
Showing posts from September, 2024

8:17 Transforming Minds for the Kingdom

  Yay Verily!!! Good is the Word from the Lord YhWH!!   Kingdom Mentality =Kingdom Reality  Kept seeing 817 I asked the Father a couple times what is the Number?!  He led me to Matt 8:17 Jesus carried our infirmities= feeble weakness mentality or morally  Woke me up 9/25 saying Transforming Minds for the Kingdom of God.  That is our Mission King-Doll Triumphant Church Ministry.  Led me to John 16:13 which equals 29 Today is 9/29  Spirit of Truth coming to disclose all Truth! Apocalypse means revealing truth unveiling of Reality Got dressed this am put on my "Buckeye" STATE OF MIND Shirt…The Father said it's a KINGDOM STATE OF MIND!!!  Led me to Romans 12:2 be not confirmed by the world BUT be ye Transformed by the renewing of your MIND! Transform a supernatural change! To Transform means to change outer form or appearance of  To change character or condition of  Led me to 2 Cor 10:5 we are to take every thought captive to the obedie...

Well Now, what do we have here?

Word from the Lord November 2021  Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth goodwill to all Man. Do not be afraid; Fear Not at the fire in the sky for you are the apple of My eye. As I the Lord God lives in Truth, in Justice and in righteousness. The Nations shall bless themselves in Me and in Me they will see My Glory.  For All shall see the full story, all the lies, all the evil. and every law and false mandate; I the Lord God shall overturn. For I the Lord God shall reveal the truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth for I Am the Lord God. My Righteous Right Arm of Justice is sitting up My Glorious Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.  So raise up a banner of Victory for we are tearing down, destroying their dogmas that nullify the Word of God and the facts of the Gospel. These fortifications we pull down and demolish, we put to flight the demon powers, alien armies, and foreign entities raising a banner high across the battlefield, bringing...

Yay Verily Woe to the Judgment that’s coming!

 Timestamps from this am…3:37 led me to Eze 33:7 5:21am led me to this Word from the Lord God for every Rapper, Pastor, Musician, Politician, Hollywood Elites, all Sports Players, and all the Media… Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear the Word from the Lord God Holy One of JerUSAlem… Isaiah “5:21” “Woe to those who, in their greed, buy up house after house to make one grand estate until there is no place for anyone else and only the landowner is left! This is what Yahweh, the Commander of Angel Armies, said in my ears: “Truly, many of your houses will become devastated and your large, impressive mansions will have no one living in them! Indeed, even a vast vineyard will produce only a few gallons of wine, and several bushels of seed will produce only a bushel of harvest!” Woe to those who start drinking early in the morning, lingering late into the night to get drunk with wine. Their lavish parties are complete with the music of harps and flutes—and the wine flows! Yet they have no respect for ...

The Book of Revelation is Happily Ever After…

 Timestamps and Word from Elohim the One and Only Almighty God Yea Verily; I am not coming to take you out of the earth, I am coming back to set up My Kingdom Reign with you!  Psalm 24 see Dake notes:  Elohim created the earth so it legally belongs to Him. His position now is to send expeditionary force from Heaven to dispossess the ole deluder satan and put down all rebellion. This is the purpose of the Second Advent, Christ will take over the Kingdom of the world for YHVH put enemies down and restore God’s dominion. Then the earth will become the Lord’s all who live on it will be saved and carry out God’s original program as before Adam sinned. Dake notes Psalm 46:10 this is God’s ultimate purpose in the earth. He will send Jesus and resurrected Saints to take over the government of this world, He is the Righteous Branch, over the Executive judicial and legislative branch, the Government will be upon His Shoulders. King Jesus setting up the Kingdom Age!  The Purpos...

I live to worship You! We were created to Praise, Elohim!

 With all my timestamps referring to the Second Advent of King Jesus, when He returns to the Earth to set up His Kingdom Reign. The Temple rebuilt where He will reside and dwell on the Earth.  I have been studying the Temple, the Ark which carried the 10 commandments, there were actually 15 steps going up into the temple, and they were instructed to stop on each step and praise Elohim. One true Living God!  The infamous 10 Commandments. One that seems to always be overlooked…🤔 Father led me to Exodus 20:7 You shall not take the Name of the Lord God=(Elohim) in vain that is irreverently, in false affirmations or in any way impugn the character of YHVH. To impugn means to assail by words, oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity.  Oh conviction pierced my soul (mind, will and emotions) like the song 🎶 “Homecoming”  Lord I must confess, I have been a criminal, I have stolen Your Breath and sang my own song.  A Revelation flooded my soul how the Very Br...