Day of vengeance has come, but then the year of Redemption
The past few weeks the Father has instructed me to read through my journal last year…So my day off today I have spent the day reading my 2023 Journal.
I came across this Word from Him looking like would have been December 2023 because the next post was my Dad’s Bday which is 12/17/2023 (Honestly not sure why I didn’t post last year)
So here is the Word I received from the Lord Yahweh last year…Yea Verily Listen carefully the Lord God is about to come out of His Heavenly Place. Rev 6:17
For what does My Word say??!!
The great day of wrath& vengeance & retribution has come…Who is able to face God (Elohim) and stand before the wrath of the Lamb? All those whose MIND is on ME!!
For I am bringing an invasion from Heaven, bringing judgement on all the crimes against humanity. I AM burning up all of the evil removing wickedness in a day. So “fear not” when the great darkness covers the earth, for I say to you; if you remain and abide in ME you shall not be burned. Just like in the days of Moses, My “Burning Fire” will pass over you and your Family. For you are marked by My Word. Supernatural light shall be upon your dwelling and the Angel Reapers will pass over you. For I the Lord God will smite them with a plague their flesh consumed while they stand. Their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongues shall consume away in their mouths for all the lies they told “My People” I AM will destroy the antichrist spirit for it shall never be seen again!! Zech 14:12
Come and let us return to the Lord Yahweh for He has torn and He will heal Us! After two days He will revive us on the Third Day, He will raise us up and we shall live in His Sight. For Behold My Son comes through the Clouds with all His Resurrected Saints and We will See Him as He Is, and together we will set up His Kingdom Reign, living the Life He created us to Live On Earth as it is In Heaven. For October is seedtime and March and April shall be the latter rain. For the Earth is the Lord’s, it belongs to Him and everything that is in it; for you shall Live the Life I AM has always intended for YOU to Live!
As I typed this Word the song playing “Turn your Eyes upon Jesus look full into His Wonderful Face and the things happening in this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glorious Face!!
The part of my Word quoting Zech 14:12 Scripture reminding me of movie Raiders of the Lost Ark at the end where Indiana Jones was looking for the “Holy Cup” with the Ark of the Covenant and the Death Angel swept through and killed the wicked ones, literally their eyes consumed into their sockets, Because they were not Holy to be in the very Presence of the Lord God!
Y'all It’s time to return to Holiness being fully aware of Christ in Us the Hope of Glory. Where His Spoken Word permeates every part of our being. This post is not to move you to Fear. For the Word Say FEAR NOT for I AM always with You! The wicked burned up is the evil antichrist spirit who hate all mankind and have done wicked crimes against humanity, the Burning is not for those who from time to time allow their soul (mind will and emotions) dominate the Spirit of God that lives inside each One of Us. Whether or not we acknowledge Him daily or not. It’s just a good time to focus your attention on King Jesus and ask Him to be Lord of Your Life. For the minute we say Jesus is Lord in My Life. You become the Righteousness of God In Christ. a New Creation who is very much loved by Elohim the Creator of Heaven and Earth!
We are about to see the Greatest Show on Earth. Some Revelation Armageddon stuff. But Fear Not. For with the Day of Vengeance comes immediately the Day of Complete Restoration! Total Redemption!!
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