Seed Time and Harvest, Sowing and Reaping

 Revelation of Sowing and Reaping. In Genesis Father God desired for fellowship and relationship with Man/Woman. You see, Heaven was created for the Father and His Angels. So, He created the earth for His enjoyment, for His Pleasure. Man was not already in the earth crying to the Father to come down from Heaven. It was the opposite, The Father longed for relationship, so He created, Father God saw the earth was without form and void and so it was. Let there Be light, and Light was.... In verse 26 of Genesis 1 Father God said "Let us make Man in our image and in Our likeness and let them have complete authority over all the earth. And behold Father God saw everything He created and behold; it was very good, and He validated it completely. 

Then the Angels including Lucifer saw Father God going back and forth in the cool of the day, the Angels were permitted to go back and forth, The Angels were saying "what is Man that He is so Mindful of them" You have made him a little lower than GOD and you crowned him with glory and honor. You made him to have dominion over your hands; and You have put all things under his feet". 

Going to stop here and say anything I type or say, do not take my Word on it, take what I say and ask the Father through His Holy Spirit to bring you revelation on the matter. I know alot of what I have been sharing goes against the teachings the CHURCH has been taught for many years. The question I ask you is this; before judging me and what I am saying. Ask yourself; Who taught you what you know to be the truth of the Word of God? was it a MAN or did you seek the Father and ask Him to bring full complete revelation.

So now, back to the Garden the Angels going back and forth, watching God the Father create this Beautiful Perfect World and creating Man/Woman in His Image and in His likeness, So He could have personal fellowship with him. I would always question and ask the Father how did lucifer rebel and fall from heaven? I mean Heaven is the most perfect place. How did satan become jealous of the Father and desire to be like Him. I am confident and this is my personal opinion on the subject. How I believe Father God explained it to me. Lucifer going back and forth from heaven and earth began to see Father God with Adam and Eve and became jealous of the relationship Adam had with the Father, so when He began to question the Lord God "who is this Man?" in a very disrespectful way. Father God had no choice to kick him out of Heaven. 

Lucifer the most beautiful Angel, fell like lightening from the sky. Then came into the Garden and deceived Adam out of the creative authority Father God gave him. So, at that moment Father God set up the law (like the law of Gravity) He set up the Law of Seed time and Harvest. Sowing and Reaping. Because Father God became a Covenant God, He had no choice but to become known to Man not only Father God but also as the LORD God, righteous God. Because Adam gave satan the authority, satan at that very moment became the god of this world. the world of darkness and deception the curse enter the earth. hell became a real place; however, it was never intended that man should ever go there, hell was created for satan and his angels. 

BUT Father God so rich in His Grace and Mercy, came up with a plan to send Jesus into the earth as a Baby and through death on the cross, He put the weight of all the curse on Jesus, Jesus went to hell took back the authority, Adam had lost in the garden and through Resurrection Power gave His Body the Church all power and authority to keep satan under His feet. Because Jesus brought him to nothing. satan was defeated the moment Jesus arose from the dead. Jesus ascended into Heaven and sat down at the right hand of Father God, sat down to watch His Finished Work completed in the lives of all Believers on the earth! 

Now this is where the revelation of seed time and harvest comes from. The Bible says satan is the god of this world, and because Jesus conquered satan by taking back the authority Father God originally gave us when He created the earth. Ultimately Man/Woman decides what they choose to believe. By sowing and reaping, Seeds are the Word of God.  See Mark 4, The More Seeds of the Word of God we speak that determines the Harvest, the words of our mouth that we choose to speak brings 30, 60 100 fold depends on Us.  Father God's creative power at work in each one of us. Life and death in the power of our tongue, we choose. Light or Darkness, Good or evil. All throughout the Bible we see Men and Women of the Bible sowing and reaping that which they chose to sow and therefore reaped the harvest. 

Here are a few examples of what the Father through the Holy Spirit have shown me in His Word. 

Noah sowed righteous seed and He along with His Family reaped the harvest of being saved from the LORD God destroying the whole earth, because the rebellious evil Men and women sowed seeds of evil and therefore the LORD God of the harvest allowed satan to bring the harvest of the evil seeds they had sown. 

Abraham had relationship with Father God, He spent time with the Father and knew that when the Father asked of Him to give his Son as a sacrifice because He trusted Father God fully, He knew that Father would provide the Ram in place of Isaac. In verse 5 of Genesis 22, Abraham says to his servants, the Young Man and I will go over there to worship Father God and WE will Return to you. Abraham trusted Father God and it was accounted unto him as Righteousness. 

Jacob reaped the harvest He had sown with His words; He deceived His Father and Esau out of the Blessing. Abraham Isaac and Jacob knew Father God and the power of Words. It was custom for a Father to speak words of Blessing over their children especially the First Born. Literally they would Speak WORDS over their Families because they knew the power of speaking the Word of God. Anyway, Jacob deceived and later in His Life. LORD God had no choice but to bring the harvest of the seeds he sowed. Remember Laben tricked Jacob out of marrying Rebecca, instead He had to Married Leah and toil and work hard for 7 more years to finally have Rebecca as His Wife. 

David reaped a negative harvest for the seed he sowed, He saw Bathsheba and committed adultery with another Man's Wife, So when she became pregnant. David ordered Bethsheba husband on the front line in the heaviest battle so he would be struck down and die. Then when Bathsheba gave birth to David's Son, His Son Died. David reaped the harvest of the evil seed he had sown. 

 Now the infamous Job. Yes, he was a Good Man, He loved Father God, but always feared bad things would come on his children because of what they did, they chose not to fellowship with Father God, so because of fear Job reaped the curse in his life because of not Trusting Father God with His Children. If you read chapters one and two, you can actually see LORD God talking to satan about Job and the harvest he sowed, and His relationship with Father God. In Chapter 42 Job repents of his WORDS and his fear and the LORD God of the Harvest blessed Job double for all he had lost. 

Father God is a Good Good Father. He can absolutely 100% be trusted. The question is do you know Him as Father God or LORD God. Take a moment and think about your life, has your life been alot of chaos and bad seeds sown. I know in my own life I have lived a life of chaos, My Tongue spoke alot of negative evil words, when I say evil, I am saying I spoke alot of lies, LIES are any words spoken that exalts itself over the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF GOD. In other words, the words I spoke out of my mouth were not what the Word said, they were not Spirit and Truth. So therefore, alot of years I reaped the harvest from the LORD God of the lies I spoke against the Truth. In other words, I spoke the problem, instead of speaking the desired result. When Father God was creating the Earth, He didn't come from Heaven and say, Well Jesus, I Am just not sure about this, It's so dark, what are we going to do about this darkness. Not for one second did He see the darkness and speak the problem, Father God said LIGHT BE and IT WAS. Jesus never spoke the problem; He spoke the desired result just like His Father. Remember it was JESUS not me who said "you have what you say! See Mark 11

Our Words are life or death, blessing or the curse. Father God's Angels and satans angels are the Harvest reapers, Life or Death reapers. Ultimately the words Spoken out of our Mouth, we make the choice what to say. Make a choice today to not speak or say anything that would give satan permission to ask the LORD God for the harvest of your fear filled, doubt and unbelief filled words, so that he can take those words you speak and use your very tongue against you and bring the harvest of your spoken word. 

Faith is simply taking God at His Word. Speak the Word only. Say ONLY what Father God and His Word says about you. Ask Father God to reveal Himself to you as Father God so You know Him, You Trust Him and He will Be the LORD God of the Harvest and allow His Angels to bring you only the GOOD Harvest you have sown. 


  1. Amazing!πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™☝️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


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