Apocalypse- Doom and Gloom Or Apocalypse - Revelation of Truth??!! What then does the Scripture Say??!

  •  Jesus said in Matthew 6:9-10 Pray this way; Beloved Father God dwelling in the Heavenly Realm may the Glory of Your Name be the center on which our lives turn. Manifest Your Kingdom realm and cause every purpose to be fulfilled on earth as it is in Heaven. 

        Judgement on the Nations to establish the 
                    ****KINGDOM AGE****
  • I Am about to weed out My Garden. Father God actually has two appearances in this earth. 
  • This is 1st Coming of the Father into the earth. 
  • Day of the LORD God Daniel 7:9,13-14, 22 Zech 14:5 Titus 2:13 Seedtime and Harvest....Matthew 12:33-37 seeds sown by the words of our very own mouths. 
  • Angel Reapers Life and Death Angels Matthew 13:36-43 Job 1:6 Job 2:1 Reapers/ Sickle -Revelation 19:14-20
  • As in the days of Noah - Righteous Ones Remain Genesis 8 and 9 Matthew 24:38-41
  • One will be taken out in judgement. The other will enter the Kingdom, Christ will establish in earth.
  • So it will be at the end of the age . Angels come to separate the wicked from the righteous Matthew 13:49-50
  • Righteous Judgement of all the evil sown I will remove wickedness in a day. Zech 3:8-10          Isaiah 13:6-12 Judgement for all the crimes against humanity. 

        ****What about these 4 Horses****
  • 4- Horses of the "apocalypse" this word a false narrative google definition is complete and final destruction; world event involving destruction, damage on a catastrophic scale. However, the Webster Dictionary definition is to disclose, revelation prophetic, to reveal something hidden, to expose and draw back the veil. Revelation 6:1-8 Also Ezekiel 14:21-23
  • 4- Horses represent the four judgements for the evil harvest 
  • White Horse- Jesus Conqueror His Sword-Bow in the Greek epaggelia means Promise= Word of God. the Word is the Sword of the Spirit. Judgement for every evil lie, false narrative that exalts itself over the truth of the Word. 
  • Red Horse-Purity, Innocence, the Blood. Judgement will be for every aborted baby, all the blood of the human sacrifices, satanic rituals, human trafficking. 
  • Black Horse- Silver and Gold belongs to the Lord Haggai 2:5-9, Prosperity. Judgement will be on the evil world system, debt and lack, bondage of hard work. paycheck to paycheck living. deceiving people out of their inheritance. 
  • Green Horse- Leaves of the Trees for healing, Jesus carried every sickness and every disease. Judgement will be on Big Pharma, Vaccines Greek word pharmakeia drugs/medicine                Rev. 18:21-24         
  • Revelation 6:15-17 Judgement the Great Day of the Lord God. 2 Thess 1:5-9, 2:3-4 Micah 1:3

            ****** KINGDOM AGE****
  • Righteous Branch***Righteousness Restored** Divine God Like Government Reigning in Righteousness. Isaiah 11:1-10 Jeremiah 33:14-18 Zechariah 4:8-10
  • All Debt Cancelled God says So Deuteronomy 15:1-2
  • Peace and Prosperity Zechariah 8:12 Zephaniah 3:20
  • Davidic Covenant 2 Samuel 7:18-29

  •  **** SECOND ADVENT****
  • *****King Jesus & His Resurrected Saints**** Revelation 19:11-16
  • At this time Father God as LORD God comes to help Christ (Anointed One’s) defeat and destroy the anti-Christ kingdom. Daniel 7:22 see Dake reference. Then Father God gives the Kingdom over to His Son and the Saints. 
  • Christ will then be King over all the earth.
  • The Father goes back to Heaven to remain for the first 1000 years of the eternal reign of  Christ and until He has rid the earth of all rebellion. Eph 1:10
  • Our Redemption has come...Luke 21:25-28 Webster Dictionary definition for Redemption to redeem: to buy back, pay off mortgages, to convert paper money into coin 
  • Complete Restoration of all things. Acts 3:19-26 Greek word apokatastasis a complete restoration.
  • Resurrected Saints and Natural Saints reigning as Kings and Priests in this earth. Revelation 5:10, Isaiah 61:6 Isaiah 60:1 Isaiah 26:19-21 Eze 37:13 Matthew 24:31
  • The fall of Man doesn't do away with the original plan to replenish the earth. 
  • Eden Life Perfection Genesis 1:26-28 Ezekiel 36:35-36 
  • All of Creation is waiting for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God Romans 8:19, Daniel 7:18 Patriots 

  • ***Millennial Reign***
  •    Revelation 20 
  • Original Intent Perfected Eden Life. the reason Father God created the earth. the natural earthly nation who lived through the tribulation (2016-2023??) period, through to the Millennial Reign will multiply and replenish the earth carry out the original program of Father God on earth as Adam, if satan had not deceived them out of the garden. 
  • Essential Oils Revelation 22:2 
  • Cleanse the water fresh and clean water Ezekiel 47:12
  • Psalm 8 You have crowned us with Glory and Honor. 
  • satan bound for 1000 years to watch the Sons and Daughter’s of Father God living the perfected life He created for Us to live on Earth as it is in Heaven!!

  • Ephesians 5:27 Present the church to Himself in Glorious Splendor, without spot or wrinkle. Set apart for Father God. 
  • Dake Reference Daniel 7:22 The 2nd Coming of the Father God to the earth will be at the end of Millennium when Jesus Christ and His Body (The Triumphant Church) has rid all the rebels.
  • ****Father God made all in all again 1 Cor 15:22-28**** Father, Jesus Holy Spirit are One. no longer separated. 
  • The Earth is the Lord's and fullness thereof the world and all the inhabitants.   
  • Psalm 24:1 Psalm 50:10-12 Psalm 72:19 Psalm 89:11 
  • For the Earth is the Lord's and everything that is in it. 1 Cor 10:26

 Father God; Created this earth so He could have relationship with all of Mankind. satan deceived Adam and Eve out of a perfect Garden of Eden Life, therefore losing the authority and dominion the Father gave them to reign this Life. By handing over the authority over to satan. satan became the "god of this world". So, Father God sent Jesus to take back the authority and dominion. Jesus defeated satan and all of his power to harm us, He brought him to nothing, He completely annihilated him and conquered hell. Luke 10:19 Colossians 2:13-15 Mark 16:15-20 John 14:12 Jesus gave all power Greek word exousia meaning Superhuman, mastery. Authority and dominion back to "the Church" His Body. Matthew 16:18 Upon this Rock I will build my Church and the Gates of hell will not prevail against Us. Anyone who believes "end times of destruction" on a catastrophic scale, and Jesus is rapturing the church out of this earth; You, My Friend; truly don't know who you are in Christ, and everything Jesus accomplished for you. You, Lack understanding and revelation of the Truth of the Word of God.  Pastors who preach this message (doctrine of demons disempowering the Body of Christ. Diana Larkin). whether intentional or unintentional. Ezekiel 34. The Word of God clearly states that; the World and everything in it belongs to Father God, why on earth would He hand this World over to satan, after Jesus already defeated him and then not allow King Jesus to present Himself, and His Glorious Church!!! 

"CHURCH" It's time to take your Place, Take off the masks, stop listening to the lies of any Man; that goes against the Truth of the Word of God, Take your Rightful, Blood Bought, Child of the Most High God and Stand in Jesus Christ's Victory, that He already accomplished for you and your Family.

I pray the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to come upon you and you will know Spirit and Truth which is the Word of God and ask the Father to bring you a deeper Revelation of the Truth of His Word and that book of Revelation is actually the Best Action Movie ever to be seen or read.... Good always wins over evil. Light always overtakes the darkness and Father God King Jesus, Holy Spirit and the Glorious Church lives happily ever after!!! The End. 



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