We are the Voice of Heaven to the earth 🌍 invested with Royal Power (Decree) in the Mighty Name of Jesus and Authority of His Blood 🩸 and His Word.
Back in 2021, Father God have me Psalm 50:23 who so offers Praise Glorifies ME, and to him that ordereth His conversation aright will I show the salvation of God.
He explained He was asking of me to enforce His Word in the earth as it is in Heaven. HWE-Heavenly Word Enforcement. My Dad gave me the nickname “Poder” later in life I found out after reading Charles Capps book. God’s Creative Power. This Spanish version says El- God “Poder” creative power at work in Me. Christ in Me the Hope of Glory
Our words carry creative power, see Mark 11:23-24, Jesus said YOU HAVE WHAT YOU SAY.
Deut 30:15-20 Choose Life
Proverbs 18:21 Life and Death in the power of your Tongue and those who indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences.
Matthew 13 is all about the Seed which is the Word of God and we will reap what we sow by the words of our Mouth. See Galatians 6:6-9.
Faith is simply taking God at His Word. When a Son or Daughter of God begins to read the Word of God and know our purpose and why we were created. We will live the Life Jesus Purchased for us!!! Knowing we are created in His Image and His Likeness Genesis 1:26-28. Then boldly take the Word they read and declare and decree it, believing the Spoken Word of God above all of the circumstances and any situation in life. oh Righteous One, you will see the Words you speak begin to manifest. You with Your Mouth will create the Life, King Jesus accomplished for you. All of the Kingdom Benefits the whole Salvation Package.
This week were between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday. Look at Luke 19:38-48 Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna Hosanna in the Highest! Worshipping the King of Kings. King Jesus stopped in the middle of riding the Donkey. He said “I tell you if these keep silent, the very stones will cry out. (Ain’t no rock, 🪨 Going to cry in my Place) Then He wept, Exclaiming would if you had know personally, even at least in your day; the things that make for PEACE for freedom from all distresses, that are experienced as a result of sin. (Sin is unbelief) Trusting the word of man, over the Truth of the Word of God!! See John 16:7-15 Amp Classic
Peace- Shalom Sozo is complete, nothing missing, nothing broken, whole, happiness, prosperity, well being.
Psalm 46:10 says Be still and know I am God. Most people think that means be quiet. Still- in Hebrew actually means whole, healthy, not diseased, or injured. Not broken or damaged, defective containing all elements, whole hearted, all ones energy enthusiasm.
Tarmin- perfect, complete, whole, to walk continuously in the fullness of God’s Presence, which makes you whole and complete. Psalm 91 dwelling in the secret place!
Allowing the Spirit to dominate will divinely align your Soul-Mind,Will, and Emotions; therefore your Body will be in complete Health! Raising your Energy and Frequency by worshipping, reading the Word and Essential Oils plants created BY GOD for your Health and Wellness. You will become Complete in Him. Walking out everything King Jesus accomplished those 3 days He spent in hell, conquering and defeating all of hell and everything that pertains to the curse.
When Jesus stopped and wept, it was for the People, it was, even for our Generation. King Jesus knew what He was about to accomplish for all of humanity.
Please see Dake notes in the picture below…8 things they didn’t know…
Yet even today, I would say most Christian have no idea their identity or their purpose, so many go to Church week after week hoping and praying for rapture to happen to get us out of here. Ya know; the earth is going to hell in a hand basket.
Oh Righteous Friends; if that’s what you have been taught and that’s what you believe that Jesus is coming to take us up out of here; and Father God is going to hand this earth 🌍 over satan and all his demons. That He actually created for His Children to live the perfected days of Heaven on Earth. Psalm 24 WHO IS THIS KING OF GLORY, Hosanna in the Highest!
I truly believe “the Day of the Lord” is upon us, where Lord God is going to come into this earth and burn up all the wickedness, all those antichrist spirits allowing satan which is the “chief antichrist” spirit. Just like he deceived Adam out of the garden, he has been deceiving the church -Body of Christ for years! The wicked ones, are the ones pushing crimes against humanity. Like Pharaoh, Herod, Judas, they were all men in the earth that satan deceived them out of their identity and they stepped into the antichrist spirit allowing satan to dominate their spirit. See 1 John 2:18
There is a day of Burning Fire 🔥 coming, Lord God is burning up the wicked. The Day of Judgement, the Day of the Lord…Matthew 13 the wicked are burned up and just like in the days of Noah the Righteous Remain. He will remove the wickedness in a Day. Zech 3:10
Father God being the loving Father He is, and He knows this world has be deceived and talked out of what rightful belongs to them and most of the world has been taught wrong in Churches, Schools, Colleges because of a wicked antichrist pushed false narrative, to bring division and confusion to the Church, by the ole Deluder satan. Most of humanity has no idea, their true purpose in life. What Father God created them for!!
Todd White says it this way… What if the price Jesus paid was so high, it had nothing to do with my sin....just to get me to Heaven aka the Rapture.
The Price He paid was so high because I am supposed to know my purpose, what He created me for. So that I could become LIKE HIM to become "sozo"and live with the Mission of The Kingdom!!!! Commissioned to go about destroying the works of the devil.
Which is sickness, pain, poverty, it's very hard to destroy hell if you're thinking like it!!!
#micdrop 🎤 #ToddWhite
You see, satan doesn’t care if you get saved and go to Heaven, as long as you stay deceived out of knowing the REAL Power, Authority and Dominion that already belongs to YOU, because of King Jesus.
So because God so loves this world, He gave us Jesus, He is not… I repeat… Father God is not going to allow everything Jesus accomplished for Us, be made a mockery of ALL Jesus went to hell for! To give us all power and authority, He Already defeated satan and brought him to nought! Col 2:13-14, Eph 2:13-16, Heb 2:14-15
The church as a whole so quickly judge and throw stones, to those with addictions, sexual immorality, ya know all the so called “BIG SINS” remember earlier SIN is simply unbelief, failing to believe in the completed work of Jesus. Everything He accomplished to live days of Heaven on Earth.
So the Fire 🔥 coming to burn up the wicked, is also a Refiners Fire, Father God is going to have King Jesus come into this Earth with His Resurrected Saints, (most of those Saints in Heaven because Big Pharma and the lies and deception of the enemy, they are in Heaven because although they were Saved, as in they confessed Jesus as Lord but truly did not know their Blood Bought Rights and allowed the enemy to deceive them out of their purpose, the Book of Life the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit wrote out for them before the Foundation of the World) 🌎
So after Father God removes wickedness in a day. Because of the good or bad seeds sown. Matthew 13 and Judgement day Matthew 12:36-37 this world, as in everyone will give acct for every careless, useless word they speak. 🗣️ Good or Bad seed, we will all give account. With that tho, the minute we repent of our negative words, we are forgiven, those “words”drop null and void to the ground.
In other words, we are commissioned by God to say what He says, think His Thoughts, (1 Cor 10:4-5) Live Heaven in this Earth. His Will is His Word. Jesus never reacted to the enemy, He responded to the Father. He said what His Father Said!! He enforced God’s Word on the earth 🌍
The Refiners Fire 🔥 is going to burn up all the nature of the flesh, anything that exalts itself over the truth of the Word of God. Galatians 5:13-26 here we see in Black and white; those “big sins” we like to throw stones at… the Word also mentions, Strife and offense. Churches are full of back biting, bickering so called Lovers of Jesus, pointing out the speck in their neighbors eye 👁️ while having a log 🪵 in their own. Matthew 7 and James 3 one minute raising their hands worshipping Blessing with their Mouth and the next cursing someone who cuts in front of them in traffic.
When King Jesus comes to set up His Kingdom Reign on this Earth 🌍 with all of “us left” on the EARTH 🌍 (not the wicked antichrist spirited ones that were burned up) Because of all the TRUTH that will be exposed by Lord God. Ezekiel 14:21-23 We will all confess Jesus as Lord and we will Know there is ONLY ONE TRUE LIVING GOD there is none besides HIM.
Lord God as Judge..See Zechariah 6:1-8 Revelation 6
Revelation 18
We will not be rapture out of earth, we are going to be setting up the Kingdom Reign with King Jesus!
Then we will begin to live out the Millennial Reign where there will be Universal PEACE!!! the PEACE-FREEDOM from all distress, Jesus wept about all those years ago. And the one and only antichrist ole Deluder satan will be bound and watch the BODY OF CHRIST living on earth as it is in Heaven!!
After the Kingdom Reign is set up, King Jesus the Righteous Branch- Zechariah 8 and Revelation 19. King of Kings written on His Thigh, sword 🗡️ which is the Word of God in His Hand!
The Millennial Reign the 1000 years of satan watching King Jesus with the Body of Christ ruling and reigning in a Kingdom on earth 🌍 that will never be destroyed Daniel 2:44
King Jesus presents His Glorious Church to Father God who created Heaven and Earth…Psalm 24 and Psalm 50:12 Ephesians 5:26-27
Revelation 20 says old Deluder satan is released from his chains, for a “moment” to attempt to deceive the saints again, oh BUT GOD says Not today, not ever again satan Fire Falls from Heaven and Father God reveals to all the earth on that final day of Judgement, all the wicked, antichrist spirits are resurrected which were removed and He reveals that old Deluder satan was the one and only antichrist deceiving spirit and all of the wicked evil crimes against humanity will be judged and revealed to all of Heaven and all of earth will know, our Loving Father God never willing sent people to hell, they chose to go there. Read Revelation 20:11-15 the final judgement with the Book of Life opened and hell is opened up and everyone who chose not to believe and confessed satan as their lord, instead of Confessing KING JESUS as Lord, will be cast into hell for all of eternity!
Oh Righteous Ones then the New Earth and New Heaven established forever. The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit becomes all in all again and all of the Body of Christ with Holy Divine Trinity lives happily ever after!! 1 Corinthians 15:24-28
Maybe you question??? this Blog and the Revelation the Father by His Spirit has given me. My Righteous Friend, Take what I have written and ask the Holy Spirit to bring Revelation.
Ask yourself is what I know about the end times, the rapture what a man or woman has taught me (opinion of others) or what I know Holy Spirit divine inspiration??
Because I truly believe, through the Word of God and Holy Spirit Revelation you will “See” the Revelation I have shared.
Otherwise Jesus paid such a High Price!!! for the Church to live defeated, come rapture me up out of here. Because what YOU, Jesus did for me was not enough.
Father God is not going to allowed everything King Jesus went through to be mocked!
My Righteous Friend, I refused to belittle anything Jesus accomplished for ME, if He went to hell for me. I will live the LIFE He accomplished for ME on Earth 🌎 as it is in Heaven! Are you with ME?!
Let’s Make This Resurrection Sunday 2024, one that all of Hell trembles, because even the ole Deluder satan knows the final chapter.
We are HWE- Heavenly Word Enforcement!!! Enforcing God’s Word on earth as it is in Heaven!
According to 1 Corinthians 5:20 let’s be ambassadors for Christ. Footnotes in the Passion Translation says….
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, to be an ambassador for Christ means we are His Diplomatic Agents (HWE) of the Highest Rank sent to Represent King Jesus and authorized to SPEAK 🗣️ on His Behalf. We are the Voice of Heaven to the earth 🌍 invested with Royal Power (Decree) in the Mighty Name of Jesus and Authority of His Blood 🩸 and His Word. Revelation 12:10-11
HWE- Heavenly Word Enforcement.
What “Word” are you going to enforce in this Earth, the Truth of the Word of God or the lies, false narrative of what the ole Deluder satan says??!
Are you going to cast hell out of your atmosphere or are you going to think, talk and act like hell and choose to live a defeated life that KING JESUS already conquered for YOU??! Life and death in the power of your tongue. Your Tongue gives Heaven and His Angels access in your Life or Your Words give ole Deluder satan and the death angels access?! YOU CHOOSE!
Faith is simply taking God at His Word!!
Matthew 10 Mark 16 Luke 10 John 14
Pick up the Word of God, Spend Time in the Secret Place. Do Not Fear! Start today saying Jesus; Be my Lord, reveal to me My Identity, the Book YOU have written for Me. Bring Revelation of Peace Freedom all distress. Everything Jesus accomplished for Me!!
Happy Resurrection Week!!!
#HWE -Heavenly Word Enforcement
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