Yesterday Morning Holy Spirit said to me..."it shall not come near your dwelling" the first time He said it I listened casually. Then AGAIN He Said IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR YOUR DWELLING!!
This time my Spirit connected with what He was really saying…He lead me to Psalm 91. He that dwells in the secret place, You see; Our Father’s desire is that everyone dwells Him in the secret place. He absolutely loves “His Children” each one of us, To sit with Him, to Abide with Him, to Remain in Him. Relationship not religion. There is a huge difference!!!
The Father loves for our Spiritual Eyes and Ears to be open so He can speak ๐ฃ️ to Us daily!
Verse 8 of Psalm 91 says…You will only be a spectator as you look on with your eyes; and witness the divine repayment of the wicked as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High, BECAUSE YOU have made the LORD who is our refuge, even the Most High your dwelling place. No evil will befall you and your family. No plague will come near you!
Just like the Israelites in Exodus being held in bondage for over 400 years. When Father God said enough is enough, Let MY People GO!! He brought His judgement on the Egyptians. Every plague, every judgment the Lord God brought upon them, did NOT TOUCH the Israelites!
Darkness for 3 days, and SUPERNATURAL LIGHT ๐ก was on the Israelites Dwellings!!!
Y’all yesterday after the Holy Spirit very firmly said to Me…it shall not come near your dwelling!!! He led me to Revelation 14:14-15
“Again I looked, and behold, [I saw] a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud One resembling a Son of Man, with a crown of gold on His head and a sharp scythe (sickle) in His hand. [Dan. 7:13.] And another angel came out of the temple sanctuary, calling with a mighty voice to Him Who was sitting upon the cloud, Put in Your scythe and reap, for the hour has arrived to gather the harvest, for the earth's crop is fully ripened. [Joel 3:13.]”
Revelation 14:14-15 AMPC
FOR THE HOUR HAS ARRIVED!!! It’s time for Judgement to sweep the Nations.
Zechariah 14 says…
Behold the day of the Lord comes…verse 1
The Lord My God shall come and all the Saints with Him verse 5
Joel 3:13, Matthew 13, Luke 21:25-28, Ezekiel 14:21-23, Revelation 6, Zechariah 6,
Isaiah 35:2-4 “Say to those who are of a fearful and hasty heart, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance; with the recompense of God He will come and save you.”
Isaiah 35:4 AMPC
The Word of God says BE STRONG; FEAR NOT
It shall not come near your dwelling for the simple Fact you choose to daily stay in the Secret Place of the Most High!
Judgement is coming to the Nation, it’s been 404 years since America ๐บ๐ธ was founded. The Lord God is ready for Set HIS PEOPLE Free!
The Word clearly says, the Son of Man; KING JESUS is coming into the Earth for the Second Advent.
King Jesus is going to rebuild the Temple In Jerusalem. Ezekiel 43:7, Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 7:13-14, Zechariah 6:12-13, 14:4-5, Revelation 11:15, Revelation 20:1-10, 22:4-5
King Jesus reigning in this earth ๐ with His Resurrected Saints.
Y’all I didn’t say it…the WORD SAYS IT!!!
So Lift up your HEADS; FEAR NOT! OUR REDEMPTION draws nigh!!!
Lastly KING JESUS reigns in this Earth with US. Because according to Psalm 24 the Earth is the Lord’s and Fullness thereof! The Earth belongs to Our Father He created it for Us. His Desire is for His Children to live the life He Intended before Adam ever was deceived by satan. King Jesus reigning in this Earth with Us; so that He along with the Resurrected Saints and Natural Saints ridding the earth of all rebellion, so that one Day He will present His Church to Himself glorious, and Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit will be all in all again!! Ephesians 5:27,
1Corinthians 15:28
Perfected Eden Life, Perfect Life Jesus died for us to have on this Earth! Salvation wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, perfection, so disease, no lack. More than enough! Life in abundance to the Full.
If y'all believe that apocalypse is a catastrophic end, and Jesus is coming to rapture us up out of here…y'all haven’t read the Bible. My guess is you have heard teaching from a Man, and listen to Man’s opinion over reading the Word for yourself and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring full Revelation of the Book of Revelation!
King Jesus is not coming to rescue us up out of here, He is coming to set up His Kingdom Reign!
Acts 3:21, 15:15-16, Hebrews 9:28, Jude 1:14-15,
1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Romans 11:25-32,
2 Thessalonians 1:7-10
Ask yourself is what you know about “end times” something learned from Holy Spirit or is what you know Man’s Opinion!
I encourage your start today, pick up the Word of God and start daily dwelling in the Secret Place. Allow the Father to cover you with His Protection.
Because when Fire ๐ฅ from the sky starts burning ๐ฅ up the wicked. Your first reaction to be afraid, ๐ฑ Remember the Word is Truth. We are the Righteous ones (Anyone who has confessed Jesus as Lord) and just like in the days of Noah the Righteous remained and the wicked ones were destroyed.
So Lift up your Heads, DO NOT FEAR it shall not come near your dwelling.
These are the Days of the of discerning Righteous and the wicked, Between those who dwell in the secret place and the ones who don’t.
Could it be the “mark of the beast” is possible discerning those who have the Mind of Christ vs those who have the mind of satan?! Common Sense vs a woke liberal opinion. Truth vs Lie.
The Word says we are to Cast Down every Thought, Emotion that exalts itself over the Truth of the Word of God!! Let the Word of God be true and every man a liar!! What then does the scriptures say??! Who told you what you know?!
So My Friends “Dwell” Remain in the Secret Place. Choose today whom you serve, may you be found Righteous at the Coming of our Lord! Choose to dwell in the secret place!
Read Psalm 91 everyday with your Love Ones!
No fear! Faith over fear! Faith is simply taking God at His Word!
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