The Holy Spirit has been revealing awesome things to me about the Word. Today He was showing me about satan being the accuser. all these years satan has been talking me out of what already belonged to me, did you know that is the only thing he has the power to do is to give us a thought, only to try and get us to speak the thought, then he turns around and uses it against us. you see Jesus already accomplished everything for us, God has already done everything He's going to do, its all already done the whole salvation package, Healing and Prosperity belongs to me today. My deliverance is not far off it's in my mouth and in my heart, (Romans 10) I dont have to talk God into it, its already done. Just like when satan went into the garden and talked Adam and Eve out of what already belonged to them. and Job he kept Job fearing something bad was going to happen to his kids and therefore the thing he feared the most came upon him and at the end of the Book of Job, God has a Pull yo...
Showing posts from July, 2012
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I love the Word of God!!! I want to put it so far down in me that is all that comes out of me. For we have all become like one who is unclean [ceremonially, like a leper], and all our (SELF) righteousness (our best deeds of rightness and justice) is like filthy rags or a polluted garment; we all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away [far from God’s favor, hurrying us toward destruction]. Isaiah 64:6 The Dake bible refers to filty rags as menstruation rags. that's pretty gross. all these years I have working for prosperity, trying to get it. I was raise in a church that was so works/self righteousness, in other words that healing and proserity belonged to me as long as I was GOOD, obey the law, the religious do's and dont's so because of that I never really looked at God as a unconditional Loving Father I use to believe that God allowed bad things to happen to me because He wanted to teach me something. However once I became a...
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I love the Holy Spirit, He loves to reveal to us God's Word, His Will...I came across the a verse in Romans 10:10, Its says For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. the NASB version says for ith the heart a person believes resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses resulting in salvation. Here is what He reveal to me about that scripture, for with the Heart I believe I am righteousness of God in Christ, righteousness is being in Right Standing with God. What is my right standing, its that having done all to stand, Stand in that military stance, a having already conquered all, Knowing all Jesus accomplished for me, He already conquered salvation, health, prosperity for me, it belongs to me today. so my righteousness, my right standing with God means I know Jesus already defeated satan, so being with God means I stand with Jesus in His victory, and I dont let satan talk me out of my position what alre...
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So I havent post for a few days, been Standing on the Word for some things. Sometimes when the circumstances are crashing around you, its best to keep focused to the Word. Listening to Praise and Worship, when your believin God and His Word but not really seeing the manifestation of the Word your speaking. Keep the Faith just knowing God is always Good, He's forever faithful and His promises are always Yes and Amen. I am starting to look at debt and lack as a cancer, and just like someone who has cancer keeps taking medication, and Drs Appts. doesnt mean that Healing doesnt belong to him, that by the stripes of Jesus that person is healed and made whole. or a person who smokes doesnt mean that Jesus didnt already carry his deliverance for being smoke free. what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me is the debt and lack bondage that I have had in my life for so many yrs, the pay check to pay check living, the government/community assistance. Its not that Jesus didnt be...
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For all who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God. Romans 8:14 If we are being led by our Spirit Man, then we are thinking in line with God and His Word. therefore we are living our life according to God's Will. We know without doubt that if God is for us who or what can come against us, we know that if God didnt withhold His own Son how much more will He give us all Good Things. We know that amid all circumstances we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him because He loves us. For God so loves the world that He gave us Jesus His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish be defeated but have eternal life. John 3:16 and this eternal life it means to know to perceive, to recognize, become aquainted with and understand God our Father, the only True and Real God and Jesus the anointed One and all he accomplished for us. The problem is we allow our flesh to rule, our Flesh is any mindset that thinks contrary to God and His word. Th...