One Blast of His Nostrils…

 The Nations are about to have a “Come to Jesus” encounter. A “where were you, Job?!” When I created the Heavens and the Earth. 🌍 Job 38-40

A “Get thee behind Me, Peter” moment. Matthew 16

With One Blast of HIS Nostrils, the waters gathered together, flooding water stood up like a Mound and He blew the wind and the waters covered them and they drowned. Exodus 15:8

Then ALL will SEE and Know there is Only One True Living God, He is Lord God Almighty! 

The Righteous Ones will know Freedom like never before! Great Victory and Great Praise will ring across our Nation. A True “Let My People Go” 

Lord God is bringing judgement into the Earth. Remember when Lucifer fell and took a 1/3 of the angels. Now it’s time for Lord God to burn 🔥 up a the wicked. The Lord God will expose all, He will bring the Whole Truth. Revealing and exposing all the lies. 

Let God arise and His Enemies be scattered. Numbers 10:35  Psalm 68:1

All Arise. Oh wicked Judges stand down, The Heavenly Court is in session. Arise, O God, judge the earth! For the Nations belong to you. Psalm 82

Open the scroll 📜 Worthy One! Revelation 6

For the earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof. The entire earth and everything in it belongs to God, the creator of Heaven and Earth. Psalm 24 

Who is this King of Glory?! who shall come to set up His Kingdom Reign. 

Arise, Shine Oh Righteous One for your light has come and the Glory and Brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you. For in fact, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness will cover the people. BUT the Lord God will arise upon you, and His Glory His Brilliance will be seen upon you. Isaiah 60:1-2

Remember Righteous Ones!! Do not Fear! Know Who you are in Christ, know what Jesus already accomplished for you, know where your Position is, seated with Him in Heavenly places! 

Read Psalm 91 because you dwell in the secret place. IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR YOU! 

Supernatural Light in your Dwelling! Exodus 10:23

For when that day comes and the Power and Glory of God is seen by all…

We will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed Gloriously. the Lord is my strength and my song. 🎶 This is MY GOD and I will Praise Him. My Father’s God and I will exalt Him. Exodus 15:1-3

Finally, we will be living the Life, the Father Created us to live on Earth as it is in Heaven! 

#WordofGod #Bible #FaithistakingGodatHisWord


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