Be Still Know that I AM GOD!
Be still and know recognize and understand that I AM God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
We have all heard this verse. For years I was always was like Be Still with an understanding “still” means peaceful, no fear. You know God is in control. In this earth He is only in control, if we give Him permission.
“Still” in the Hebrew means Rapher= whole and whole in the Webster dictionary means healthy, not diseased, or injured, not broken, damaged defective, containing all elements. Complete, whole-hearted = all one’s energy enthusiasm
Tamin= perfect complete whole to walk continuously in the fullness of God’s Presence which makes us whole and complete.
Are you walking in the fullness of His Presence, are you remaining and abiding in Him?
What an awesome promise from our Father, to Be “Still” in Him completely whole in the fullest of His Presence. Dwelling in His Presence, His secret place, in a place where the curse cannot touch us, because our Spirit along with Our Soul ( mind will and emotions) our body is divinely connected to Him. Because we are bought by the Blood of Jesus.
Then it says “ I will be exalted in the earth” in the Dake Bible side notes it says this is God’s ultimate purpose in all the earth. To this end He will send Jesus with the armies of Heaven to take over the governments of this earth.
King Jesus with His Resurrected Saints are coming to set up the Kingdom Reign!
Psalm 48:1-2 Great is the Lord, and greatly to praised in city of our God. In Mountain of His Holiness. BEAUTIFUL FOR SITUATION the Joy of the whole earth, is Mt Zion on the sides of the North, the city of the King.
This verse has been on my Heart lately. Holy Spirit woke me up a couple mornings ago…BEAUTIFUL FOR SITUATION. So I was like Father what does this mean?! So I looked on Duck Duck Go and This article popped up!!
Psalmist in his peculiar revelation says the above. He says God is beautiful for situation. Now, though this sometimes is explained to be "God being there and good for all situations", but really its way more than that. When He says God is beautiful for situation. It's actually more of an attributive term than descriptive, meaning that He talks about the attributes God possesses than describing God in a particular situation. God, beautiful for situation means God is too glorious to be considered in a "situation" with you. Whenyou've got God, you don't say you're in a "situation", God is an atmosphere. When you study the delivery of Israel from Egypt, the Bible says the Israelites carried their own atmosphere, amazing! When you've got God on your side, He gives you His own atmosphere, so even when it seems you're in some outrageous situation, once you recognize God wants you to be conscious of His Atmosphere! 🌍 —author unknown
We have a Blood bought right, because of Jesus and what He ALREADY accomplished for us! We are supposed to be bringing Heaven into this earth. In other words; if it doesn’t take place in Heaven because of Jesus we have power and authority to live the life Jesus purchased for us.
When a situation arises we are to response to our Father and bring HIS GLORIOUS ATMOSPHERE into the situation.
We have a blood bought right to have God’s Super on our Natural and be Supernaturally dwelling on earth as it is in Heaven!
We can take God the Father at His Word and say “It shall not come near my dwelling!!
This is God’s ultimate purpose in the earth. To this end He will send Jesus Christ with the armies of Heaven to take over the governments of this world, reign 1000 years and rid the earth of all rebellion. Then King Jesus will present His Glorious Church to Himself and Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit will become all in all again as before satan stole the authority from Adam! The Original Intent He created this world for. Dake Notes pg 569
Dake notes Hebrew 10 says Jesus sat down at the Right Hand of the Father to watch His Completed Work fulfilled in the Lives of every Believer!
Righteous Ones…is Jesus seeing His Completed Work in your life? Do you know who you are? And everything He accomplished for you? Can you say with confidence “the things that pertain to the curse, “SHALL NOT COME NEAR MY DWELLING”
Is the Blood of Jesus over your doorpost and all of hell knows they cannot touch you and your Family!
You can start at this very moment. Say Jesus be My Lord, allow His Holy Spirit to show you in His Word, everything that belongs to you in Christ.
And start carrying the Glorious Atmosphere that belongs to Us, simply because Jesus is Our Lord and we remain STILL in Him walking continuously in Father God’s Presence which makes us complete in every area of our life, Earth as it is in Heaven!
Remember Jesus never reacted to satan, He responded to the Father.
Continuously stay in the Fathers ever abiding presence! The Secret Place!
Read Psalm 91 until the words become Life to your flesh, getting down into the joints and marrow. Hebrews 4:12
Faith is simply taking God at His Word!
Let God be true and every Man be a liar! Never take Man’s opinion over the Truth of the Word of God!
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