Eagerly waiting the Resurrection! No longer shipwrecked!!

 Oh how I love our Father the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He wrote out our Scrolls; our Destiny before the Foundations of the world. A couple of worship songs; I have on repeat these days; “Oil and Offering”…Your the Creator, so I know it will be good, Your the Author so my future is assured. …Make my life to look just like Your Heart! 

You’re my Father and I was made to look like YOU! I wanted to be Holy, like YOU are. 

The other is “Christ be all around me”…above and below, before and behind. In Every eye that sees me, Christ be all around me. 

Scriptures I have been praying over me and my Family. Colossians 3:12-17 Let the peace of Christ the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him. Let that Peace be the controlling factor in my heart, for this is the Peace to which we were called…Let His spoken Word have its home within you, dwelling in your heart and mind, permeating every aspect of your being. Whatever (no matter what it is) I do in word or deed do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus completely depending on Him, and giving Thanks always to God My Father!! 

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. [Prov. 8:13.] It shall be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones. Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income; [Deut. 26:2; Mal. 3:10; Luke 14:13, 14.]”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

These verses say to acknowledge HIM in everything! Trust Him!! Trust His Plan…Father God our Creator has given His Word, Trusting in Him with all of Being is vital to our Life. Hebrews 4:12 says God’s Word is alive and active full of Power, getting down to our joints and marrow! It is literally health to our mortal bodies! 

This past week; I have been studying 2Timothy 2:14-17 Rightly deciding the Word! You see our only Sin is Unbelief…we believe Human opinions MORE than we believe the Word of God!! James chapter 3 Amplified says a double minded man will not receive anything from the Father, that our very words are full of deadly toxins, which will contaminate our whole body. But our Speaking and Our Thoughts and our Actions have to come into divine alignment with Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit, our Spirit Soul (mind, will and emotions) and Body. 

You see man’s opinion and religion has shipped wrecked “Faith” with false teachings, false narratives and man’s opinions will eat the soul (mind will and emotions like a canker (gangrene) We have to keep the Word before us constantly, it’s vital to our survival our Health and Wellness. 

Speaking the Word of God and thinking opposite of the Word is not Faith! Faith is simply taking God at His Word!! Let the Word of God permeate your entire being! Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing we have a moral obligation to speak in a manner that always brings Glory to God. Does a spring bring forth both bitter and sweet water?! 

As we have been being obedient to the Father in “Trusting His Plan” His absolute Perfect Timing. Daily saying Here I am, Father; Send Me! Closely walking out my Purpose and Destiny on this earth, ready to see manifestation of His Kingdom Age, the Harvest of good and bad seeds sown, bringing His judgement for all the crimes against humanity. Trusting and Resting in His Perfect Divine Plan. Waiting with Great Expectation for King Jesus and His Resurrected Saints to come and set up His Kingdom Reign. So, we can live life on this earth, in the Original Intent the Father has always desired for His Creation to live on the Earth, the very reason He created Us and for our Enjoyment! I’m so ready to come alongside Him and transform minds for the Kingdom of God! 

This Morning, He woke me up with timestamp of 4:24 which led me to Isaiah 42:4 the footnote in my Bible mentions Cyrus which I truly believe is Commander in Chief President Donald J Trump, Isaiah 42 continues to say that judgment will be established on the earth. Kingdoms will be defeated, and we will sing a song such as never been heard before.

The referencing verse led me to Romans 8:22-25 which verse 19 immediately came to mind, all of Creation is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God to be revealed…but oh verse 23  BUT WE TOO who have the first fruits of the Spirit, a joyful indication of the Blessings to come even WE groan inwardly as we wait eagerly the sign, the redemption and transformation of our body at the resurrection…verse 25 but if we hope for what we do not see, we wait eagerly for it with patience and composure which means a calm or repose esp. in the mind; equilibrium a state of intellectual or emotional balance…Repose means eternal or heavenly Rest!  Wow!! The Father is so intentional, I have been at this place of “groaning” waiting, hoping, everyday expecting to see the manifestation of everything the Father has plan for His Kingdom Age. Ready for the full apocalypse; the real meaning of the word apocalypse not the “shipped wreck faith” meaning, the way religion has taught that word as a catastrophic end!!! Nooo that is not the true meaning of the word apocalypse at all…it’s the Prophetic Revelation, to reveal, the disclosing of truth. The whole Truth, uncovering all the wicked crimes against humanity; a false narrative pushed by the ole Deluder satan the antichrist spirit deceiving mankind to push his lies and his false narrative. The enemy knows the truth of the Word of God better than most Christians, he has been using mankind such as priests, wicked kings, pastors, big pharma etc. to push the lies and get man to doubt the TRUTH of the WORD of GOD, his tactics have not changed since the garden, when he said to Adam and Eve “did God Really Say??!”

We are at Moment in Time… when the real Truth, the whole truth and all the exposure comes out, there will be nothing left to put your Faith or trust in BUT the One and only True Living God, King Jesus and His Holy Spirit and His Word.  

You see, Paul was correcting Timothy because he was teaching “the resurrection” had already passed, Yes, Jesus had been crucified and resurrected but the First Resurrection mention in 2 Timothy 2:18 is when King Jesus comes into the earth again for the second advent and brings the Resurrected Saints and we are supernaturally transformed into our refashioned earthly bodies Read Philippians 3:20-21 Acts 3:19-21 1 Corinthians 15: Ezekiel 37:11-14 Isaiah 26:19 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

Oh, Righteous Ones; do you see the vital importance of Trusting God and His Perfect Timing and His Original Intent living on Earth as it is in Heaven! 

The Father is going to completed wipe away every trace of evil and all the crimes against humanity and wipe our memory of all their heinous crimes. 

We will be living days of Heaven on Earth in our immortal, incorruptible, Supernatural, Transformed Spirit Soul and Body with King Jesus ruling and reigning in His Kingdom that will never again be destroyed! The antichrist (which is satan) will be bound and watching the Sons and Daughters of God created in His Image and His Likeness being Co-Creators with Him. The reason He Created Man and Woman in the first place! 

So Repent change your thinking, begin today to Think, Speak and Act like the Kingdom of God that is inside of YOU! We shall live happily ever after on earth as it has always been originally intended by Father God our Creator before the Foundation of the World. Read Ephesians 1:2-23  

Verses 9-10 He made known to us the mystery of His Will according to His Good Pleasure in Christ, with regard to the fulfillment of the times (that is, the end of history, the climax of the ages to bring all things together in Christ both things in Heaven and things of the earth…

The church age has ended, and the Kingdom Age has come!!

We’ve been watching the “Greatest Show on Earth”

It’s time for the “Grand Crescendo” we are the climax of the Show. Zenith the highest point reached in the Heavens, A celestial Divine Connection! Grand Finale!! 


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