For all who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God. Romans 8:14
If we are being led by our Spirit Man, then we are thinking in line with God and His Word. therefore we are living our life according to God's Will. We know without doubt that if God is for us who or what can come against us, we know that if God didnt withhold His own Son how much more will He give us all Good Things. We know that amid all circumstances we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him because He loves us. For God so loves the world that He gave us Jesus His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish be defeated but have eternal life. John 3:16 and this eternal life it means to know to perceive, to recognize, become aquainted with and understand God our Father, the only True and Real God and Jesus the anointed One and all he accomplished for us.
 The problem is we allow our flesh to rule, our Flesh is any mindset that thinks contrary to God and His word. The flesh isnt so much what we might classify as sin, our sin is our failure to trust in God and His love for us, doubting that God might not come through for us. But if we read the Word and Truly Know God and that nothing can separate us from His love, We know without a doubt that if God didnt spare Jesus, and Jesus endured the cross and carried all our weakness' so that we might walk in light of all Jesus accomplished for us, Life in abundance to the full till it overflows. Hope begins to grow inside us that we will see the manifestation of ALL Jesus accomplished for us, our Hope is patience remaining the same, looking at the circumstance and not getting moved by our loose emotions, or the lies of satan. our hope keeps composure serene, calm, unruffled,peaceful,having a self controlled mind. Standing firm in Faith knowing God's love for us, and Speaking His Word only. and its when we stay in that Knowing that Jesus already conquered all for us. that we will see the manifestation of all the promises of God in our lives. Knowing that because of God and His love for us, and we are staying grounded in His Word, that all of Heaven is working on our behalf, and all of creation will see the manifestation of the sons of God in us.


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