I live to worship You! We were created to Praise, Elohim!

 With all my timestamps referring to the Second Advent of King Jesus, when He returns to the Earth to set up His Kingdom Reign. The Temple rebuilt where He will reside and dwell on the Earth. 
I have been studying the Temple, the Ark which carried the 10 commandments, there were actually 15 steps going up into the temple, and they were instructed to stop on each step and praise Elohim. One true Living God! 

The infamous 10 Commandments. One that seems to always be overlooked…🤔

Father led me to Exodus 20:7 You shall not take the Name of the Lord God=(Elohim) in vain that is irreverently, in false affirmations or in any way impugn the character of YHVH. To impugn means to assail by words, oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity. 

Oh conviction pierced my soul (mind, will and emotions) like the song 🎶 “Homecoming” 
Lord I must confess, I have been a criminal, I have stolen Your Breath and sang my own song.
 A Revelation flooded my soul how the Very Breath YHVH breathed into my nostrils, I have used to speak things that were not His Truth. Quick to repent!! 

Yall know the verse in Proverbs 3 Trust in the Lord with all my Heart and lean not to my Own Understanding but in all my ways, in Everything acknowledge Him and He will direct my path. Realizing MY MOUTH, MY Words had spoken words that spoke False affirmations against the True character of My Loving Heavenly Father that were not Truth. 
The very breath He gave me, belongs to Him, and that very breath should only be saying “what a Mighty God I serve. I was created to bring Him Praise. Ain’t no rock going to cry in my place. 

My Soul doth magnify the Lord and My Spirit rejoices in God my Savior! 
My Soul sings how I love YOU, I won’t let the rocks cry in my place, I will return the breath You gave me with Your Praise. 

I totally understand David now; why He was always telling his soul (Flesh=Mind Will Emotions) to get in line with His Spirit. For when we are truly led by our Spirit our Soul and Body becomes divinely aligned with Father, His Son and Holy Spirit ☘️ Holy Trinity ☘️☘️☘️

As parents we love our children and we desire for them to be happy and blessed in every area of their life, yet as parents when our children are tired, cranky, whining, complaining, we aren’t so quick to take them for ice cream, or reward them for negative behavior. 

And yet…when we as God’s Children we whine complain say false affirmations against our Loving Father saying false things that are not the Truth of His Word. And our very mouth, with His very Breath that He created for us to Praise and Speak His Word, He loving gave us His Son, who gave the ultimate gift of Complete Salvation Peace and freedom from all distress and then with that very breath that belongs to Him, we speak lies and speak things that are not the truth of His Word. The truth is the Word says Life and death are in the power of our tongue. Angels harken to the voice of His Word in our Mouth. 
And the truth is the enemy ole Deluder satan cannot touch us unless we believe his lie of “Did God really say?! Getting us to doubt the integrity and character of Elohim= our Mighty God, Our Creator, the great Triune God manifested as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

One of greatest revelation we can understand is our “very breath, our spoken words” of false affirmations against Lord God Elohim actually can give satan all authority to come into our life, our home, our family to kill, steal and destroy. Most people, all mankind, chooses not to take that responsibility.  They would rather blame God, by falsely accusing Him of something He absolutely did not have anything to do with.!! For God so love the World, His Creation, when Adam was in the garden, and He (not God) handed satan his God given authority, the curse came into the earth and satan became the god of this world….

So Father God out of so much LOVE for His Creation and all of His Children sent Jesus to get our Authority and Dominion back. It’s up to us to confess Jesus as Lord and use our Mouth to Bring Him Praise, Glory and Honor. And to believe and receive that authority and dominion and know we have be given all power over the curse and all the power over the ole deluder satan. 

False affirmations= would be when His Word says by His stripes we are already healed, but instead we say “I am sick” and we believe a drs report, a man’s opinion over the truth of His Word. 

Saying: I’m broke, we can’t afford that, I have to wait until payday; by putting our faith in our bank acct, our job; when His word clearly says “remember it is “I the Lord God” who gives you power to get wealth, I will supply all your needs according to My Riches in glory”. 

Saying: I have anxiety, when the Word says be anxious for nothing, let the Peace of God flood your heart and mind. 

Saying: I am alone, when the Word says I the Lord God will never leave you or forsake you. 

Don’t allow the enemy to lie to you, don’t take a man’s opinion over the Truth of the Word of God. 

When you don’t know what to say, what to do; “Raise a Halleujah! Praise Him with the Breath He gave YOU 

Do you not know your Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit?! It was bought with a price the precious Blood of Jesus. It actually doesn’t belong to you. The very Spirit of God dwells in each one of us. It’s up to us, to seek after Him. Do you know who your Father really is?! Do you know Jesus and everything He accomplished for you?! Do you know the Power of the Holy Spirit inside of you?! If not; the Word of God, the BIBLE will bring you great revelation…

Faith is simply taking God at His Word! 

Make today the day you Say “Father I repent for stealing the Breath you gave me, and creating the chaotic life that I have been living!! Forgive Me Father. I choose You this Day and My Mouth from this day forward will with the breath You gave me to Sing YOUR Praise. Magnify and Glorify YOU Alone! I will give you all my Praise! 

I will worship YOU, Elohim. The One True Living God! 

Deut 10:12 What does the Lord God require from you, but to worship the Lord your God with awe-filled reverence and profound respect, to walk that is to live each and everyday in all His ways and to love Him and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart ❤️ with all your soul, your choices, your thoughts 💭 your whole being. He delights in His Children choosing to bring Praise and Glory to His Name! 

Selah! Praise Him for He alone; is worthy of all our Praise! 


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