The Time of Restoration of all things has come!!!
I Am about to RESTORE, bring RESTITUTION, RECONSTITUTION, REVERSAL to MY EARTH, MY CREATION, then I WILL Appoint, Establish and Fulfill MY COVENANT, MY PLAN and MY PURPOSE in this Earth.
For the Earth is MINE! IT BELONGS to ME. CREATOR of all THINGS.
Lord God is about to set up His Kingdom Reign. He will crush and destroy all other Kingdoms and His Kingdom will not be destroyed!! Dan 2:44 Matt 24:29-31
His Kingdom, His Purpose, Be Fulfilled on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!
It's on EARTH Y'all…
What then does the Scriptures say?!
The whole Earth will know there is only ONE TRUE LIVIN GOD!
The Earth is the Lord's and Fulness thereof!! Psalm 24:1 Psalm 50
It belongs to Father God and He is NOT...I repeat He is Not, handing the EARTH HE CREATED for HIS Children over to satan, ai's, an evil government, big pharma, human trafficking, evil world system!!!!
King Jesus and His Resurrected Saints along with TRUE Believers those who truly take God at His Word...Will set up this Kingdom that will never be destroyed, the Millennial Reign!!!
Why is this time called the millennial generation it's because satan twisted the Word of God so much, get the church livin in fear, cryin Come Jesus Come rescue us!! satan doesn't care if you get saved as long as you stay sick, broke and defeated. As long as you don't know the Truth about Millennial Reign, the Kingdom Age of ruling and reigning in the Earth…And the Church continues to live defeated and belittle everything Jesus went to hell for. The truth is satan knows more about the Word than most of the church body!!
So my point is God the Father called this time Millennial Generation so People on the Earth 🌍 would keep speaking word "Millennial" and He would be able to come into this Earth and Set up His Original intent! The Word says satan is the god of this World meaning until a Child of God knows and has full revelation of Jesus and everything He accomplished for us. satan has every right to defeat you everyday of your life. Until YOU DECIDE to stand up in the Victory Jesus went to hell for. Know who you are in Christ.
Because Adam handed over to Man’s dominion over to satan, making him the god of this world. Father God sent Jesus to take back the dominion. However it’s up to us to read the Word of God, build relationship with Father God, Holy Spirit and Jesus daily so we know who we are in Christ and stand in the Victory Jesus already purchased for us. Therefore God the Father has to work through Us to bring His purposes and plans to pass in this Earth. We are His access point into the earth. So it is vital to know our Covenant we have with the Father. To know and have revelation of His will for us. To Know our Rights; the dominion we have been given.
So Father God has tolerated the evil on HIS EARTH long enough. He is about to come into this Earth and bring judgement for all the evil seeds sown. Separating the wheat from the tares He is about to burn up some things He will expose all the evil and Bring Redemption to His People! Matt 13 and Matt 24
We are going to be apart of setting up with King Jesus this Kingdom that will never be destroyed!! The Question is…Are YOU Ready?!
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