As we are coming into the New Year, asking the Father for a Word for 2024! Command- that was my Word it means to have authority over, to give an order to with direct authority. To control a position, mandate, authority to command. Power to control by position the post where a person in command is stationed.
Jesus said I give you all power and authority! Matt 10: Luke 10 Mark 16 and John 14 15 and 16
Genesis 1:26-28 God said let us make Man in our Image and give them dominion.
Psalm 8: what is Man that You are mindful of them, You gave them dominion over the work of Your Hands!
I was raised in an “if it be thy will church”, then attended a Word of Faith Bible School and after lots of church hurt, I stepped away “ saying Father reveal to me, who You really are! So many mixed messages left me very emotionally ruled and even tho I was filled Holy Spirit. My emotions and unsaved tongue 😜 kept me living a very defeated Christian Life!
Until one day reading in my Grandfathers Bible. Faith is simply taking God as His Word! I found His Words and they became a joy and delight to my Soul! Finally My Emotions were saved and sanctified! I found Truth and the Truth set me Free!
Our Ministry is to raise up a Triumphant Church across the Nations. Being a former Rhema Student "Dad" Hagin mentions 3 kinds of churches, in his book The Triumphant Church:
Militant Church depicts a body of believers who arenot yet seated in heavenly places in Christ and are still “battling” to try to gain victory over an enemy that hasn't been defeated yet by the Lord JesusChrist.The Defeated church also gives us a picture of achurch which is ignorant of the fact they are seated with Christ and that they are suppose to be reigning in life through Jesus Christ. Because they areignorant of their position in Christ or they've never used the authority they really possess, these believers are constantly ravaged by the wiles of satanand are in a state of continual failure and defeat.
THE TRIUMPHANT CHURCH is a biblical perspective of the body of Christ
seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all powers and principalities.
The Triumphant Church scripturally portrays a body of believers who not only know but also exercise their authority in Christ and therefore reign victoriously in life through Jesus Christ over satan, a defeated foe. The Triumphant Church- Kenneth E Hagin.
Oh Righteous Ones! For so many years I attended the Defeated Church. Ignorant of my Position in Christ, so I was constantly ravaged by the wiles of satan of continual failure and defeat. Year after year being so emotionally ruled by my emotions that I literally wore myself out.
satan is still doing the same today, his only tactic is getting us to doubt God’s word and question God’s character. It is written!! What then does the scripture say? Did God really say?!
So many churches and they all teach a different message. Yes, most believe that Jesus is the one way to Heaven. But so many mixed messages of “if it be thy will” sometimes God heals and sometimes He doesn’t. Because of all the different teaches and all the Church “hurt”. Honestly when I stepped back and said; Father show me in Your Word, by Your Holy Spirit who You really are. As a parent would I heal one of my Kids and not the other, would I allow one to carry sickness because the “time is not quite yet” of course Not! Absolutely 💯 Father God always Heals!
Triumphant Church Book.- Kenneth E Hagin explains it this way…
And you shall know the truth (the Truth) and the truth (the Word) shall make you free. John 8:32
You have to know the truth before the truth can make you free. That is what this verse is saying. Then once you know the truth of God’s Word about who you are in Christ, it’s acting on that truth you know that makes you free.
When you act on the Truth (God’s Word) you know, you will enjoy victory over satanic forces (anything that pertains to the curse) in every circumstance in life.
Now thanks be unto God, which always causes me to triumph in Christ. And makes manifest the savor of His Knowledge by us in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14
Righteous One…it’s knowing who you are in Christ. It’s knowing what Jesus ALREADY did, Already Accomplished for you!!
It’s knowing where you are seated, where’s your position in Christ. I truly believe when you know WWW. the “when” takes place. The “when” comes when full Revelation of the truth is made manifest.
Let me ask you this, do you truly believe the whole Salvation Package (Psalm 103:1-5) Do you believe Jesus already accomplished Salvation?
So when we fall short of His Glorious Already Fulfilled Salvation Package…when we “sin” do we have to do anything to receive forgiveness of sin?! Do we have to wait to hear Father say, okay you’re forgiven Now? Does the Father say? Wait listen hear My Voice? And then when the manifested time is right, I will speak to you and let you know when you’re forgiven. Of course not, we simply say Father confess it and at that very moment; I am forgiven!! Now will the enemy come to bring condemnation, yes he does. The enemy honestly doesn’t care if you get saved, as long as you don’t walk in the whole salvation package. As long as you stay ignorant of who you are and what Jesus already accomplished for you!
So if you confess your sin (unbelief) according to John 16:9 says Holy Spirit comes to convict us of sin and the true nature of it because they do not believe in Me! So basically unbelief lack of faith in what Jesus already accomplished for us. We lack revelation of what Jesus ready did for us!
We are not the sinful waiting for forgiveness, We are Redeemed and Already Forgiven!!
We are not the sick/ dis-eased anxious, waiting for the right moment to receive our healing? No by His Stripes we are already Healed, it’s already accomplished.
We are not the poor waiting for God to supply our needs. The Truth of the Word says, He daily loads me with benefits. Remember with profound respect it is I Am who gave us power to get wealth!
If we are not walking in the whole Benefit Package it’s because we lack the Revelation of what Jesus already did. We believe the enemy (false narrative's) over the truth of the Word of God.
Jesus over and over reprimanded the Disciples for unbelief, their lack of faith in Jesus and His Message.
Even when He walked out of that grave. All throughout the Gospels, He told them time and time again in 3 days. I will rise again. But not one of the Disciples showed up at the Grave/tomb with their Welcome Back Jesus Banner!
It actually says in Mark 16:14 Afterward He appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat and unbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after He was risen!
Upbraided- to scold or chide for some wrongdoing reprove; reproach
Jesus always healed anyone that came for healing. Except in His own town He couldn’t heal because of their lack of Faith and unbelief.
Righteous One. It’s already Done! Jesus went to and through hell for us, so we could have the whole salvation package!
If you are believing for Healing, if you are praying for healing. You’re in the wrong Position in Christ. You’re asking for something that already belongs to YOU!
Remember you’re not the sick trying to get Healed! You’re the Already Healed and satan is attempting to talk you out of what already belongs to you! Change your Confession, change your Words, Change your Position. You are already Healed and You stand in that! You speak 🗣️ it! You find the Truth of that in the Word and you boldly declare that until you Receive the Truth/ revelation of that by His Stripes you are already healed! You say and speak nothing but that truth!
Stop asking the Father when, Father When will you heal me?! Repent for your wrong teaching, your ignorance and ask the Father to bring Full Revelation by His Holy Spirit and the Truth of His Word. Of Jesus and His whole Salvation Package! Righteous One It already belongs to you today!
It’s time for the Triumphant Church to arise and bring this truth and this revelation that it is already accomplished and the Whole Salvation Package belongs to you, today! Take your Position in Christ! And Stand up in the Victory of everything Jesus already did!
My rumble channel is Spirit and Truth with the King’s Daughter. Because Spirit is Divine Alignment with Father and His Holy Spirit bringing Revelation of Truth of what Jesus already did, it’s simply taking God at His Word. Speaking the Word of Faith until that revelation manifests in My Life and everyone around me. Pleading the Blood of Jesus, with the Authority and Power of His Name. It’s declaring His Finished Work in my Life, and commanding anything that exalts itself over the truth of that, out of my Life! And taking My Position In Christ and all of His Finished Work!
Dunamis Power Activate!!
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