Divine Health being Divinely connected to Holy Trinity…Power of our Thoughts and our Words

Let’s talk about the Spirit Soul and Body and the Power of our Thoughts and our Words!! Living in the Heavenly Divine Connection with our Holy Trinity! Everyone desires to be in Perfect Health but very few choose to take Yahweh at His Word and choose to Believe Father God over the lies of the ole deluder satan. Why would any Believer choose to believe a lie over the Truth of God’s Word??! 

Here is some medical information from a brain Dr. who makes the Spiritual Connection with our Creator who created us in His Image and His Likeness! Genesis 1:26-28 and our Natural Bodies that Our Created to Heal itself. 

I Highly Recommend his Book…The God Prescription by Avery M Jackson 111, MD FACS, FAANS

There is voluminous research about how we can use the immune system to Kill cancer. Even in my field of brain surgery, immune mechanisms are being used to kill cancer. The human immune system is activated or deactivated from our thinking. We can, therefore, have better outcomes by thinking positive thoughts than by taking medications and undergoing laboratory manipulation of those cells outside the body to be put back inside the body to do what they were meant to do. If we correctly believe that God has healed our bodies and rids us of cancer, then those systems will be activated as God intended and will kill cancer cells. If we incorrectly believe we are loomed to die, then those systems will facilitate cancer growth.

Leukemia is a cancer of the Blood it begins when healthy blood cells change and grow Leukemia. (Side note back in 2018 when Holy Spirit starting bringing revelation and directed me to start researching vaccines harmful adverse side effects. I asked the Father why do children get leukemia which is cancer of the blood, the Truth He revealed to me was vaccines literally poison the bloodstream with toxic synthetic manufactured chemicals. They Our Creator never intended for us to inject into our bodies!) 

Thank you Jesus that as we receive greater revelation of Truth of God’s Word we know that Faith is simply taking God at His Word. We can speak the Word of God over our Family’s Body and according to Isaiah 53 by His Stripes we are already healed and Mark 16 if we put anything deadly in our Bodies it shall not harm us! We can speak the Name of Jesus and plead the blood of Jesus and according to the Word it shall not come near our dwelling 

Please remember that dopamine is a pleasure-reinforcement brain-and-gut chemical that we make internally. Choosing mental, emotional, and physical activities that elevate dopamine in your brain is important. We can make choices that cause increased brain levels of dopamines. 

Dopamine levels are low when we are depressed or sick or with certain neurodegenerative disorders.

Antidepressant medication, substance abuse, and alcohol and illicit drug use can also increase dopamine. The correct responses to increase dopamine levels include eating certain vegetables, exercising, laughing, doing things that remind you of good times, and spending time with God. We are meant to be addicted to love, God's character-not synthetic harmful substances or actions.

This is another example of how much God loves us by putting these healing mechanisms and cells into our bodies. All we must do is believe His promises for us, state those promises until we believe that they are true for us individually, and believe there is no truth above those truths from God. We cast the other thoughts down, and this will create the desired healing cascade that God has planned for us every time!

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God; and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corin. 10:5, KJV).

" People who never address their stress and their thoughts. something that is more powerful than those thoughts.

People who never address their stress and worry have these negative thoughts running in the background throughout their lives. This leads to physical manifestations, ranging from stomach ulcers to cancer and from autoimmune disorders to psychological disorders. There is breakdown of the brain and the body. Our five senses become overwhelmed with the negative consequences.

Only God is powerful enough to transcend the negativity that bombards us every day, moment by moment.

In her book Think and Eat Yourself Smart, Di. Caroline Leaf provides this practical, helpful advice: "Do not go to sleep worrying about your circumstances; this can upset your sleep cycle, digestion, and weight. Hand all your issues over to God, and fall asleep quoting a Scripture or thinking of all the good things that have happened to you or anything that makes you happy and feel at peace.

When your cares down before you sleep, and read the promises in God’s Word. Give Him your fears. Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Dr Jackson also quotes Dr Carolyn Leaf in his book… 

It's an epidemic of toxic emotions. The average person has over 30,000 thoughts a day. Through an uncontrolled thought life, we create the conditions for illness; we make ourselves sick!

Research shows that fear, all on its own, triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses and activates more than 30 different hormones. There are intellectual and medical reasons to forgive! Toxic waste generated by toxic thoughts causes the following illnesses: diabetes, cancer, asthma, skin problems, and allergies, to name just a few. Consciously control your thought life, and start to detox your brain! Change in your thinking is essential to detox the brain. Consciously controlling your thought life means not letting thoughts rampage through your mind. It means learning to engage interactively with every single thought that you have, and to analyze it before you decide either to accept or reject it."

Again I highly recommend Dr Jackson book; the God Prescription 

Oh My Righteous Friends the revelation the Father has brought to me since 2018 on the power of our Thoughts and Words we think and speak are literally health and wellness and life to our mortal bodies! 

“For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬ 

Thinking and Speaking the Word of God, coming into complete agreement with the Truth of the Word, getting “For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and of both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Allowing your Spirit to dominate over your soul (mind will and emotions) and body. Walking continuously in the fullest of Yahweh’s Presence makes us whole and complete. 

To be whole in your Spirit Soul and Body is to be whole, healthy not diseased or injured, not broken or damaged, defective containing all elements. Complete wholehearted= all one’s energy; enthusiasm. 

It is vital to not be of two opinions, the Truth is simple, it is black and white no grey area. We either believe the Truth Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit or we believe the lies of ole Deluder satan. 

Ask yourself is the “truth you know” something Yahweh has taught you in His Word or is what you know something a human being has taught you? (Pastor, Teacher, Professor, College, News, Social Media) because if you base your truth on something a Man has taught you it’s probably not true! Let God be true and every man a liar! 

Every Believer knows that God laid his diseases on Jesus, yet he fears to make the confession and act on the Word. This fear is of the ole deluder satan. It indicates that we have more confidence in the lies of satan than we have in the Word of God. This is being of two opinions. As Believers we pray from a wrong position we continually pray and ask Father God to heal us, instead of dwelling in the secret place, seated in Heavenly Places saying because of Jesus I Am already Healed. Instead of boldly declaring the Word of God we beg Father God to do something that Jesus already accomplished for us that already belongs to us because we confessed Jesus as Lord. The same is true of poverty and lack. Salvation is all the Kingdom Benefits, the whole Salvation Package! It already belongs to you! Stop praying and begging God for something that is already yours! 

Romans 10:6-13

When Father God created us, He placed Adam/ Eve in a Garden of Perfection, they were divinely connected with the Holy Trinity, Spirit Soul and Body, when the ole deluder satan showed up and got them to question them on “Did God Really Say?!” Just like he does to us today. That is when the disconnect happened our Spirits separated from our Soul and Body and cause blood poisoning, contaminated our Blood and the curse came into the world. 

The Garden was full of the perfect fragrance of Heaven. Frequency and Energy…the Garden full of oxygenated plants, plants full of oxygen to cleanse us of all toxins. The powerful frequency of 

Essential Oils the heart of the plant. Full of sesquiterpenes a natural plant that obtains molecules that enact the body natural healing mechanisms, invigorating the bodies natural immune system which easily penetrates the blood brain barrier delivering oxygen to the brain. Removing toxins and harmful synthetic chemicals from our Blood. 

We have the Word of God, we have the Power of the Name of Jesus and we have the Blood of Jesus that has already removed the curse from every home. And our Creator gave us Essential Oils which keep our Bloodstream clean and frequency high and the higher your frequency dis-ease cannot be! 

Back in 2020 the Holy Spirit kept saying know your Oils, He instructed me to write them out on index cards as I wrote them out He said to me “this is why I desire for you to Know your Oils” because they are going to cleanse the Blood from the manufactured man-made crimes against humanity vaccines. Not for one minute would I belittle the Blood of Jesus saying it’s not enough to cleanse Our Blood, but honestly most people believe their drs report over Jesus and He already defeated every sickness and disease, for you to judge essential oils, that were very much created by God for they are the heart of the Plant 🪴 He created. 

So unless you walk in divine perfect health and wellness and absolutely take no over the counter meds or prescription drs this Blog message wouldn’t really pertain to you. 😊 the Father created natural resources and remedies for our Health and well being. They are truly His Idea and they are all throughout the Bible which is His Word. So why would we reject something that is all throughout the Bible. 

So after greater revelation of harmful vaccines and the health benefits of Essential Oils. I wrote down the 5 oils He gave me and later He added two more. He even gave me a name of the blend of oils mixed together gave me the Hebrew word “taher” (taw-hare) which means to be pure, uncontaminated to make oneself clean to cleanse, purify! 

Lastly the original Bible had a recipe of oils blends that brought healing to plagues!! Hence why ole deluder satan the true antichrist has deceived mankind into removing the original texted of the Holy Scriptures! 

Faith is simply taking God at His Word the things I share are Spirit and Truth with the King’s Daughter through revelation of His Word His Holy Spirit has revealed to me by simply spending time in His Secret Place! Psalm 91!! 


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