"January 6th" Epiphany- an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being.

  • The other day the Holy Spirit instructed me to look up January 6th, this is what came up on Google. 
  • Over the past few years, since about 2018 I have come to realize that with God the Father everything is intentional, He has set His perfect plan, His Original Intent, His will on earth as it is in Heaven. He is so precise, perfectly plan, according to His Purpose. As much as the antichrist (satan) attempts to stop and prolong his ultimate destruction. God the Father will not allow anyone, or anything stop His Original Intent for all of His Creation. Jesus and His Blood guarantee that!!!
  • With that until the day of the LORD GOD'S Vengeance and His Complete restoration of all things, which in my personal opinion and the revelation the Father has been showing me, I believe is sooner that we might think....the enemy continues to push his antichrist evil false narrative and continues to use the same tactics, since the deception in the Garden, which is getting all of humanity to doubt and question the character of Father God, Jesus and everything He accomplished for us and the Power of the Holy Spirit living inside of Us. ya know "DID GOD REALLY SAY??!!" 
  • Do you think it was a coincidence that January 6th in 2021 known around the world as insurrection, the same day that is celebrated the commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Jesus the Christ to the Gentiles. 
  • The ole Deluder satan will do anything to attempt to steal the Glory due to the ONE AND ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, Yahweh Creator of Heaven and Earth. 

  • Google says January 6th is celebrated as Three Kings Day or Epiphany, a Christian holiday that commemorates the biblical story of the Magi visiting baby Jesus: 
    • Gift-giving
      Children receive small gifts in their shoes, or leave empty boxes under their beds for the Three Kings to fill 
    Dictionary says Epiphany meaning: Capital-ized- January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ 
  • 2 an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
  •  a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
     an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an eventusually simple and striking
     an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
     a revealing scene or moment 

 Middle English Epiphanie, borrowed from Anglo-French EpiphaneEpiphanieborrowed from Late Latin epiphanīa, epiphania "appearancemanifestationChrist's first manifestation (to the Gentiles in Western tradition)," borrowed from Late Greek epipháneia "appearancemanifestation (of God in the Old Testament, of Christ's first coming or of the Second Coming)," going back to Greek, "appearancecoming into viewmanifestation(of a deity to a worshipper), Christ's coming (in the New Testament), visible surfaceoutward showfame," noun derivative of epiphanḗs "coming into viewappearingmanifestevident," adjective derivative from the stem of epiphaínein "to showdisplay," medio passive epiphaínesthai "to come into view, be manifestedappear on the service," from epi- EPI- + phaínein "to bring to lightcause to appear," phaínesthai "to become visibleappear" — 

BUT GOD being Omnificent: unlimited in creative power. His Purpose, and His Plan will be fulfilled and no demon, antichrist spirit or satan himself can stop the Judgement and Justice and complete restoration of all things that is coming to usher in King Jesus and His resurrected saints and the entire Host of Heaven so we together with Him set up His Kingdom Reign on earth as it is in Heaven. Living life in the earth His Original Intent, the way He always precisely designed for us to live, since before the Foundation of the World. 

So, Get Ready, transform your Mind to think like the Kingdom of God, for One day soon, the Lord God will completely erase and wipe away every trace of memory of all they did, their evil wicked crimes against humanity. 

We will be ONE Nation, (entire World) under God, reigning in His Kingdom on this earth. His Kingdom that will never be destroyed!! His Kingdom end and His Glory will know No End.... 

and the entire world lived happily ever after!!!!!!! 


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