
Showing posts from May, 2023

Trump is being stirred up & put back into action...Thus saith the LORD God.

A few weeks ago My Sister-in-Law, had a Dream and in the Dream, we were surrounded by people what seemed to be a Trump Rally and I looked at her in the dream and said "He (Trump) has no soul" At first I was very taken back by this dream. Anyone who knows me absolutely know I am a "Trump supporter" The Father has given me many words on Trump and How He is chosen for such a time as this. He is anointed by Father God to assist in Making America the Godly Country our founding Forefather's wrote the United States Constitution for. So I said to Father God; why would I say Trump has no soul, He has such a Big Heart for this Country. He has accomplished so many great things. He gave me the verse Mark 8:36 Jesus speaking; For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world (with all of it's pleasures) and forfeit his Soul.  To forfeit means to deprived which means to keep from having, using or enjoying one’s rights.  The Body of Christ must know their identity in ...

Seed Time and Harvest, Sowing and Reaping

 Revelation of Sowing and Reaping. In Genesis Father God desired for fellowship and relationship with Man/Woman. You see, Heaven was created for the Father and His Angels. So, He created the earth for His enjoyment, for His Pleasure. Man was not already in the earth crying to the Father to come down from Heaven. It was the opposite, The Father longed for relationship, so He created, Father God saw the earth was without form and void and so it was. Let there Be light, and Light was.... In verse 26 of Genesis 1 Father God said "Let us make Man in our image and in Our likeness and let them have complete authority over all the earth. And behold Father God saw everything He created and behold; it was very good, and He validated it completely.  Then the Angels including Lucifer saw Father God going back and forth in the cool of the day, the Angels were permitted to go back and forth, The Angels were saying "what is Man that He is so Mindful of them" You have made him a little ...

God’s Word Final Authority…

  I was raised in a Godly Christian home, attended church all of my life, the older I  got, I began to realize there are so many churches and they all seem to teach a different message, the church I attended as a child was an "if it be thy will" church in other words, sometimes Father God would choose  to heal and sometimes His will was not too. Then after attending Rhema Bible School,  they taught Father God always  heals. as I became a Mother with Children of my own and My Grandfather went home to Jesus, I picked up his Bible He wrote "Faith is simply taking God at His Word". So, my Faith Journey I began to find out the truth of the Word of God, I truly became a lover of the Word of God. His Words were found, and I ate them, and they became a joy and delight to my Soul. Jeremiah 15:16 If me being a natural parent only desires good for my Children, would I heal one of disease and not the other. Of Course not. I discovered that Father God only desires the b...

The Day of the Lord God

  For I the Lord God, will stop their evil plans; Their digital currency shall not stand. Yes I say, every evil plan spoken will not withstand, for no one will stop My harvest plans, sowing and reaping seeds that you have sown it’s time to reap the harvest     of all You have sown. good or evil, all seeds will be made known on this day of judgment all truth will be disclosed, for My Son has told you, “you’ll have what you say”All words will be judged on this harvest day, for by thy words thou shall be justified and by thy words you shall be condemned, so choose your words wisely be Quick to repent. ask Me for crop failure, just plead My Son’s blood, ask in His name. That’s right in Jesus name, yea Jesus warned you this day would come, when you would give account for every careless or useless word you speak. So choose your words wisely from this day forward; yea watch what you say, For by your words, reflecting your spiritual position you will be justified or acquitted of ...

Hallelujah Shout

  I will establish My covenant with you, My solemn promise, My formal agreement with you!     2023 you shall be free; just trust in Me!!! For all will see the truth, that will set you free! Woe, to the Church; for I speak through My Prophets;     then you turn in question Me, to question is to doubt, to doubt is unbelief and therefore you sin against Me. So be mindful of your words; to create only what you desire to be. For even My Son, Jesus never spoke the problem, he spoke only My word, He spoke only the desired result. Yea, choose your words wisely; stop crying and don’t pout; for I the Lord God have Already made a way out.   So, the next time you start to question Me; just give a “hallelujah” shout , by doing this you bring “Thanks”unto Me, for just like Joshua at Jericho; Your praise will bring the victory.  Hallelujah. Hallelujah!! Glory to God.