Yay Verily Woe to the Judgment that’s coming!
Timestamps from this am…3:37 led me to Eze 33:7
5:21am led me to this Word from the Lord God for every Rapper, Pastor, Musician, Politician, Hollywood Elites, all Sports Players, and all the Media…
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear the Word from the Lord God Holy One of JerUSAlem…
Isaiah “5:21”
“Woe to those who, in their greed, buy up house after house to make one grand estate until there is no place for anyone else and only the landowner is left! This is what Yahweh, the Commander of Angel Armies, said in my ears: “Truly, many of your houses will become devastated and your large, impressive mansions will have no one living in them! Indeed, even a vast vineyard will produce only a few gallons of wine, and several bushels of seed will produce only a bushel of harvest!” Woe to those who start drinking early in the morning, lingering late into the night to get drunk with wine. Their lavish parties are complete with the music of harps and flutes—and the wine flows! Yet they have no respect for what Yahweh has done, nor do they contemplate the work of his hands! Therefore, my people go into exile for lack of understanding. Their leaders are starving, their multitudes parched with thirst. The shadowy realm of death grows thirsty for souls and opens its mouth even wider to drink in the people! It gulps down the leaders of Jerusalem, along with their noisy, boasting crowds! The people will be humiliated, all of humanity humbled, and the arrogant will be brought low. With justice the Lord Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies, displays his greatness, and righteousness sets him apart as the holy God. Then lambs will graze, as if in their own pastures, and the refugee will eat in the ruins of the rich. Woe to those who drag behind them their guilt with ropes made of lies — straining and tugging, harnessed to their bondage! They say, “May God hurry up and bring his judgment so that we can see it once and for all! Let the prophetic plan of the Holy One of Israel quickly come to pass so that we can see what it is!” Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who replace darkness with light and light with darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and see themselves as clever and shrewd. Woe to the champion wine drinkers who are heroes in mixing strong drinks— judges and politicians who acquit the guilty for a bribe and take away the rights of the innocent.”
Isaiah 5:8-23 TPT
Nothing will stop MY Judgement coming upon you, the Judgement is for all of the wicked seeds; YOU have sown, I the Lord God have given you numerous times to turn from your wickedness, but you closed your ears to My Voice, so NOW is time you must reap what you have sown. Although you will be judged for your heinous actions, and you must reap the consequences of your harvest. Even then… there will still be but a moment for you to CALL ON THE NAME OF YAHWEH and you shall be saved, Heed the Words My Daughter is saying…for the “shame” you are about to experience on this earth, will be nothing in comparison to the Hell you will live; in eternity, because you refused and rejected ME!
So, Swiftly Call on the Name of Jesus (Yeshua) the Name above every Name, My Precious Son who gave His Life, that you Might Live; Who on that Cross on Calvary thought of YOU and endured all of hell. So you could TRULY BE FREE!
Good is the Word from the Lord Yahweh! Elohim Creator of Heaven and Earth!
Note as I finished typing this Word from the Lord Yahweh, He gave me another timestamp 6:52am led me to Isaiah 65 WOAH WOAH!! It is totally what these Wicked Elites have been doing behind closed doors, But Nothing No Evil Act shall be hidden from the Eyes of Yahweh, He has seen it ALL, His War Horses have patrolled the whole Earth and His Harvest Angels and the Death Reaper Angels are Ready for the Day of Judgement and then that Great Day of King Jesus coming into JerUSAlem to set up His Kingdom Reign!
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