I am the righteousness of God through Jesus, when I stand in my Right Standing with God, I am Standin in my having already conquered all stance, knowing fully all Jesus already accomplished for me. the effects of Righteousness is the power to produce the results its Peace freedom from all distress, I speak His Word only confirming my salvation, showing evidence of all the promises of God in my life.!!!!!...... I establish myself in Gods righteousness, I know the will of God for my life, I am far from even the thought of oppression, destruction, I shall not fear. Is 54:17, this peace, righteousness, triumph over all opposition from the enemy, is the heritage of a Child of the Most High God, because of Jesus it belongs to me. Is 54:17 I fully trust and rely on Jesus and all He already accomplished for me I don't give in to sudden panic Is 28:16, Jesus is my Rock and the gates of hell cannot prevail against me. Matt 16:18, I know God is for me who or what dare come against me. Rom 8:31., I believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ, I believe it with all my heart, so therefore I confess with my mouth, I don't speak carelessly. Rom 10:10 Is 46:13 The Word of God is my seed so I speak His Word only and I get 100% results of the Word I Speak. Matt 13:23...when I respond to the lies of Satan like Jesus did saying It is Written, that is me resisting the devil and taking my rightful position in Jesus, Standin up in my Righteousness and all Jesus already accomplished for me, using my authority Jesus purchased for me all power over the enemy. the effect of knowing my Righteousness will be the power to produce the results of the Word, all the promises of God are yes and Amen, which is evidence of my salvation. its the Peace freedom from all distress...Its Peace that Jesus gave to me...
Is 32:17 Luke 19:42, John 14:12,27 John 16:7-11 2 Pet 1
Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL!!!
Justice= reward or penalty as deserved. Liberty throughout the Land, our Jubilee Year! Leviticus 25:10 Jesus the Righteous Branch- the Government shall be upon His Shoulders. And His Kingdom there shall be no end! Zechariah 3:8-10, Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7 Our Nation was founded on Godly principles by God fearing Men. They had an understanding and knowledge of the scriptures and understood the importance of covenants made with Father God the Creator of all the earth. 🌍 Psalm 24:1 • Mayflower Compact November 1620 The journey to the New World began in September 1620 and lasted two months. Burns connected it to the concept of “pilgrimage” found in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is, he said, “The idea that the journeys we make in the temporal world — to Mecca or Medina, to the holy places in Jerusalem, to the temple on the mountain — to the New World to look for heaven on earth — are at once a physical, temporal thing, and also a spiritual one.” Arguably the most famous pilgr...
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