Here I am, Lord. Send me! Obedience no matter the cost!
So this past Sunday St Patrick’s Day was the 2 year Anniversary of My Dad passing from Earth to Heaven and although I have the Word of God saying One Day He will pass over from Heaven back into Earth. 🌍 that Time is not quite yet! Jude 1:14 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10
On Monday was one of those days, oh how I wish Dad would have been a phone call away! My Dad was full of integrity, a good and honest Man, alway quick to forgive and expected His Kids to follow these characteristics. My Dad was an amazing Dad because He trained us up in the Word of God. Anyway a situation at work brought me to make a decision to resign today. After seeking My Heavenly Father all week, lots of tears and prayer. I was obedient to what the Father instructed me to do. A few months ago my hours were cut back in sales, and my Commission Checks just weren’t what they used to be. I asked the Father God regarding this and His response was, They voted in and are promoting evil agendas that exalt themselves against the Truth of my Word!
So I remained working for this Company however knowing that it would not continue to be Blessed unless they repented for their actions. You cannot promote evil agendas and expect the Blessing of the Lord to be upon you. Monday I realized I had a very tough decision to make.
So I sent my resignation this am. as my usual “go to” I spent the Morning in Worship and the Word of God. In my heart knowing I made the best decision to be pleasing to My Heavenly Father and honestly in my Spirit and Soul knew my Dad was smiling upon me too!
However as I sat with the Father, He began instructing me personally to email the CEO of the Company. Of course I immediately start questioning the Father, ya know saying “I’m not Holy Spirit” that’s not my part.
The Father’s response to me was; He is asking ME for wisdom and direction, so I am going to speak 🗣️ Through you, Jody!
So next thing I know I am typing up “ A Thus saith the Lord Word” to my as of today former Boss.
I sent the email as instructed by My Father! Of course as soon as I hit send, immediately the enemy liar deceiver satan comes to mind…saying Who to you think you are?! Giving a word like that! However the Truth is since 2014 I have very much respected this CEO and was honored to say I worked for such an amazing Company they had awesome Core Values. (Until 2020 truth started coming out) I Prayed often for Him and His Family! However knew they seem to be into all of the lies and deception the enemy through Big Pharma, News Media, and FAKE treasonous administration.
As soon as the thoughts came “what have I done” the Father reminded me of Jonah. He was instructed to “Give a Word from the Lord”
Balaam was instructed to give a word from the Lord. Esther as well to name a few. Father God sometimes uses Man/Woman to bring a Word.
Aha! The Father is Good, this brought Peace to my Heart! I was obedient. When the Father asks us for obedience He is asking for Complete Obedience.
Bobby Conner on Elijah Streams said Half Hearted obedience is just cloaked rebellion!
You see yes I could just give my resignation and walked away. Trusting God that He will provide, like He has always provided in the past!
For me to wake up everyday saying “here I am, Lord, Send me! But not be obedient to give the Word of the Lord. That my Righteous Friend is half hearted obedience. And just like Jonah ran, because He chose to run!! He ended up in the belly of the whale 🐳.
The Father loves when His children choose to trust Him, know they listen to His Voice.
Trust me I much rather be healing the sick, casting out demons and raise the dead. But today I was asked to give the “Word of the Lord” So I was happy to obey my Father. And will wake up again tomorrow….Here I am Lord, Send Me!
Another Confirmation the Father gave me after I sent that “Word of the Lord” Amy from @FLBeachBlonde put a word out today. Amos 7:14
“Then Amos said to Amaziah, I was no prophet [by profession]! Neither was I a prophet's son; [but I had my occupation] I was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore trees and a gatherer of sycamore figs. And the Lord took me as I followed the flock and the Lord said to me, Go, prophesy to My people Israel.”
Amos 7:14-15 AMPC
Amos sayin I am not a Prophet by profession…and with that I say the same…
Judgment is coming to our Nation upon the wicked ones. And it’s time for everyone to know, the Father knows and sees your Heart, He sees all who voted in a wicked administration that push an evil agenda that exalts things above the Truth of the Word of God!
Repent change your way of thinking, for the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND!
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