The Holy Spirit has been revealing awesome things to me about the Word. Today He was showing me about satan being the accuser. all these years satan has been talking me out of what already belonged to me, did you know that is the only thing he has the power to do is to give us a thought, only to try and get us to speak the thought, then he turns around and uses it against us. you see Jesus already accomplished everything for us, God has already done everything He's going to do, its all already done the whole salvation package, Healing and Prosperity belongs to me today. My deliverance is not far off it's in my mouth and in my heart, (Romans 10) I dont have to talk God into it, its already done. Just like when satan went into the garden and talked Adam and Eve out of what already belonged to them. and Job he kept Job fearing something bad was going to happen to his kids and therefore the thing he feared the most came upon him and at the end of the Book of Job, God has a Pull yourself together Moment with Job, Job repents of his words and he was restored all he lost. then there's Paul he was totally getting awesome revelation on casting down every thought that came in his mind, that was contrary to the Word bringing it into obedience in Christ. Awesome Life changing revelation Paul had going there and then the next two chapters Paul himself says I'm talking like a fool and what I am saying is not under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, its the chapters that talk about his thorn, and hes complaining of all that happened to him. even Paul admitted to talking like a fool. Then good ole Peter totally gets out the boat walking on water but let's the waves (circumstances) move him he starts to sink, Jesus gets him safely in the boat, then does Jesus look at the other disciples and say well boys at least Peter tried, or does He look at Peter and say well nice try. No He looks right at him and says Oh ye of little faith, Why did you doubt Me? He confronted Peter's unbelief his lack of trust.
We read these different accounts in the Word and yet we do the same thing they all did. Jesus has already done everything that we need to pertain to life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3) all the promises are already there all we have to do is believe that we receive them and we shall have them. and yet everyday we choose to believe satan and his lies over the Word, or we wait and wait on God thinking He is going to do something. we blame satan and question God and the answer to our problem is right in our own tongue. Jesus spoke Gods word only so therefore He got the Word results He spoke. Remember when satan came into the wilderness to talk Jesus out of what already belong to Him, but Jesus Trusted God, He knew the Word was final Authority, So satan wasnt able to talk him out of what Jesus knew was His. then satan tried to use the Pharisee's to get Jesus tripped up in His words.
And as He said these things to them,[a] the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and to cross-examine Him about many things, 54 lying in wait for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him. Luke 11:53-54
but Jesus knew that His battle wasnt against flesh and blood, Jesus was able to look beyond human actions and reconize the real source was satan. Thats how the enemy works he gives us thoughts, or puts people in our path to get us to SAY something negative, then he takes our words that we speak and use them against us, then because we speak something against God's Word our very own mouth keep us from receiving all the promises of God. Proverbs says you have trapped yourself by your agreement and are caught by what you said—in other words you get a thought that doesnt agree with God's Word, you agree with that thought then you speak it out and you keep yourself trapped by the words of your mouth. Thats why every word out of Jesus' mouth agreed with God's Word. the awesome part is that even when we say the wrong thing the second we repent Grace covers and brings to nothing every negative word we have spoken. So the timing thing on how long will it take for me to receive the Promises of God depends on how long will we continue to speak things that opposes the Word of God. When God When? totally depends on when will my mouth and heart get in total agreement with God's Word, when I totally and completely Trust God and His Word above all the lies of satan, When I stand up in God's righteousness right standing with Him, in all Jesus accomplished for me. and I, like Jesus speak God's Word only, in every circumstance. When God's Word is Final Authority in my life. When I dont let satan talk me out of God's word...when I dont give satan any negative words to use against me. I speak God's Word only!!!
We read these different accounts in the Word and yet we do the same thing they all did. Jesus has already done everything that we need to pertain to life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3) all the promises are already there all we have to do is believe that we receive them and we shall have them. and yet everyday we choose to believe satan and his lies over the Word, or we wait and wait on God thinking He is going to do something. we blame satan and question God and the answer to our problem is right in our own tongue. Jesus spoke Gods word only so therefore He got the Word results He spoke. Remember when satan came into the wilderness to talk Jesus out of what already belong to Him, but Jesus Trusted God, He knew the Word was final Authority, So satan wasnt able to talk him out of what Jesus knew was His. then satan tried to use the Pharisee's to get Jesus tripped up in His words.
And as He said these things to them,[a] the scribes and the Pharisees began to assail Him vehemently, and to cross-examine Him about many things, 54 lying in wait for Him, and seeking to catch Him in something He might say, that they might accuse Him. Luke 11:53-54
but Jesus knew that His battle wasnt against flesh and blood, Jesus was able to look beyond human actions and reconize the real source was satan. Thats how the enemy works he gives us thoughts, or puts people in our path to get us to SAY something negative, then he takes our words that we speak and use them against us, then because we speak something against God's Word our very own mouth keep us from receiving all the promises of God. Proverbs says you have trapped yourself by your agreement and are caught by what you said—in other words you get a thought that doesnt agree with God's Word, you agree with that thought then you speak it out and you keep yourself trapped by the words of your mouth. Thats why every word out of Jesus' mouth agreed with God's Word. the awesome part is that even when we say the wrong thing the second we repent Grace covers and brings to nothing every negative word we have spoken. So the timing thing on how long will it take for me to receive the Promises of God depends on how long will we continue to speak things that opposes the Word of God. When God When? totally depends on when will my mouth and heart get in total agreement with God's Word, when I totally and completely Trust God and His Word above all the lies of satan, When I stand up in God's righteousness right standing with Him, in all Jesus accomplished for me. and I, like Jesus speak God's Word only, in every circumstance. When God's Word is Final Authority in my life. When I dont let satan talk me out of God's word...when I dont give satan any negative words to use against me. I speak God's Word only!!!
Awesome word sister!! Amen!!
ReplyDeleteGreat word!