For I resolve to know nothing to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing and to be conscious of nothing among you except Jesus Christ and all He accomplished for me...
How must it make Jesus feel knowing He took on all of our sins, all of the wrath of God,He went to hell defeated Satan took back the authority, took all our sickness,all of our lack, was beaten for our Peace freedom from all distress...and yet day after day His body (the church) live in condemnation, sickness, and lack.He gave us His Name, He gave us His authority, His Peace, His Righteousness. Let's stop belittling All Jesus Already did for us!!!
Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL!!!
Justice= reward or penalty as deserved. Liberty throughout the Land, our Jubilee Year! Leviticus 25:10 Jesus the Righteous Branch- the Government shall be upon His Shoulders. And His Kingdom there shall be no end! Zechariah 3:8-10, Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7 Our Nation was founded on Godly principles by God fearing Men. They had an understanding and knowledge of the scriptures and understood the importance of covenants made with Father God the Creator of all the earth. 🌍 Psalm 24:1 • Mayflower Compact November 1620 The journey to the New World began in September 1620 and lasted two months. Burns connected it to the concept of “pilgrimage” found in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is, he said, “The idea that the journeys we make in the temporal world — to Mecca or Medina, to the holy places in Jerusalem, to the temple on the mountain — to the New World to look for heaven on earth — are at once a physical, temporal thing, and also a spiritual one.” Arguably the most famous pilgr...
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