God’s Word Final Authority…


I was raised in a Godly Christian home, attended church all of my life, the older I got, I began to realize there are so many churches and they all seem to teach a different message, the church I attended as a child was an "if it be thy will" church in other words, sometimes Father God would choose to heal and sometimes His will was not too. Then after attending Rhema Bible School, they taught Father God always heals. as I became a Mother with Children of my own and My Grandfather went home to Jesus, I picked up his Bible He wrote "Faith is simply taking God at His Word". So, my Faith Journey I began to find out the truth of the Word of God, I truly became a lover of the Word of God. His Words were found, and I ate them, and they became a joy and delight to my Soul. Jeremiah 15:16

If me being a natural parent only desires good for my Children, would I heal one of disease and not the other. Of Course not. I discovered that Father God only desires the best life for HIs Children. 

Throughout the years as I attended churches, small groups and bible studies we would be reading books in the Bible and I always read and saw things in a different revelation, I would say Father you are not a God of confusion, so this cannot be both ways. I would ask Holy Spirit to bring greater revelation. Spending time daily in the word brings revelation of the Father's Will and His Word is His Will. I am talking about Relationship not religion. 

Everything I am saying, I ask you not to take my Word on it, Take His Word on it, Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself, Spirit and Truth to You. The Father absolutely loves bringing revelation to His Children of who He really is. Remember Faith is Simply Taking God at His Word. 

Let God be true, and every man be a liar. In other words, If ANYONE speaks or says anything that goes against the Truth of the Word, then Doubt that Man, not the Word of God. Father God is always Good, always Spirit and Truth. 

Start asking yourself if it goes against the Truth of the Word, go to the Father and ask Him. what is Your Truth on this matter. The Word is alive and active, when you begin to study, the Word will bring Spirit and Truth. 

As you begin to spend time in the Word of God with your Father. When you read a verse ask Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. if it is a verse you have heard before, is the understanding you have of that Word (verse) something another Man has taught you and gave his opinion on that verse; is a Man where you got your revelation, or did you ask the Father through His Holy Spirit bring you that revelation. 

Basically, what I am saying is when you listen to a teacher, pastor or any man/woman teach from the Word of God, take what they say and grab your Bible and ask Holy Spirit to bring you revelation of His Word. 

With what I am about to share, I encourage you to take the Word and what I share and ask the Father through His Holy Spirit bring you greater revelation.

The Return of Christ

25 “There will be signs (attesting miracles) in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth [there will be] distress and anguish among nations, in perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting from fear and expectation of the [dreadful] things coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with [transcendent, overwhelming] power [subduing the nations] and with great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”

These verses are a perfect example of what I am saying, all of my life growing up in church I have heard taught "Rapture" End Times" basically the world is going to get so "Bad" that we have to cry out to God to do something Come Lord Jesus Come and rescue us out of here. 

When in Hebrews 10 it clearly states that after Jesus' defeat on the cross, after He went to hell and carried the weight of every sickness every disease, everything that pertains to the curse, went to hell and took the authority back from satan, that satan stole from Adam in the garden. Jesus did all of that for US the Body of Christ (Church) after He did that, He went to hell, He sat down at the right hand of Father God to see His finished work in the lives of the Believers. (His Body) He gave His Church the keys, the authority and delivered us from the curse, gave us power and authority to reign as King's in this earth. 

To pray "Come Lord Jesus Come rapture us out of here", out of the hell we created ourselves by not standing up in the authority Jesus gave us to carry in this earth. We belittle what Jesus did for us, because instead of Taking God at His Word, we believe pastors, teachers, college professors, social media, the news media, and Drs over the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF GOD. Imagine Jesus sitting at the Right Hand of the Father and saying I Conquered and defeated the enemy for them and yet they live like the world, sick, broke, under the curse that My Blood paid the price for. 

So many times I have heard preached end times " earth [there will be] distress and anguish among nations, in perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea and the waves, 26 people fainting from fear and expectation of the [dreadful] things coming on the world....

"CHURCH"!!! Read the rest of the chapter. (One thing I learned from "Dad" Hagin from Rhema Bible Church always read the whole chapter, don't take a verse out of context. Study the scriptures, know who is speaking and their spiritual state of mind when speaking. For instance, "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away" Job said that before repenting of his words. you see Job had reaped a harvest for all the "bad seeds" he had sown. He feared bad things would happen to his family and therefore the "Lord God" of the harvest, had no choice than to allow satan's reaper angels to bring the harvest on Job that he had sown, Father God didn't do it, satan didn't, JOB DID! because in Chapter 42 Job repents of his words and the Father God restores unto Job all that was stolen from him. Yet the church has taught over the years the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. In other words, sometimes God allows bad things but doesn't take any responsibility for actions of the seeds we have sown with our own lips that gave permission for satan to ask for the bad harvest. So, your argument might be; but God could have stopped it. The Truth is He can only stop the harvest if we repent over our negative seeds (our Words) and ask Him for crop failure. the Word says satan is the "god of this world" so unless the Body of Christ, Christians, Believers make a choice to STAND UP in Jesus and His already Finished Work. Knowing our True identity in Christ, Christ in Us the hope of Glory. satan will continue to roam around seeking whom he may devour. But Church, he cannot devour any believer who Knows who they are in Christ, Who Takes God at His Word, and truly believes the Word of God above any man. 

So back to Luke 21:27-28  

27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with [transcendent, overwhelming] power [subduing the nations] and with great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”

The Lord God of the harvest is about to appear in the clouds, He is about to bring the harvest for all the good and evil seeds that have been sown. the evil "crimes against humanity" will be judged. The Day of Judgement is at Hand. the Lord God is about to reveal every lie that has been exalted over the truth of the Word of God. 

Why do the pastors stop at the good part, it would be like watching a superhero movie and the movie ends at the part where it looks like evil is winning.  Church, Stop pausing the movie right at the good part. What does verse 28 say "Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall (in the authority Jesus went to hell for you to have) lift your heads in Joy for your redemption is drawing near. 

My Sister and I were discussing this revelation and she said the Holy Spirit had said to her about Noah, When God destroyed the earth with the flood, who did He destroy?! it wasn't Noah and His Family the Righteous Ones, NO it was the evil. The Father created the world, so He could have relationship with Man/Woman. You see Heaven has always been created for God/Good Divine Angels and hell was created for satan and his angels. Father God never intended for Man to go to hell. it wasn't created for Man. Father God created Eden Life so He could have relationship with Man, In Genesis it says Father God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the garden. You see the earth and all of its creation was created for our enjoyment and for the Father's enjoyment. We were created to worship, our tongues have creative power, and our lips should always be speaking and saying things that Glorify God. 

Father God promised to NEVER destroy the earth again!! so for pastors and teachers to push a narrative that suggests He is going to destroy the earth again, in reality would be calling God a Liar, the end times are not for the church, it is not the rapture. I truly believe and the revelation the Father through His Holy Spirit has given me is this. The Lord God of the Harvest is about to remove all evil, the rebellious generation. He is about to Disclose the Truth to Disclose means to make known to the public. He is going to have that day of Judgement for all the evil and good seeds spoken. to bring justice to the evil and then the redemption of the good seeds. redemption means to redeem (side note Holy Spirit instructed me to stop looking up meaning of words on google. google was not created by a Godly person therefore it dilutes the Truth)

Webster Dictionary was written by a Godly Man just like the Constitution was written by Godly Men. So, Redeem in webster dictionary means to get; to buy back, to convert paper money back into coin (silver & gold) to pay off mortgages. to deliver from sin (the only sin is unbelief) to fulfill a promise. to make amends for. 

Father is about to avenge His Son Jesus, by allowing Jesus the Son of Man to appear in the clouds with His Resurrected Saints and join the True Believers together we will reign as Kings in this earth (not in Heaven) Father God is not allowing satan and all his evil take the earth His Created. 

It is the Kingdom Reign, and this Kingdom will know NO END. It will not be dominated by darkness. It will be the Eden Life; Father God's original intent. The Life Jesus went to hell for, He already conquered so He could set at the Right Hand of His Father and watch His Finished work in the lives of "His Body" in THIS EARTH. 

Ready you Ready?! Cause I Am!!


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