
Showing posts from February, 2024

Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL!!!

Justice= reward or penalty as deserved. Liberty throughout the Land, our Jubilee Year! Leviticus 25:10 Jesus the Righteous Branch- the Government shall be upon His Shoulders. And His Kingdom there shall be no end! Zechariah 3:8-10, Daniel 2:44, Isaiah 9:6-7 Our Nation was founded on Godly principles by God fearing Men. They had an understanding and knowledge of the scriptures and understood the importance of covenants made with Father God the Creator of all the earth. 🌍 Psalm 24:1  • Mayflower Compact November 1620 The journey to the New World began in September 1620 and lasted two months. Burns connected it to the concept of “pilgrimage” found in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is, he said, “The idea that the journeys we make in the temporal world — to Mecca or Medina, to the holy places in Jerusalem, to the temple on the mountain — to the New World to look for heaven on earth — are at once a physical, temporal thing, and also a spiritual one.” Arguably the most famous pilgr...

Divine Alignment= Spirit, Soul and Body

Let’s talk Divine Alignment. When your Spirit Dominates your Soul (Mind, Will and Emotions) and Body. You will walk in Divine Health and Wellness.  Proverbs says the Spirit of a Man/Woman sustains every infirmity. Proverbs 18:14 Galatians 5:16-26 brings revelation of the differences between the Spirit dominating or Soul dominating. The Truth is when your Spirit dominates your Soul. You walk habitually in the Holy Spirit; because you’re seeking Him and being responsive to the Father God. Made in His Image and His Likeness. We honor Him and Bring Glory to Him when we make a decision to listen to His Spirit within us. Abiding in Him, Dwelling In His Presence there is fullness of Joy. He makes us joyful in the Joy of His Presence.  When your Spirit dominates the Soul and Body will naturally come into Divine Alignment with His Spirit in You.  Jesus never reacted to the enemy; He responded to the Father! EW Kenyon “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and throu...

Know you’re Position

As I sat and worshipped this Morning…Listening to Glorify Thy Name. The Presence and Glory of the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit filled my Home. I stepped out on the Porch and worshipped, the Sun shining brightly on this Chilly Winter morning. Snow ❄️ glistening in my yard. I snapped a picture. As I looked at the pic up close, there was a Ring around the sun. It reminded me of Ezekiel when he talked about the wheels and Glory around the throne. (Eze 1:28)  Tears streamed down my face as I thought of the Holy Trinity, the Awesome Three in One! Knowing My Dad is really there, in their very Presence everyday, since St Patrick’s Day 3/17/2022. It makes me feel even closer to them, knowing He is with them.  I know my Spirit, Soul and Body carry their Presence in this earth. 🌍 But there is still that Revelation of seeing in the Spirit Realm. The Glory of His Majesty. In the Heavenly Realm where Angels cry; Holy Holy Holy, You are Holy. Revelation 4:3-9 Come up Here and I will show y...