, with the Lord God Almighty. His Robe is sparkling 🧖‍♂️ ✨ white...

Be Still Know that I AM GOD!

 Be still and know recognize and understand that I AM God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10  We have all heard this verse. For years I was always was like Be Still with an understanding “still” means peaceful, no fear. You know God is in control. In this earth He is only in control, if we give Him permission. “Still” in the Hebrew means Rapher= whole and whole in the Webster dictionary means healthy, not diseased, or injured, not broken, damaged defective, containing all elements. Complete, whole-hearted = all one’s energy enthusiasm  Tamin= perfect complete whole to walk continuously in the fullness of God’s Presence which makes us whole and complete.  Are you walking in the fullness of His Presence, are you remaining and abiding in Him?  What an awesome promise from our Father, to Be “Still” in Him completely whole in the fullest of His Presence. Dwelling in His Presence, His secret place, in a place where the cu...