It is “I” the One who speaks Righteousness; I AM Mighty to Save!
Timestamp this morning 5:04 the Father led me to Jeremiah 50:1-5
“THE WORD that the Lord spoke concerning and against Babylon and concerning and against the land of the Chaldeans through Jeremiah the prophet: [Isa. 13:1-14:23; 47; Hab. 1, 2.] Declare it among the nations and publish it and set up a signal [to spread the news]–publish and conceal it not; say, Babylon has been taken; Bel [the patron god] is put to shame, Merodach (Bel) is dismayed and broken down. [Babylon's] images are put to shame, her [senseless] idols are thrown down! For out of the north there has come up a nation [Media] against her which will make her land desolate, and none will dwell there. They will have fled, they will be gone–from man even to beast.
verse 4 In those days and at that time, says the Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together; they shall come up weeping as they come and seek the Lord their God [inquiring for and of Him and requiring Him, both by right of necessity and of the promises of God's Word].
They shall ask the way to Zion, with their faces in that direction, saying, Come, let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.”
Jeremiah 50:1-5 AMPC
*****The god of baal has been thrown down! For don’t you know, you are FREE from This evil world system.
In those days and at that time they will come and seek the Lord their God inquiring for and of Him. His covenant that will not be forgotten. *****
Last night He led me to Isaiah 66:8,22-23
Vs 8 “Who has heard of such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Or shall a nation be brought forth in a moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children.
Vs 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which I make shall remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall your offspring and your name remain. And it shall be that from one New Moon to another New Moon and from one Sabbath to another Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.”
Isaiah 66:8, 22-23 AMPC
As I was typing this up, My Father God led me to Ezekiel 37:22
“And I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel, and one King shall be King over them all; and they shall be no longer two nations, neither be divided into two kingdoms any more. [Jer. 50:4.]”
Ezekiel 37:22 AMPC
LOOK 👀 AT the Reference verse!!! Oh Righteous Ones it is Jeremiah 50:4 that is total confirmation of what the Father is saying to my Spirit! My timestamp from this morning 5:04
From there Father led me too timestamp 60:8 which led me to Isaiah 63:1 Isaiah 11:10-11
“WHO IS this Who comes from Edom, with crimson-stained garments from Bozrah [in Edom]? This One Who is glorious in His apparel, striding triumphantly in the greatness of His might? It is I, [the One] Who speaks in righteousness [proclaiming vindication], mighty to save!”
Isaiah 63:1 AMPC
It’s time for my Ekklesia to stop SAYING WHEN GOD WHEN??!!! Instead by FAITH Declare and Decree 📜 THAT DAY HAS COME!!
Now let go to Isaiah 12 this is the chapter the Father gave me years ago, as I was listening to “This Kingdom” worship song 🎶 SHOUT ALOUD PEOPLE OF ZION FOR GREAT IS THE HOLY ONE AMONG YOU!!
WHO is this King of Glory??! Psalm 24 the Earth 🌍 and everything in it belongs to the Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth! 🌍 For Our Gods Reigns and He is Mighty to Save!!
Oh Righteous Ones; “that day” is upon Us! Do Not Fear; Righteous Ones for it shall not come near your Dwelling!! Psalm 91
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