Do Not Fear… The Best is yet to come!!

 Fear Not! Do not Fear the Fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ in the Sky, for the Lord God will remove all the wickedness in a day. 

Judgment for all the evil crimes against humanity” the Lord God has been subpoenaed, to expose all the evidence. Lord God His Biblical “Apocalypse” not Googles definition. The Lord God will bring judgment for all those who made a mockery of His Son. 

The wicked ones burned up and the Righteous Ones remain. 

Then “Behold He comes riding on a Cloud” King Jesus with His Resurrected Saints setting up the Rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem- with His Replica in the USA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Happy Hanukkah ๐Ÿ•Ž it’s the celebration of the Rededication of the Temple. 

Where the Glory of the Lord fills this earth, for the Silver is Mine and Gold is Mine. “I Am’ about to shake the Nations” says the Lord God. 

Exposing all the truth, for they have burdened down “My People” 

Big Pharma with Dis-Ease injecting My Children with their Poison

IRS- with taxing MY PEOPLE

And Woe to the Shepherd’s for you have Burdened My People with your false teachings, passing My Offering Plates to line your pockets with riches that do not belong to You, the Tithe and First Fruits belong to “I the Lord God” 

Human Predatory Beasts performing horrific acts on MY CHILDREN, their  Blood is now on your hands. 

I the Lord God have given you time to repent, but you chose to continue to burdened My PEOPLE, so NOW your Judgement time has come. 

OH Righteous Ones, cry out OPEN THE SCROLLS, Worthy One, Open the Scroll ๐Ÿ“œ for MY HORSES have patrolled the earth ๐ŸŒ and NOW I the LORD GOD have all the evidence. NOW Salvation and Redemption has come to set MY PEOPLE FREE! 

MY KINGDOM TIME HAS COME. I shall remove every anti-Christ spirit and Every evil work. 

MY GLORY shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TO ALL HUMANITY! 


NOW Is the Time for the Day of the Lord God, the Second Advent of My SON, this second appearance will be greater than the first, for I shall have MY CREATION back, for the Earth and everything that is in it belongs to ME the CREATOR of all things! 

So do NOT FEAR, TRUST IN ME and you shall see the Greatest Show on Earth! ๐ŸŒ 




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