What is your Truth? Holy Spirit inspired or a false narrative Man had taught you?
The “truth” you know!! Is it based on the foundational Truth of the Word of God, or is it something that was taught to you by a Man, who could indeed be teaching a wrong, false narrative! 🤔
Example: Google search 🔍 the word apocalypse…says the complete final destruction of the World. An event involving destruction; damage on a catastrophic scale.
Webster Dictionary apocalypse meaning to disclose; prophetic disclosure; revelation.
Disclose: uncover; to bring into the open, to reveal which means to make known, something hidden; secret
Hmm 🤔 two very different narratives.
Could it be satan pushes the false narrative apocalypse through false teachers, Google, “AI” to keep the world deceived on what, the Book of Revelation, rapture, end times is really all about??
I believe. The Day of the Lord is at Hand…Second Advent…Friends, this is not a Rescue Mission.
Matthew 24:29-41 the BIBLE says it is like the days of Noah, one will be left and one taken.
Remember Noah and His Family the RIGHTEOUS ones were saved in the earth, the wicked were destroyed.
Why are they going to be destroyed?? because of Seed Time and Harvest. They chose to sow “evil” seeds. Therefore the LORD God is about to have “His DAY of Judgement” He will judge us for every good or bad seed sown. Life or death choose Life, Jesus said YOU have what YOU say. So the Day of the LORD….He will remove all wickedness of this nation in a Day.
The “wicked” who are destroyed, are the ones who “chose to live” for satan. Ya know crimes against humanity!
Not to be confused by Ones who are “deceived” by satan. In other words he deceived them; out of their destiny, their thesis, and the Purpose Father God created them for!
You see all my life being raised in Church…the Rapture, the Left Behind teachings taught us that, the Church”Righteous Ones are being “rescued up” to Heaven.
When the Truth is, and what I have learned from the Word of God, Holy Spirit, Jesus and Father God speaking and revealing to me is….
Get ready this is about to completely change a very religious mind set.
But before you cast a stone, ask yourself is what you know about “end of times” teachings, is revelation; Holy Spirit inspired or what Man has taught you?
Since 2019 the Father has def given me scriptures and verses that have truly changed my false wrong narrative teaching.
King Jesus and His Resurrected Saints along with His Mighty Angels are about to appear in this earth and every “Eye will See King Jesus” in all the Father’s glory. All the evil people and their evil seeds sown, will reap the harvest of burning 🔥 up the wicked Ones and all of their wickedness will be destroyed! Their Minds filled with the lies of the antichrist spirit “the mark” on their foreheads!
Do not Fear the Fire 🔥 in the Skies!
For they, themselves brought this judgment upon their heads!
The Natural earthly Saints; the Righteous Ones, those with the Mind of Christ! Marked on the forehead with the Truth of the Word of God, they consciously made a good choice and casted down every thought that exalts itself over the true knowledge of Word of God!
So King Jesus His Resurrected Saints “caught up”with “His Body” in this Earth, will reign as Kings in the EARTH!
Webster meaning…
Caught: means to catch; one of the meanings of catch: is attracting attention, to fascinate, to understand to become popular.
Up:means in a higher position or level
His Kingdom will Come and it shall be established. His Kingdom will know know end. Our Redemption has come. Redemption means to redeem to redeem means to buy back, to pay off mortgages, to convert paper money into coin (Gold&Silver)
Then after all rebellion is put down, exposed and all their evil secrets disclosed. The Lord God has removed all the wickedness in a day!
His Children will have been redeemed from the evil world system. Silver and Gold in the hands of the Righteous!
Que the Millennial Reign 1000 years of Glory of God on earth as it is in Heaven. satan the one who has been the “god of this world” since the garden, will be bound, chained by the Angels and be forced to set back and watch the Children of the Most High Father God, Rule and Reign in the earth as Kings. Teaching the world their purpose and identity, bringing the Truth of Salvation to all the world. Eden Life the Original Intent!
As I was talking to the Father regarding this Truth, He had been revealing to me…I was like Father this goes against pretty much every teaching; I have ever heard, He lovingly responded back, it’s no different than when you used to believe “Sometimes I don’t Heal” when My Word clearly states differently. For “I am the Lord God”that heals thee! I Am always Heals; The choice of where a person receives their healing depends on them, Not Me! Because I already sent My Son to carry every sickness and every disease. You have MY WORD on it!
1 Cor 15:24 and Revelation 20:7-10 says after that end comes satan will be released for a short moment, he will attempted to deceived again BUT when he and his demonic angels encamp around the Saints…fire 🔥 comes down from Heaven and consumes them, then satan is thrown into the lake of fire 🔥 sent to hell for all eternity!
And Here comes the Happily ever After…Jesus will then present His Body, the GLORIOUS CHURCH to the Father. So once again The Father will be all in all again!
Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit will reign together as before sin ever existed.
For everyone out there who has always heard a different false narrative on the Book of Revelation…ask yourself this question…what Does the Word say…God so loved the world 🌎 He sent Jesus to suffered, to defeat and conquer death, hell and satan and what Does the Word say…in the beginning God created the world so He could have fellowship with His Children and He created Male and Female so He could have relationship with Us, so He could walk with us in the cool of the garden…
So,Why on earth 🌍 would Father God; just hand this earth, that He created and made Us to be co-Creator with Him🌍 over to satan for catastrophic destruction???!!!!
Psalm 24:1 says the earth is the Lord’s and Fullness of it!
Psalm 50:10 Every animal is Mine and a cattle on a 1000 hills, I Am knows every bird on the mountain and everything that moves in the field is Mine, for the World and all it contains are Mine! The Earth BELONGS TO FATHER GOD!
1Cor 15:24-28
King Jesus delivers “HIS KINGDOM”to Father God…
For King Jesus has put all things under His feet. But when He saith; all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted. which did put all things under Him. And when all things are subdued unto Him.Then the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that Father God may BE ALL IN ALL!!
We are about to see the Greatest Show on Earth!!
Know the Truth! Truth is the Word of God! The Truth you know, will set you free!!
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