Separating the wheat and tares. The Righteous Remain. Matthew 13
I was lead to share a video on my Rumble Channel Spirit and Truth with the King’s Daughter. Matthew 13 is all about the sowing seeds for the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness. The earth/world is the field. We are the Righteous Ones who plant righteous seeds WHEAT Good Seeds, Sons and Daughters of Jesus Son of Man or the wicked ones tares” bad seed planted by the evil one aka satan. When we speak 🗣️ words, our words are seeds” that will be harvested by Father/Jesus and His Angels or will be harvested by satan wicked one and the Death Reaper angels. But Humans plant the seeds. Some receive 100, 60 or 30 fold results. If you’re Speaking the Word of God 30% of the time and the other 70% speaking like a foolish Man/Woman. The amount of good or bad Harvest you receive depends on the % you’re speaking. Matthew 12:36-37 says we will give account for every idle word. O...