Know you’re Position
As I sat and worshipped this Morning…Listening to Glorify Thy Name. The Presence and Glory of the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit filled my Home. I stepped out on the Porch and worshipped, the Sun shining brightly on this Chilly Winter morning. Snow ❄️ glistening in my yard. I snapped a picture. As I looked at the pic up close, there was a Ring around the sun. It reminded me of Ezekiel when he talked about the wheels and Glory around the throne. (Eze 1:28)
Tears streamed down my face as I thought of the Holy Trinity, the Awesome Three in One! Knowing My Dad is really there, in their very Presence everyday, since St Patrick’s Day 3/17/2022. It makes me feel even closer to them, knowing He is with them.
I know my Spirit, Soul and Body carry their Presence in this earth. 🌍 But there is still that Revelation of seeing in the Spirit Realm. The Glory of His Majesty. In the Heavenly Realm where Angels cry; Holy Holy Holy, You are Holy. Revelation 4:3-9 Come up Here and I will show you what is to come.
As His Very Presence flooded my Room. Reading Ezekiel’s and Revelations acct of this Moment in Heaven. Holy Spirit took me on My Treasure hunt (Btw my Timestamp this am was 4:39 so Revelation 4:3-9) which also refers to Ezekiel 1:28 the wheel and Glory. Reading through chapters 1,2 and 3 verse 17. Son/Daughter of Man, I have appointed you as a watchman of Israel 🇮🇱 whenever you hear a Word from My Mouth, warn them for Me. This Verse references Isaiah 52:8, Isaiah 62:6. I wept with my Father knowing Isaiah 52:7-8 Isaiah 62:6. Oh how my Heart rejoiced with my Father, tears of Joy…Isaiah 52:7-8 in the Dake footnote's. I have carried this dream for years. It’s my Purpose, My Thesis the Reason the Father created me. I was born for such a time as this.
It’s the Psalm 24:1 the Earth is the Lord’s and Fulness thereof. Who is this King of Glory?! It’s King Jesus!!! All my life, I knew Jesus went to and through hell so I didn’t have to. Jesus is the Whole Salvation package, just like I don’t have to “work” for forgiveness of my sins, I don’t have to work for healing, I don’t have to work for my prosperity! Jesus the All-sufficient One already did it for Me!!! I just believe, I receive and It is mine. Now! Today! It already belongs to me!
Jesus already brought satan and his kingdom to nought. They have already been defeated and disarmed. The enemy cannot touch me, he cannot cross the Bloodline!
King Jesus already with His One Sacrifice accomplished and conquered it all. The Truth you know will set you free. Hebrews 10: says He sat down at the right hand of the Father, to watch His victory completed in the lives of every believer!
I say to My Church, My Ekklesia. I give you The keys of My Spiritual Kingdom commissioning you to reign with Me, in the earth realm. I give you the Chamberlain Anointing as seen in Isaiah 22, verse 22 to open doors or close them and whatever you encounter of hell’s kingdom, it’s leadership or it’s human surrogates in the earth realm. I have determined My Ekklesia will overcome and prevail against it. You will then face the decision as to whether you will forbid it or permit it. What transpires will be conditional to your reaction or response, if you purposely, faithfully engage yourself in forbidden and permitting, the issue voicing My will, in My name, you will find at the moment when you do; MY entire Kingdom will back you. Yes, all of heaven will back you. Matthew 16:18-19 Paraphrased in the Greek by Tim Sheets
The thing is most of the “Church” has no idea what already belongs to them. Read Colossians 2 verse 8 in the Passion Translation says “I want you to know this so that no one will come and lead you into error through their persuasive arguments and clever words.”Colossians 2:4 TPT footnotes say By implication, this error would be the teaching that Jesus is not enough adding something to the all sufficient Christ.
The church has failed, and just like satan deceived Adam and Eve out of what Already Belonged to them. The enemy has deceived the church into believing that what Jesus did wasn’t enough and the church has given too much credit to satan and his demons. Instead of knowing Jesus Already did it for the Church and He gave us all power and authority to rule and reign in this life everyday. But just like Matthew 16:18 says it’s totally up to YOU and ME to forbid anything that is from hell. We are supposed to be living on earth as it is in Heaven. So in other words, is sickness, poverty, sin, perversion in Heaven, then by the Power of the Blood of Jesus and the Word of our Testimony, we have a right to forbid it, in our Life on this earth. 🌍
His Kingdom Come, “His Will” Be Accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven! Matthew 6:9-10
So because the Church doesn’t know the Truth, the Word of God. The Lord God and King Jesus have a plan, to Usher in the Kingdom Reign. see Daniel 7:21-22. Just like the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit had the plan to send Jesus into the earth 🌍 to take back the Keys to the Kingdom. To take the earth back because this Earth belongs to Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit.
The Plan is set in motion, the Holy Trinity is about to remove all the Wickedness in a Day Zechariah 3:9 King Jesus and His Resurrected Saints are coming to join the Body of “TRUTH” Believers and we will set up the Kingdom Reign, that will never again be destroyed!
Then comes The Millennial Reign…The best is truly yet to Come!! Every Eye will see it and Every Tongue will confess King Jesus is Lord!
Oh Righteous Ones!! Know Your Position In Christ, Know Who you are in Christ and Know what you already have in Him!
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