While everyone watches the Greatest Show on earth, Focus on MY RETURN
With all the events that have been taking place in USA with “Trump” and Our Nation. The day after assassination attempt of “Our God Anointed Commander in Chief Donald J Trump”
The next morning I was asking Father God how to pray and very strong in my Spirit He answered “As everyone watches the “Greatest Show on Earth” you O Daughter focus on My Return, and the Second Coming of My Son. It was very matter of fact.
He continues to give me timestamps on LORD YVHV bringing judgment on the wicked crimes against humanity, for it is truly Harvest Season for all the SEEDS sown, good or evil the Harvest Season has come. The True Apocalypse which is not what GOOGLE says or false pastors or teachers that have distorted MY WORD, controlling MY CHILDREN with fear mongering for “I AM” revealing, disclosing which is what apocalypse actually means!!!
Apocalypse means book of revelation prophetic disclosure which means disclosing, being disclosed to uncover to bring into the open to reveal.
For I shall be Known as a GOOD GOOD FATHER. So henceforth I am bringing My Righteous Judgment into the earth I will burn up all the wicked and their crimes against humanity. Then all the People on the earth, every Nation will Know I AM THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD, and every eye shall see My Son’s Triumphant Return, JESUS King of King coming into the earth to set up His Kingdom REIGN.
King Jesus, Resurrected Saints along with MY BRIDE will rid the earth of all rebellion, all who have allowed their Souls (Mind, Will and Emotions) and Body to be Contaminated, for does MY WORD not say, Your Body Soul and Spirit are MY TEMPLE for ME to Dwell. That each ONE of YOU should be found blameless at the coming of MY SON!
So remember the Word of the Lord God and Repent change your thinking anything that exalts itself over the Truth of MY WORD. YEA, VERILY I SAY…CEASE from listening to man’s opinion. SELECT today, to CHOOSE you this day whom you will serve….Good or evil, life or death, light or darkness? YOU CHOOSE!
For when the reapers come to separate the wheat from the tares, the Righteous REMAIN will be rejoicing and the wicked will be burned up by MY FIRE for all their crimes against humanity.
Finally, Once and For ALL ETERNITY the EARTH, I AM CREATED for MY Children will BE everything I CREATED it to BE!
FOCUS ON JESUS, LOOK UP for your Redemption has come!!!
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