Heavenβs Song
Behold the Open Door, the ONE seated at His Right Hand. With Strong and mighty Angels and 24 Elders singing πΆ around the Throne. Pick Up the Scroll π in Heaven; who is the Worthy One??! the Elders say βstop weepingβ The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David, the Righteous Branch has already overcome and conquered therefore He can open the scroll π
**** Chorus****
Behold the Ancient of Days, Lord God Almighty, the Righteous Judge of the Nations, Bringing Justice to Our Land.
Behold the Majesty of King Jesus with power in the Blood π©Έ Victory in His Name and the Holes in His Hands π that conquered and defeated all of hell and the one who deceived us all.
Behold the Power π₯ Of the Holy Spirit pouring out tongues of Fire π₯ and Power π₯ of His Spoken π£οΈ Word.
Behold that day of Glory when YOU shall become all in all again.
Yea; Verily the 4 Horses π of Judgement are coming, with the Lord God Almighty. His Robe is sparkling π§ββοΈ β¨ white, His Eyes full of Fire π₯ removing all the wickedness and destroying the antichrist spirit who made a mockery of His Son. Father God will disclose and reveal their heinous crimes against humanity.
So shall the Son of Man and Resurrected Ones be seen, coming in the clouds βοΈ in Glee, every eye ποΈ shall see His Glory cover this earth π as the waters cover the sea. Everyone will confess Jesus as their Lord and every knee will Bow π πββοΈ For to Him was given all dominion and supreme authority, glory and a Kingdom. That all the peoples, nations and speakers of every language should serve and worship Him. His Dominion is everlasting which is everlasting which will never pass away. His Kingdom is One which will not be destroyed.
We sang a new song πΆ one that had never been heard before. Worthy and deserving is King Jesus that was sacrificed to receive all power & riches & wisdom & mighty & honor & glory & blessing. Worthy is YOUR NAME JESUS let Your Majesty be seen. We worship YOUR Majesty Holy Name! For YOU have made us to be a Kingdom of Royal Subjects and Priest unto Our GOD and we shall set up with YOU, KING JESUS and Your Resurrected Saints and together set up YOUR KINGDOM REIGN, For We shall reign on Earth π as it is in Heaven! Rebuilding YOUR Temple of Praise throughout the Millennial Reign.
So on that Day when YOU present YOUR GLORIOUS CHURCH βͺοΈ to YOURSELF the HOLY TRINITY, the THREE IN ONE to dwell forever as ALL in ALL. The ONE & ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD. For the Earth π belong to YOU; CREATOR of ALL Things Everything will be back to YOUR Original Intent. For YOU are Alpha and Omega, First and the Last, Beginning and the End the Eternal One.
And all the Resurrected Saints, the Body of Christ, along with the βALL in ALLββ¦. live Happily Ever After on Earth π as it is in Heaven!
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