Scoffers are ignorant of My Original Intent. Earth as it is in Heaven!

 About three months ago, the Father spoke to my Spirit while the rest of the World focuses on the Greatest Show on Earth, you focus on My Second Coming!! 

Remember in Hebrews it says in chapter 9:28 says the first time Jesus came was for sin (Unbelief) Humanity’s failure to believe man’s opinions over the Truth of the Word of God. The Second time He comes is for Salvation, complete redemption. 

This Morning’s TimeStamps were 2:37 and 4:37 

So as I sat with the Father this morning, first leading me to Eze 43:7 referring to King Jesus walking among us again, to set up His Kingdom Reign along with Resurrected Saints and Natural Saints. 

Then Father led me to 2 Peter 3:7-14!! Such Revelation “Scoffers are ignorant of My Original Intention” Elohim Creator of Heaven and Earth, for the Earth belongs to Elohim. 

Scoff= object of scorn, mockery & derision

The SCOField Bible is about to be exposed for push a false narrative on the infamous “End Times Teaching” this opinion of a Man, caused great confusion among Churches being raptured up, the earth would one day be destroyed. So instead of the Church becoming Overcoming, Blood Bought, Full of Power and Authority, Created to have Dominion in all the earth. Living the Abundant Life, Jesus already accomplished for us. We allowed ourselves to live in Bondage, living according to this evil world system, believing the opinion of Man instead of the Word of God! 

Then He said very strongly….

I AM going to destroy man made weather systems 

I AM going to destroy Big Pharma

I AM going to destroy sex trafficking and all the evil connected with it. 

I AM going to destroy the financial bondage 

I AM going to destroy the False Narratives taught in churches and schools. 

MY Great Apocalypse is coming, when I AM exposes and destroys all the Crimes against MY CREATION, Then MY SON shall have HIS TRIUMPHANT RETURN, setting up HIS KINGDOM REIGN. This Kingdom will never be destroyed. MY Nations will never again live in Bondage, and My Creators will life the Original intent,  I AM has always intended for all of His Creation! 

Y’all it’s the 4- Horses of the Apocalypse, remember The Horses have patrolled the earth and brought forth all the evidence of crimes against humanity. Reference Revelation 6 and Zechariah 6 

Apocalypse means prophetic revelation disclose reveal truth, unveiling Kingdom reality!!! 

The Lord God of the Harvest is going to destroy the wicked crimes against humanity. Angel reapers bringing the Harvest of every good or evil seed sown. 

Elohim created the Heaven and the Earth for the original intent, the Heaven belong to Elohim and the Earth belongs to his Children. The Father God knew Adam would fall short and hand the dominion over to the ole deluder satan believing the lie “Did Elohim really say?” 

Like He knew the Disciples, when Jesus over and over again said to them Oh ye of Little Faith, Why do you doubt Me?!

Not even one of the Disciples show up at the tomb, on that third to see that Jesus did in fact Resurrect!! No they all did exactly what the Church does today. Doubt the WORD of GOD. In Mark 16 Jesus upbraided the Disciples for doubting Him and His Word.

The Church Body of Christ does the exact same thing. We believe Man’s opinion over the Truth of the Word!

So just like Father God had a plan for Adam/Eve, Noah and the Ark, Abraham the Ram in the thicket,  David and 5 smooth stones, Jesus to be born in a Manger, the Father God has a Plan, to take back His Creation and His Original Intent! 

Faith is simply taking God at His Word. Knowing all the promises that belong to us. For all of His Promises are yea and amen! Relationship with Elohim, spending time in His Presence, Worship Him, Read His Word for it is truly LIFE to your Mortal Body!

This Earth is about to live the Perfect Life, Jesus Purchased for Us!! Get Ready the Best Life is coming! 



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