Prepare the way of the Lord

 When I see a number I see a scripture, like to call them Timestamps. Divine Heavenly time stamps from YVHV Elohim. For several months now the scriptures have all been about the Lord GOD judgement and the Second Advent of King Jesus. 

Whenever I hear anyone say anything that contradicts what He is revealing to me through HIS WORD. He confirms what He is revealing to me, with MORE SCRIPTURE. Confirming I have HIS WORD on it. 

All my life whenever I would hear “end time” teaching it didn’t settle in agreement with His Spirit inside me. 

Prepare ye the Way of the Lord,  for the Kingdom of God is at hand. We are to announce and share the Good News of the Gospel. Not the deception the church has taught, on the apocalypse teaching a false narrative of a Catastrophic end. The word apocalypse actually means a prophetic revelation, to disclose which means to reveal truth. The Lord God Elohim is about to reveal and disclose the TRUTH of all the crimes against humanity. So much truth is coming, that is going to make this world seems like it’s been turned upside down! BUT YAHWEH and His Red Sea Moment for this generation. Then King Jesus coming into the earth to reveal Himself and set up His Kingdom, a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, living on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

For the earth is the Lord’s and fullness thereof. Psalm 24 for Who is this King of Glory? 

Timestamp the past couple weeks 6:08 and 6:31 referring to Birds that fly. I kept seeing Birds Fly in usual places?! So I was like Father;  bring deeper revelation of what You are revealing to me. So He led me to the Dake Bible. 

(I’m going to attach some pictures of footnotes at the end of this blog.)

On Monday 6/10/2024 the Father instructed me to add up Donald J Trump’s Birthday 6+1+4+1+9+4+6=31 which led me to Isaiah 31: verses 4-5 #45 

y’all the Father is so intentional the verse says; so shall the Lord of Host come down to fight for Mt Zion, AS BIRDS FLY!! #Confirmation 

King Jesus is coming with His Resurrected Saints 

In Acts 3:21 the Word says Heaven is holding Jesus until the time of restoration of all things. 

Hebrews 9:28 say Jesus came the first time for sin and His Second time He is coming for redemption! 

Also see Luke 21:22-36 Son of Man coming to bring Redemption 

Acts 1:10-11 says as He ascended so He will also descend. 

Romans 8:19 says all Creation waiting for manifestation of Sons of God, verse 23 refers to redemption of our Bodies referring to 1 Corinthians 15 when King Jesus brings the Resurrected Saints and gives the natural Saints (the Ones still in the Earth) our Immortal Incorruptible Bodies! #Superhumans ruling and reigning on Earth as in Heaven! 

Then today’s time stamp was 4:37 led me to Ezekiel 43:7 the place of My Throne and the Place where My soles of My Feet. Oh Righteous Friend King Jesus is coming into this Earth to set up His Kingdom Reign along with His Resurrected Saints and we will rule and reign forever with King Jesus! 

This is the truth of the Gospel in 2 John 1:7 says in the GREEK “Jesus Christ coming in the Flesh” anyone who teaches against that, is being influenced by the antichrist which is the ole Deluder satan. 

We are about to step into the Kingdom Age. Which is the Greatest of all times. Because we are going to be living the original intent, how the Father intended for us to live, like in the Days of the Garden of Eden. That Adam allowed satan to get him to question the Word of God “Did God Really Say?” It’s the same tactic he has used on the Church even into our Generation. Even after Jesus accomplished what He accomplished for us, All the Kingdom Benefits the whole Salvation Package.  Most of the Church live no differently than the world, all “sin” is unbelief anyone who believes a man’s opinion over the TRUTH of the Word of God! 

Ole Deluder satan deceiving “did God really say?” Most people that go to church and call themselves a Christian confessing Jesus as Lord. Don’t even read their Bible everyday so how are they supposed to know all the Kingdom Benefits if they don’t know the Promises that are listed in the Salvation Package. Most Christian know their Medical Insurance benefits better than they know their Kingdom Benefits! Faith is simply taking God at His Word! The Father told me one day “Big Pharma has made a mockery of MY SON!” Honestly we belittle Jesus and His Finished Work when we believe a Dr over Jesus, His Blood and the Written Word! Instead of Repenting and changing the way they think, they get offended and upset with Yahweh blaming Him and accusing Him of not being a Healer! 

God will not be mocked. The Day is Coming when everyone will confess Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lord. Everyone will know Him as Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Jireh, the One and Only True Living God! 

Majesty Worship Him for He alone is Worthy of all Praise! 

Oh Righteous Friend Let Our Life reflect how Much we LOVE HIM! May we represent Him well on this Earth! May we carry His Presence and His Holy Name with Us everywhere we go. May our LOVE for Him and Our Frequency be so high that we impact everyone we come into contact with! So that “on that Day” when we see Him face to face He will look at Us and Say “Well Done My Faithful One!” You trusted Me; the Holy Trinity and My Word! Let’s set UP MY KINGDOM!! 

Here I am Lord, Send me! Prepare ye the Way of the Lord!! I will be the Voice according to Isaiah 40:3-10

“¶A voice of one is calling out, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness [remove the obstacles]; Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God. [Mark 1:3] “Every valley shall be raised, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged places a broad valley. “And the glory and majesty and splendor of the Lord will be revealed, And all humanity shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.” [Luke 3:5, 6] A voice says, “Call out [prophesy].” Then he answered, “What shall I call out?” [The voice answered:] All humanity is [as frail as] grass, and all that makes it attractive [its charm, its loveliness] is [momentary] like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, When the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Most certainly [all] the people are [like] grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. [James 1:10, 11; 1 Pet 1:24, 25] ¶O Zion, herald of good news, Get up on a high mountain. O Jerusalem, herald of good news, Lift up your voice with strength, Lift it up, do not fear; Say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!” [Acts 10:36; Rom 10:15] Listen carefully, the Lord God will come with might, And His arm will rule for Him. Most certainly His reward is with Him, And His restitution accompanies Him. [Rev 22:7, 12]”

‭‭We are living in the Best of all Times! Born for such a time as this!! ‬


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