I have been reading Two Kinds of Righteousness by EW Kenyon. Awesome Book. Talks about Righteousness vs Sin Consciousness. The greatest Freedom is not political freedom, freedom for financial worry or physical discomfort it is freedom from sin consiousness. Righteousness restores freedom to man, restores quietness and rest to the spirit. We are no longer afraid of want, bills,no longer afraid of circumstances. Faith rises unconsciously and we face the most adverse conditions with a sense of superiority... This new sense of Righteousness gives us a new freedom in Christ, it utterly destroys sin consciousness and the weakness consciousness, and want consciousness. in their place has come a all absorbing reality of Christ and (all Jesus has already accomplished for us). Righteousness is right standing with God, its believing in Jesus and all He has already accomplished for us, we dont work for Righteousness it is a gift. we cant do anything to obtain righteousness, if yo...
Showing posts from August, 2012
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Satan has every right to kill, steal and destory your family, until you rise up in your God Given authority and put him in his place. Its time to start harassing satan with the Word, for years he has harassed me, and because I didnt have revelation that he is powerless in my life, unless I allow or give him permission to come into my life with the very words of my own mouth. he can do nothing to me.You see satan and his demons know that Jesus already stripped him of all power to harm us, Colossians says that God already disarmed the enemy and his weapons that were ranged against us. if he disarmed the enemy that means he left him powerless to do anything to us. So if he is powerless, why do we live so defeated, its because we dont know who we are and what Jesus already accomplished for us. James says subject or submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. notice it doesnt says for us to ask God to do something about the devil, it says we are to res...
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If we were as conscious of our Identification with Jesus Christ and our oneness with Him as we are conscious of physical pain and physical need, we would never have pain and we would never mention our needs again. This new sense of Righteousness, this new fact of Righteousness, this new discovery of our being the Righteousness of God in Christ gives us a new sense of freedom in Christ. It utterly destroys the Sin Consciousness and the Weakness Consciousness and the Want Consciousness. In their place has come the all absorbing reality of Christ. We know that He is our Righteousness and that we are the Righteousness of God in Him. He is with us in all His ability and strength, in all His completeness and fullness. We are not afraid of circumstances. He whispers, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help thee ; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." He is with us. He is the God of t...
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For I resolve to know nothing to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing and to be conscious of nothing among you except Jesus Christ and all He accomplished for me... How must it make Jesus feel knowing He took on all of our sins, all of the wrath of God,He went to hell defeated Satan took back the authority, took all our sickness,all of our lack, was beaten for our Peace freedom from all distress...and yet day after day His body (the church) live in condemnation, sickness, and lack.He gave us His Name, He gave us His authority, His Peace, His Righteousness. Let's stop belittling All Jesus Already did for us!!!
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I am the righteousness of God through Jesus, when I stand in my Right Standing with God, I am Standin in my having already conquered all stance, knowing fully all Jesus already accomplished for me. the effects of Righteousness is the power to produce the results its Peace freedom from all distress, I speak His Word only confirming my salvation, showing evidence of all the promises of God in my life.!!!!!...... I establish myself in Gods righteousness, I know the will of God for my life, I am far from even the thought of oppression, destruction, I shall not fear. Is 54:17, this peace, righteousness, triumph over all opposition from the enemy, is the heritage of a Child of the Most High God, because of Jesus it belongs to me. Is 54:17 I fully trust and rely on Jesus and all He already accomplished for me I don't give in to sudden panic Is 28:16, Jesus is my Rock and the gates of hell cannot prevail against me. Matt 16:18, I know God is for me who or what dare come against me. Rom 8:3...