
Showing posts from September, 2023


 The day of the Lord God!  I will remove the wickedness from your Land in a day! Separating the wheat from the tares. Matt 13:22-50  Lord God of Justice! Day of Atonement! Harvest time!  I AM about to weed out MY GARDEN for the earth BELONGS to ME! I CREATED the EARTH for MY CHILDREN so they could have RELATIONSHIP with ME!  “Lord, can’t you hear my cry, my bitter complaint? Keep me safe from this band of criminals and from the conspiracy of these wicked men. They gather in their secret counsel to destroy me. Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison-tipped arrows shot from the shadows. They are unafraid and have no fear of consequences. They persist with their evil plans and plot together to hide their traps. They boast, “No one can see us or stop us!” They search out opportunities to pervert justice as they plan the “perfect crime.” How unsearchable is their endless evil! They try desperately to hide the deep darkness of their heart...

The Time of Restoration of all things has come!!!

 I Am about to RESTORE, bring RESTITUTION, RECONSTITUTION, REVERSAL to MY EARTH, MY CREATION, then I WILL Appoint, Establish and Fulfill MY COVENANT, MY PLAN and MY PURPOSE in this Earth.  For the Earth is MINE! IT BELONGS to ME. CREATOR of all THINGS.  Lord God is about to set up His Kingdom Reign. He will crush and destroy all other Kingdoms and His Kingdom will not be destroyed!! Dan 2:44 Matt 24:29-31 His Kingdom, His Purpose, Be Fulfilled on EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!!  It's on EARTH Y'all… What then does the Scriptures say?!  The whole Earth will know there is only ONE TRUE LIVIN GOD!  The Earth is the Lord's and Fulness thereof!! Psalm 24:1 Psalm 50 It belongs to Father God and He is NOT...I repeat He is Not, handing the EARTH HE CREATED for HIS Children over to satan, ai's, an evil government, big pharma, human trafficking, evil world system!!!!  King Jesus and His Resurrected Saints along with TRUE Believers those who truly take God at His Wor...

Check out my Rumble Channel--Spirit and Truth with the King's Daughter