Here comes Apocalypse=Truth to disclose to reveal

 Hear ye Hear Ye…

Here comes My Spirit of Truth, which will guide you into all truth, and disclose to you what is to come into the future. 

My anointed One, Trump has led you to this moment in History, But I the Lord God Yahweh will bring full exposure for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and brought into the Light. 

For we have come to My Harvest Season for all the good and evil seed sown and all the weapons they used against MY CREATION shall become sickles in the the hands of MY Angel Reapers for I the Lord God has seen all and will expose all. 

My Revelation horses have patrolled My Creation and once the Harvest comes; the Nations will know and understand the judgement, I the Lord God brought forth for all their heinous crimes against MY Creation, that I the Lord God created for MY pleasure. 

So Be Ready, Do not Fear for all who put their Trust in ME shall not give way to sudden panic, and shall not be frightened or intimidated for this shall be a clear sign of the enemies impending destruction and a clear sing to My Creation of My complete redemption plan! My original intent shall stand! 


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