Rightly Dividing the Book of Revelation, The Word of God!

 Only by Divine Inspiration from the Holy Spirit can we rightly divide the Word of God-

Rightly diving the Word. I have been asking the Father questions regarding the Book of Revelations, so many have read this book as the “end times” false narrative that has been taught in churches for several years. 

Could it be that it has not been rightly divided and therefore has “shipwrecked the Faith” causing so many questions, confusing and chaos because the ole Deluder satan pushing his twisted lies and false narrative to bring offense and division in the Church. 

Just like in Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel to mention a few some of their prophecies have been fulfilled and some are yet to be fulfilled. 

So what I am about to say is revelation the Father has given me and I encourage you to get into the Word and ask Him to bring you a greater understanding and revelation as well. For is what you know; revelation the Holy Spirit has brought you or is what you know something a man has taught you, in other words another man’s opinion”

Could it be “the Mark” is the same word use in Exodus 13 and Revelation 13 as well as Deuteronomy 6 when they were instructed by God to mark/sign their Children on the frontlets of their forehead so the Word of God would be a constant reminder. Let’s face it in todays world you pretty much know who has the Mind of Christ, those who think Kingdom Minded vs a lying antichrist kingdom of darkness mentality! 

Could it be... the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14 I asked Father God about these “virgins” Holy Ones not so much figuratively speaking they were virgins but as in they had “pure heart, faultless no guile found in their hearts but willing to trust God and obey Him no matter the cost. He said to me; they are the ones who stood Believed and Trusted in Me before Jesus Came!!! 

They sing a different song not because they are “More Holy” as KJV would like us to believe. It’s all the Men and Women like Moses Abraham, Adam but it’s also Deborah, Esther, Eve, and Ruth. Men and Woman, not a literal virgin but those who devoted themselves to God, they had “pure” clean hearts the Great Heros of Faith named in Hebrews 11...They were held in the earth until Jesus first coming and He set them free. The redeemed Ones, who have a different Redemption than we do, they are not "Holier" so to speak, as some false narratives teach. 

Revelation 15:3 they sang the Song of Moses which is the Old Covenant that came through Moses and is seen to be in complete unity with New Covenant in Jesus Christ. 

As I read through Revelation 12-15, I began seeing that these visions of John were different times and events and so many who have been deceived by the ole Deluder satan and the lying antichrist spirit pushing a false narrative have read revelations like it was in chronological order and therefore have shipped wreck the Faith. 

When I asked the Father about the Beast referring to Revelation 13 verse 14 where it says the beast was fatally wounded by the sword and came back to life. Here is the respond He gave me...just a quick reminder 

(satan= antichrist spirits, dragon, beast, snake some logically and some metaphorically speaking he is the ole Deluder himself always twisting and getting us to question the Character and Word of our Father the Creator of Heaven and earth)

So when I asked the Father why if the beast (enemy was defeated, disarmed, annihilated brought to nothing by Jesus who conquered hell, all of the curse and gave the Church the Body of Christ all power and authority to destroy all the works of the devil…then would he be able to heal the fatal wound. 

He said It’s because the church failed to stand in the power and authority Jesus died for you to have. So just like Adam failed and fell short of the Glory and the Father came up with the First Salvation Plan to take back the authority Adam lost, because of his choice to doubt the Word and believe the lie of the snake. Did God really say??! 

The Church Age has done the very same thing, the Church failed to Trust God and Take Him at His Word we believe a Man’s opinion (pastors, media, politicians, doctors, bankers) over God and His Word. So therefore the Church allowed, permitted the antichrist ole Deluder satan to gain power back, to heal its fatal wound healed from the time of… “Remember Remember the 5th of November” the wicked King James who literally removed ancient scriptures making His own translation as King he feared Man knowing their purpose, their destiny, their Identity in Christ, so he shut down Bible Studies and said the Bible had to be taught by His Appointed Man so from that time Mankind began to put their Faith in a Man and Believe the Priest Opinion vs reading the Word of God for themselves, so from the Pilgrims, to Our Founding Fore Fathers passing the Ole Deluder satan Act: a law actually set in place where there would be schools in a 50 mile radius to teach children how to read and write to be able to fight off the ole deluder satan…from the Great Depression, the Holocaust, creating the Social Security Number, changing the Constitution, removal of the Gold Standard. All the Things, basically Light vs Darkness, Left vs Right, All of these Times and Events have brought us to this time, of the Greatest Show on Earth. We have truly been living in the Greatest Deception of all times!! 

The “Church” the Body of Christ was supposed to represent Jesus on this earth, instead we listened to man’s opinion, bowed our heads and believed the false antichrist end Times narrative that the Church is going to be raptured up out of the earth and God was handing His Creation to satan, which is truly the greatest deception and is a lie straight from hell itself, therefore the Church gave the beast permission to overpower us yet again, the wound healed and the church empowered the enemy to be become strong again…the Church became weak, mentally, morally, and physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Instead of being the Triumphant Church Body of Christ we became the defeated church…attempting to defeat an enemy that was ALREADY defeated because of JESUS and everything HE ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED!!

BUT GOD THE FATHER already knew what Lucifer would do, (I believe satan ate from the Tree of Life before he ever deceived Adam/Eve) but that’s a Blog for another day. 

Just like God the Father knew satan would deceive Adam just like he deceived himself, God the Father knew the Church would be deceived and so the Father came up with another plan of redemption the Second Coming… King Jesus coming again to assist the Church with ridding the earth of all rebellion. 

“As I kept looking, that horn was making war with the saints (believers) and overpowering them [Rev 13:7-9]”

‭‭Daniel‬ ‭7‬:‭21‬ ‭AMP‬‬

So the Ancient of Days aka the Lord God of the Harvest is coming along side the 4 Horses of Revelation who have been patrolling the earth according to Zechariah 6, Revelation 6, Ezekiel 14:21-23

Read Matthew 13 For it is Harvest Season, all the crimes against humanity. We will reap the harvest for all the seeds, we have sown. Angel Reapers sickles in hand will bring in the Harvest! Might be a good time to repent of any wicked seeds you have sown and start declaring harvest on all the Good Seeds sown! 

Then according to Acts 3:19-21 Until the time of the Complete Restoration of all things, the Original Intent, King Jesus with the Redeemed 144,000, the Resurrected Saints, Angels and the Church here in the earth, the Believing, the Overcoming, Anointed for Such a Time as this, Chosen Ones joining altogether setting up the Kingdom Reign, His Kingdom that will never be destroyed! Living Life ON Earth as it is in Heaven!! 

Oh Righteous Ones it’s time for the fulfillment of our Destiny Scrolls, Transforming Minds for the Kingdom of God and enforcing God’s Word on this earth! 


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