
Showing posts from October, 2024

Day of vengeance has come, but then the year of Redemption

 The past few weeks the Father has instructed me to read through my journal last year…So my day off today I have spent the day reading my 2023 Journal.  I came across this Word from Him looking like would have been December 2023 because the next post was my Dad’s Bday which is 12/17/2023 (Honestly not sure why I didn’t post last year)  So here is the Word I received from the Lord Yahweh last year…Yea Verily Listen carefully the Lord God is about to come out of His Heavenly Place. Rev 6:17 For what does My Word say??!!  The great day of wrath& vengeance & retribution has come…Who is able to face God (Elohim) and stand before the wrath of the Lamb? All those whose MIND is on ME!!  For I am bringing an invasion from Heaven, bringing judgement on all the crimes against humanity. I AM burning up all of the evil removing wickedness in a day. So “fear not” when the great darkness covers the earth, for I say to you; if you remain and abide in ME you shall not be...

Scoffers are ignorant of My Original Intent. Earth as it is in Heaven!

 About three months ago, the Father spoke to my Spirit while the rest of the World focuses on the Greatest Show on Earth, you focus on My Second Coming!!  Remember in Hebrews it says in chapter 9:28 says the first time Jesus came was for sin (Unbelief) Humanity’s failure to believe man’s opinions over the Truth of the Word of God. The Second time He comes is for Salvation, complete redemption.  This Morning’s TimeStamps were 2:37 and 4:37  So as I sat with the Father this morning, first leading me to Eze 43:7 referring to King Jesus walking among us again, to set up His Kingdom Reign along with Resurrected Saints and Natural Saints.  Then Father led me to 2 Peter 3:7-14!! Such Revelation “Scoffers are ignorant of My Original Intention” Elohim Creator of Heaven and Earth, for the Earth belongs to Elohim.  Scoff= object of scorn, mockery & derision The SCOField Bible is about to be exposed for push a false narrative on the infamous “End Times Teaching” th...

Reverse the Storm! Peace BE Still in Jesus Name

 This was a Word from Elohim on 9/8/2023 I Am about to RESTORE, bring RESTITUTION, RECONSTITUTION, REVERSAL to MY EARTH, MY CREATION, then I WILL Appoint, Establish and Fulfill MY COVENANT, MY PLAN and MY PURPOSE in this Earth.  For the Earth is MINE! IT BELONGS to ME. CREATOR of all THINGS.  Lord God is about to set up His Kingdom Reign. He will crush and destroy all other Kingdoms and His Kingdom will not be destroyed!! Dan 2:44 Matt 24:29-31 His Kingdom, His Purpose, Be Fulfilled on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!  As we are watching the Hurricane coming in a very unusual direction, I the Lord God will bring REVERSAL, as the wicked plot, plan and scurry to destroy any evidence of their evil crimes against humanity. I AM going to reverse their plans, I AM bringing all the evidence forth and I AM going to reveal and expose all their crimes, all of their lies. I AM bringing Truth to My Earth, My Creation, “I Elohim” created for MY People. No Man Made weather storm will b...