
Showing posts from June, 2024

Prepare the way of the Lord

 When I see a number I see a scripture, like to call them Timestamps. Divine Heavenly time stamps from YVHV Elohim. For several months now the scriptures have all been about the Lord GOD judgement and the Second Advent of King Jesus.  Whenever I hear anyone say anything that contradicts what He is revealing to me through HIS WORD. He confirms what He is revealing to me, with MORE SCRIPTURE. Confirming I have HIS WORD on it.  All my life whenever I would hear “end time” teaching it didn’t settle in agreement with His Spirit inside me.  Prepare ye the Way of the Lord,  for the Kingdom of God is at hand. We are to announce and share the Good News of the Gospel. Not the deception the church has taught, on the apocalypse teaching a false narrative of a Catastrophic end. The word apocalypse actually means a prophetic revelation, to disclose which means to reveal truth. The Lord God Elohim is about to reveal and disclose the TRUTH of all the crimes against humanity. So...

Word from the Lord Yahweh!!

 Time stamps this morning 6/6/2024  3:37am Yahweh led me to Isaiah 33:7 4:37am Ezekiel 43:7  5:04am Psalm 50:4 6:09 led me to Isaiah 60:9  6:29am Isaiah 62:9 These verses referring to Lord Yahweh bringing Judgment then King Jesus setting up Kingdom Age.  Then Yahweh download this Word to me… Prepare the Way of the Lord! Repent change your thinking. Gone are the days of being double minded, being of two opinions. Speaking My Word one minute then saying I Am not true to My Word the next. For I the Lord Yahweh have spoken it, My Word is truth and final authority. The scrolls have been opened and My 4-Horses of Revelation have patrolled the earth and brought all the evidence into the Courts of Heaven. So Now is seedtime and harvest for all the Good and wicked seeds sown. You shall see My Fire fall like in the days of Elijah. Every eye will see and every ear shall hear and everyone on earth and in all of Heaven shall know I AM the Lord Yahweh the God of Abraham Isaac...

Divine Health being Divinely connected to Holy Trinity…Power of our Thoughts and our Words

Let’s talk about the Spirit Soul and Body and the Power of our Thoughts and our Words!! Living in the Heavenly Divine Connection with our Holy Trinity! Everyone desires to be in Perfect Health but very few choose to take Yahweh at His Word and choose to Believe Father God over the lies of the ole deluder satan. Why would any Believer choose to believe a lie over the Truth of God’s Word??!  Here is some medical information from a brain Dr. who makes the Spiritual Connection with our Creator who created us in His Image and His Likeness! Genesis 1:26-28 and our Natural Bodies that Our Created to Heal itself.  I Highly Recommend his Book…The God Prescription by Avery M Jackson 111, MD FACS, FAANS There is voluminous research about how we can use the immune system to Kill cancer. Even in my field of brain surgery, immune mechanisms are being used to kill cancer. The human immune system is activated or deactivated from our thinking. We can, therefore, have better outcomes by thinkin...