Reverse the Storm! Peace BE Still in Jesus Name

 This was a Word from Elohim on 9/8/2023

I Am about to RESTORE, bring RESTITUTION, RECONSTITUTION, REVERSAL to MY EARTH, MY CREATION, then I WILL Appoint, Establish and Fulfill MY COVENANT, MY PLAN and MY PURPOSE in this Earth. 

For the Earth is MINE! IT BELONGS to ME. CREATOR of all THINGS. 

Lord God is about to set up His Kingdom Reign. He will crush and destroy all other Kingdoms and His Kingdom will not be destroyed!! Dan 2:44 Matt 24:29-31

His Kingdom, His Purpose, Be Fulfilled on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! 

As we are watching the Hurricane coming in a very unusual direction, I the Lord God will bring REVERSAL, as the wicked plot, plan and scurry to destroy any evidence of their evil crimes against humanity. I AM going to reverse their plans, I AM bringing all the evidence forth and I AM going to reveal and expose all their crimes, all of their lies. I AM bringing Truth to My Earth, My Creation, “I Elohim” created for MY People. No Man Made weather storm will be able to stop the Storm of Justice I AM has created to bring Peace to My Nations. For I AM the eye of Storm and I AM will reveal all the corruption. I AM will REVERSE all their Plans. For I the Lord God love Justice and founded the Great USA for Liberty and Justice for ALL; Therefore SO SHALL IT BE!!

So Peace Be Still and freedom from all distress. Turn to Me, Call on My Great Name, Elohim Father of Creation, Creator of Heaven and Earth. As the end of the wicked shall come in a day, so Shall My Restoration and My Son’s Great Return to set up His Kingdom Reign on earth as it is in Heaven, and shall NOW Come to your Nations Swiftly. And YOU shall see great VICTORY! 

Be still and know I AM YhWh! Elohim creator of Heaven and Earth. I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10 Psalm 24 

Still in the Hebrew means whole. Whole in Webster Dictionary means  healthy, not diseased, not damaged or injured not broken damaged defective, containing all elements. Complete wholehearted, all ones energy, enthusiasm 

Perfect complete whole to walk continuously in the fullness of ELOHIM’S Presence which makes us whole and complete. 

The Earth and all that is in it, Belongs to Elohim, He created it and although the ole deluder satan lies and false agenda the Lord God is about to reverse the lies satan pushed regarding the true meaning of apocalypse for although most of the Church and the world believes the lies apocalypse means catastrophic end. The Truth is APOCALYPSE means disclosure, revealing truth, prophetic revelation. I the Lord God Am about to reverse the lies and show this World the truth of why I created the Earth and fullness thereof…

My Purpose My Plans shall succeed. 

Purpose of the Father God is to put down all rebellion on the earth and fulfill the everlasting covenant of the past, vindicate and avenge Christ and the Saints. Exhalt Resurrected Saints of all ages to a Kingly Position, judge the nations in Righteousness and  RESTORE  the earth to it’s rightful owners. - Dake Reference Bible

I AM not coming to take you out of the earth, I AM coming to set up MY KINGDOM Reign! Resurrected Saints along with Natural Saints shall reign as Kings on Earth as they do in Heaven!! 

Elohim created the earth so it legally belongs to Him. Lord God position now is to send expeditionary force from Heaven to dispossess satan and put down all rebellion. This the purpose of the Second Advent. King Jesus will take over kingdoms of the world for Elohim Put enemies down and restore Elohim dominion. Then the earth will become the Lord’s and all who live on it will be saved and carry out ELOHIM’S original program as before Adam sinned. -Dake Reference Bible

Be It unto us according to Your Word, Elohim!!! 


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