Eagerly waiting the Resurrection! No longer shipwrecked!!
Oh how I love our Father the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He wrote out our Scrolls; our Destiny before the Foundations of the world. A couple of worship songs; I have on repeat these days; “Oil and Offering”…Your the Creator, so I know it will be good, Your the Author so my future is assured. …Make my life to look just like Your Heart! You’re my Father and I was made to look like YOU! I wanted to be Holy, like YOU are. The other is “Christ be all around me”…above and below, before and behind. In Every eye that sees me, Christ be all around me. Scriptures I have been praying over me and my Family. Colossians 3:12-17 Let the peace of Christ the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him. Let that Peace be the controlling factor in my heart, for this is the Peace to which we were called…Let His spoken Word have its home within you, dwelling in your heart and mind, permeating every aspect of your being. Whatever (no matter what it is) I do in word or deed do everythi...