The Book of Revelation is Happily Ever After…

 Timestamps and Word from Elohim the One and Only Almighty God

Yea Verily; I am not coming to take you out of the earth, I am coming back to set up My Kingdom Reign with you! 

Psalm 24 see Dake notes:  Elohim created the earth so it legally belongs to Him. His position now is to send expeditionary force from Heaven to dispossess the ole deluder satan and put down all rebellion. This is the purpose of the Second Advent, Christ will take over the Kingdom of the world for YHVH put enemies down and restore God’s dominion. Then the earth will become the Lord’s all who live on it will be saved and carry out God’s original program as before Adam sinned.

Dake notes Psalm 46:10 this is God’s ultimate purpose in the earth. He will send Jesus and resurrected Saints to take over the government of this world, He is the Righteous Branch, over the Executive judicial and legislative branch, the Government will be upon His Shoulders. King Jesus setting up the Kingdom Age! 

The Purpose of Father God bringing judgement is to put down all rebellion on the earth, fulfill the everlasting covenants of the past, vindicate and avenge Christ, the Saints, the Resurrected Saints of all ages to a Kingly and Priestly position judge the nation in Righteousness and restore the earth to it’s Rightful Owners 

Exposing all Truth and the Truth about Big Pharma and all the wicked crimes against humanity will be disclosed and revealed. 

Big Pharma has made a Mockery of King Jesus and YHVH will not tolerate it any longer!! 

Greek Word apokalypto means to reveal= Apocalypse to disclose book of revelation prophetic disclosure to disclose: to uncover bring to the open and make something known, something secret to close

Google definition the complete and final destruction of the world event involving destruction on a catastrophic scale. 

Ask yourself is what you know to be “Truth” Holy Spirit inspired or is the Truth you Know the opinion of Man?! 

1 Timothy 4:1 mentions doctrine of demons. it’s a Antichrist spirit of deception to deceive and twist the truth of the Word of God; ya know the same lies and tactic the ole deluder satan has used since the Garden. Did God really say??! 

This twisting the truth of the Word is attempting to steal the Kingdom Era 

The Kingdom “Era” Age will not be stopped by any lie of deception of satan, it will be fulfilled. King Jesus will set up His Kingdom Reign and all Nations and every Government will be upon His Shoulders and His Name will be Declare Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Almighty Elohim. 

The Second Advent will be fulfilled just like the First. Hebrews 9:28 says So Christ having been offered once and for all to bear the sins of so many will Appear a SECOND TIME when He returns to the earth not to deal with sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly and confidently wait for him. 

Salvation means to redeem, to buy back, to pay off debt, one’s mortgage, to convert paper money back into coin. The silver is mine the gold is mine; Says Elohim!!

For all sin is basically unbelief, believing the opinion of man; the lies of the ole deluder satan rather than believing the Truth of the Word of God. We all sin and fall short of the Glory; that is everything Jesus already accomplished for Us! All the Kingdom Benefits, the whole Salvation Package!! 

When My Dad walked into Heaven with His Glorified Body. I asked my Heavenly Father to bring Revelation on the Book of Revelations and that He did. I stopped going to church and became a stickler for the Word of God. He began removing the scales from my eyes and all the wrong “church teaching” I like to call “BS” wrong Belief System. 

For instance when the Book of Revelation mentions the Antichrist, dragon, Armageddon, the mark of the beast.

This is the Truth the Holy Spirit brought to me... The antichrist is basically just that…anyone who’s heart is wicked, harden, crimes against humanity (God’s Creation) they are not for Christ and the Truth of His Word they are “anti” against Christ. 

Revelation 12: 3-4 Dragon mentions a woman giving birth to Man, this was Mary and the Birth of King Jesus and the dragon represents satan not a literal dragon,  Ephesians 6  says it’s not a flesh and blood battle, it’s the the wicked forces in the heavenly realm. This dragon is in the spirit realm, the spiritual war in the Heavenlies! 

The antichrist spirit that all throughout the Bible, satan knew because of the Word from the Prophets given that King Jesus was coming into the earth to take the authority back, satan stole from Adam in the garden, so he used his little antichrists Pharaoh, Herod, Judas to attempt to stop the Perfect Redemption plan to be fulfilled.

 Also mentions Revelation 12 says 42 Mths which equals 3 1/2 years, and also Revelation 13 mentions 42 Mths 3 1/2 years. Could it be that the 7 year tribulation could be divided into two different times periods?!! Asking for greater revelation of that!! 

So as in the days of old, satan the ole deluder is attempting to stop the Kingdom Era to be fulfilled. By twisting the book of revelation, pushing a false narrative of “left behind” movies and teaching saying Jesus is going to rapture the church, so the Church the Body of Christ would “stand down” believers that we cannot really do anything about the evil world, so let’s just wait for the rapture, which is such a twisted lie. 

Jesus already accomplished it all, He already took back all dominion and authority and gave it back to the Church. He already brought satan to nothing. But because most of the Church believes the lies taught by Pastors, Professors and man’s opinion over the Truth of the Word of God! 

Most Christians attend church, read a happy little devotional, know religion but not TRUE RELATIONSHIP with the Holy Trinity instead they believe the ole deluder satan and all his lies and false teachings. 

But GOD!!!! He knew the Church would fall short of His Glory, just like Adam did. So once again came up with another plan to send King Jesus a second time. 

Que Armageddon, this is when the Lord God says “that’s it, Enough” I have given you enough time to Repent and turn from your wickedness!

 Please know when I am talking wickedness, I am referring to wicked evil, crimes against humanity purposely killing Gods people with horrific crimes. So YhVH plan is to bring Judgement and burn up all the wicked ones. The same antichrist spirit controlling souls just like they did Pharaoh , Herod and Judas all the wicked Kings in the Bible. The Lord God will remove all the wickedness, and completely destroy the wicked spiritual realm, where all the evil plots and plans are made to destroy the earth, Elohim created for Himself and all of His Creation! 

Read Matthew 13 the ones taken (burned up) are the wicked ones. The Righteous Remain on the earth to set up the Kingdom Reign with King Jesus and the Resurrected Saints

Revelation 13:5-8 “And the beast was given a mouth (the power of speech), uttering great things and arrogant and blasphemous words, and he was given freedom and authority to act and to do as he pleased for forty-two months (three and a half years). [Dan 7:8] And he opened his mouth to speak blasphemies (abusive speech, slander) against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, and those who live in heaven. He was also permitted to wage war against the saints (God’s people) and to overcome them, and authority and power over every tribe and people and language and nation. [Dan 7:21, 25] All the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who has been slain [as a willing sacrifice].

Also look at Daniel 7:21-27 says that satan (beast/dragon) was making war with the saints and overpowering them; UNTIL the Ancient of Days came and brought judgement. 

Read Revelation 13:16 The Mark is those who think, and act on these heinous crimes signifying their allegiance to the beast. Once again satan stealing ideas from YHVH Exodus 13:9 this will serve as a sign/mark reminder on your forehead with a strong and powerful arm the Lord God brought you out!

 Read Ezekiel 14:21-23 

I truly believe with the Revelation and Spiritual Wisdom My Heavenly Father has given me, that we are going to see the Fulfillment of Ancient of Days bringing judgment and King Jesus shall return a second time to bring complete Restoration 

Acts 3:21 says “So repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased], so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]; and that He may send [to you] Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you, whom heaven must keep until the time for the [complete] restoration of all things about which God promised through the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.”

‭All of Heaven, the Resurrected Ones, All the Angels are waiting for the Release of King Jesus! 

Hebrews 9:28 says the first time Jesus came was for sin the second time is for Salvation, Restoration, setting up the Kingdom age. 

Arise and Shine for the Glory of the Lord has come. Isaiah 60:1

I encourage you today PICK UP YOUR BIBLE I highly recommend a Bible WITHOUT a commentary with a Man’s Opinion. That way you can pray and ask for Holy Spirit revelation to lead and guide you into HIS TRUTH. The Word says if we lack wisdom ask and He will give you wisdom in all things. 

Proverbs 3 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding but in EVERYTHING acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. 

Lastly read Psalm 91 Read Exodus 1-15 so that you will understand He gives His Angels charge over you. And just like with the Israelites His chosen ones, He will put a distinction on you and your family, your Home and when the Fire that burns up the wicked ones comes and the world as you know it looks like complete chaos and it’s been turned upside down; But Because you Know YHVH as Your Good Good Father and have relationship with His Holy Trinity not a religion; You will know with great grace, power and full confidence in His Word will know His Promises as Jesus as your Lord and His Blood on your Doorpost “It shall not come near your dwelling! Because You Know His Love for YOU! 

 The Book of Revelation is a Happily ever after!! 

Father God is bringing His Creation back to the Original Intent the reason He created all of Humanity and His Creation! Living on Earth as it is in Heaven! 


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